Element of Air


       The Element of Air is attached to the Signs Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius. It also rules the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses.  It is
rarefied air which usually surrounds those graced by this Element, as
this is the marker of the  intellectual. Airy people are smart thinkers
and handle abstract reasoning well. They love to analyze, synthesize and
probe. Do you have a dilemma? Hand it over to an Air Sign and watch them
go to work.  Air Signs are also about communication. These individuals
want to get the word out, and it's not likely to be fluff. They are
alert, curious and perceptive. The world as seen by an  Air Sign will be
an interesting one, as their analysis and
 subsequent explanation (hopefully in terms we can understand) will
indicate. Those influenced by Air are inventive and clever. They see all
sides of the equation and are able to glean the best approach. Balance
is important to these airy folk.  So, are Air Signers fresh as a summer
breeze or howling
 like the wind? Probably both, depending on when you catch them. While
these folks are often cool, calm and  collected, they can turn cold if
their equilibrium is upset. A word to the wise: there's little upside in
baiting an Air Sign.  Another plus with Air is that it manifests itself
in a most humane way. Those influenced by Air can truly wear another's
shoes, as it were. They are objective, cooperative and really want to
help make a better world. There's no prejudice with these folks, just a
bright and shiny idealism which can accomplish much.  Air Signs are
communicative, intellectual, clever and fair.  They can blow hot and
cold, though, so beware of a chilly draft!

Air - The Element

Air is the element of the intellect: it is the realm of thought, which is the
first step toward creation.  Magically speaking, air is the clear,
uncluttered pure visualization which is a powerful tool for change.  It is
also movement, the impetus that sends the visualisation out toward
Without air our planet would be a lifeless globe.  No life as we know it
could exist without the combination of gases with which our planet is
fortunately supplied.
Though are is invisible it is an essential part of life.  It is not only
necessary for life to continue, it also affects our lives in often dramatic
ways.  Since it is invisible yet so powerful it has been used in spells and
magic for eons and it also has found its way- through the winds- into the
folklore and mythology of peoples around the world.
It rules spells and rituals involving travel, instruction, freedom, obtaining
knowledge, discovering lost items, uncovering lies and so on.  It can also be
used to develop the psychic faculties.
Spells involving air usually include the act of placing an object in the air
or dropping something off the side of a mountain or other high place so that
the object actually connects physically with the element.
Air is a masculine element, being dry, expansive and active.  It is the
element that excells in places of learning and which is at work while we
theorise, think and ponder.
Air rules the East ...and its season is Spring.
Air governs the magic of the four winds, most divinations, concentration and
visualisation magick.
One point of caution: Air magic can be as unpredictable as the winds




ENERGY: Projective

GODS: Enlil, Thoth, Shu

GODDESSES: Aradia, Nuit, Urania, Athena

SPIRITS: Sylphs, Sprites


SEASON: Spring


ZODIAC SIGNS: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

HERBS: Lavender, Dill, Myrrh

GEMSTONES: Amethyst, Sapphire, Citrine, Topaz, Alexandrite

COLOURS: Pale Blue, Yellow, White, Silver, Grey, Pastels

ANIMALS: Hawks, Eagles, Owls, Insects

PLANTS/TREES: Pansy, Clover, Pine, Almond, Leaves in general

PLACES: Hills, Mountain Peaks, Treetops, Cloudy Skies

TOOLS: Tarot Cards, the Athame, Runes, Wand, Censer, Bell

SENSES: Hearing, Smell

MAGICK TYPES: Wind, Prophecy, Visualisation, Telepathy, Divination

MAGICKAL SYMBOLS: Clouds, Circles, Chimes, Feathers, Flowers

MAGICKAL ASSOCIATIONS: Imagination, Learning, Inspiration, Thought,
Intellect, Consciousness, Creativity, Wisdom, Illumination, Awareness,
Divination, Travel, Harmony


1. Magickally speaking, Air is clean and pure and is the perfect means by
which to send messages, (carried by the wind)

2. Air is the element of divinity, concentration, imagination, visualisation,
and communication.

3. Air is the medium by which visualisations can lead to manifestations.

4. A person high in Air energy has the ability to make educated decisions and
can remain calm during stressful times and crisis.

5. Air allows imagination, the places where anything can happen.

6. A person high in Air energy is creative, inspired and lead by dreams. A
person low in air energy is unable to visualise or dream.


Air, the element of motion, is dry and expansive. These characteristics categorize air as a masculine element however; air is also light and refreshing. Ever changing, air propels clouds, cools the skin with gentle breezes and supports the flight of birds. In contrast, air can also be destructive. Tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis are all aspects of air's more ominous power.

Activities of the mind are governed by the element of air. Learning, knowledge, psychic work, divination and concentration all fall under air's influence. Without this element, visualization magic would never be possible. Air permits visualizations to become manifest by thoughts into action.

As a carrier, air allows the body to be nourished by providing blood with much needed oxygen. Also in its role as carrier, air affects one of our dearest senses. By transporting vibrations to the eardrum, the element of air makes hearing possible.


Direction - East

Zodiac Signs - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Raphael the Archangel

Season - Spring

Occult Tools - Wand, Incense Censer, Sword, Athame

Color - The Yellow of Dawn

Spirits of Air, including Faeries, Sylphs, and Zephyrs

Places - Airports, Libraries, Mountaintops, High Places, Sky, Bluffs

Stones - Light and Transparent Stones, Citrine, Crystals, Amethyst, Mica, Pumice, Meteorites

Musical Instruments - Chimes, Bell, Flute, All Wind Instruments

Trees - Alder, Aspen, Birch Pine

Plants - Lavender, Myrrh, Clover, Violet, Frankincense, Dandelion

Animals - Flying insects, Birds

Goddesses - Nuit, Aradia, Oya

Gods - Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, Zephyrus

Metals - Copper, Tin

Day of the Week - Wednesday

The planet of Neptune

Tarot - Suit of Swords, Wheel of Fortune Card, Hermit Card

Foods - Coffee, Honey, Souffle, Whipped Foods, Fowl

The East corresponds to the element Air, to the mind, dawn, spring, to
pale, airy colors, white and violet, to the eagle and high-flying birds,
and the power of knowledge. It is connected to the rising of the sun and
moon. East is the portal to enlightenment. Some Witchcraft Traditions
orient their alters toward the East, while others have them facing
The North is believed to be the most powerful direction. The reason for
this belief is because the sun never touches the Northern Hemisphere, so
it is considered the direction of the Mystery, of the unseen. The North
Star is the center, around which the skies revolve. Many altars in
Witchcraft face North, or are in that quarter. North corresponds to the
element Earth, to the body, to midnight, winter, brown, black, and green
of vegetation. From North comes the power to keep silent, to listen as
well as speak, to keep secrets, and to know when not to say. In many
mythologies North is where the gods live. Many of the Celtic gods were
associated with north. The Etruscans placed their highest gods and
goddesses at the North.
The South corresponds with the element Fire, to energy or spirit, to
noon, summer, fiery reds and oranges, to the solar lion and quality of
will. From the ancient occult it became the quarter of astral elementals
known as salamanders.
The West corresponds to the element Water, to emotions, to twilight,
autumn, to deep blues, and sea greens, to sea serpents, dolphins, fish,
to the power or strength to dare. It is from the West that one receives
the courage to combat one's deepest feelings. The West also is the
portal to the Underworld or the Summerland.

Air is the element of the intellect; it is the realm of thought, which is the first step toward creation.  Magickally speaking, Air is the clear, uncluttered pure visualization, which is a powerful tool for change. It is also the movement, the impetus that sends the visualization out toward manifestation.  It rules spells and rituals involving travel, instruction, freedom, obtaining knowledge, discovering lost items, uncovering lies and so on.  It can also be used to develop the psychic faculties.  Spells involving Air usually include the act of placing an object in the air or dropping something off the side of a mountain or other high places so that the object actually connects physically with the element.  Air is masculine, being dry, expansive and active. It is the element that excels in places of learning, and which is at work while we theorize, think and ponder.  Air rules the East because this is the direction of the greatest light, and the light of wisdom and consciousness. Its color is yellow, the yellow of the Sun and the sky at dawn.  Air governs the magick of the four winds, most divination, concentration and visualization magick.


Direction - East - Place of Sunrise

Name of East Wind - Eurus                                      
Energy - Projective
Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ritual Work - The Mind, All mental, intuitive and psychic work, knowledge, abstract learning, wind and breath, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal knowledge, plant growth, intellect thought and growth, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things, psychic abilities, instruction, telepathy, memory, to contact the angels, the ability to know and understand, to unlock the secrets of the dead, Zen meditation, brainstorms, beginnings, illuminations
Places – Mountain tops and high mountain peaks, wind-swept plains and hills, cloudy skies, windy beaches, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's office
Colors – White, Bright Yellow (of the sun, the sky at dawn), Crimson, Light Blue, Pastels
Ritual Forms - Tossing objects into the air, Suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, visualization, positive thinking
Basic Nature - Floating, movement, fresh, intelligent, suspending.  Sound is a manifestation of this element.
Point in Life - Infancy
Types of Magick Ruled - Divination, concentration, visualization, wind magick, prophecy, karma, speed, songs and chants, scrying, any Spellwork.
Time of Day - Dawn
Season - Spring - The time of freshness.
Moon – First Quarter
Magickal Tools – Athame, Sword, Censer, Creative Visualization, Wand
Spirits - Sylphs, Zephyrs and Faeries who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes and mountains.
Archangel - Raphael
King - Paralda
Senses - Smell and Hearing
Stones and Jewels - Topaz, light stones such as pumice, transparent, such as mica. Yellow fluorite, crystals, amethyst, alexandrite, yellow or blue stones. Rainbow Stones.
Metals - Tin and Copper
Incense – Galbanum, Frankincense
Plants and Trees - Frankincense, Myrrh, Pansy, Primrose, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow, Pungent, Dill, Airy, Finely veined or windswept; generally leaves. Lavender Aspen
Animals - Birds, especially the eagle and the hawk, insects, spiders, raven.
Goddesses - Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania
Gods - Enlil, Kheohera, Mercurym Shu, Thoth
Attracted By - Oils and Incenses
Musical Instruments - Flute, all winded instruments
Symbols - Sky, Wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees
Astrological Rulers – Jupiter, Mercury
Magickal Virtue – To know
Attributes – Masculine/androgynous, active/mediating, neutral/conductive, warm and moist
Rules – The mind, intellect, reason, intuition, abstract thought, knowledge, inspiration, movement, balance, harmony, justice, theory, understanding, breathing, speech
Virtues – Sociability, diligence, optimism, dexterity, persuasiveness, friendliness, health, knowledge, adroitness, kindness, cheerfulness, independence, joyfulness, lucidity, rationality, cleverness, adventurousness.
Vices – Frivolity, boastfulness, absentmindedness, loquacity, ruthlessness, easy distraction, contemptuousness, intellectualizes rather than feels.
Alchemical Symbol – Invoking pentagram, banishing pentagram
Affinity – The mental plane

 About Air
 Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, memory, knowledge, persuasion, birth and friendship, freedom, clarification and expression. A low Air person seems without any direction and unable to define nor visualize any future and cannot reason out the alternatives and objectives. A high Air person is at ease in complex situations and can sit and think things through, and can carry through with decisions.

 Air is like human feelings and thoughts. Opinions, values, and thoughts, like air, rise, fall, shift, have gusts, and die down.  The casting of spells, invites change, like changes in the wind. So ritual then matches nature.

Its feelings are moist heat, its season is spring, its direction is East/Mental, the symbol is the Wand, Athame or the smoke of the incense. Its colors are white, light blues, yellows and green.  Moon phase is the First quarter and its time is Dawn.

Different types of Air Magick include Visualizations. An important tool in any magick work, it makes the events happen. For this type, it is important that all the other factors such as color, time, the moon phase, winds, etc., are all in balance. And to have the other tools working such as incense and candle burning, or even the right tea or wine to drink in the background.  This is because you need to "fix" or "ground" the images or ideas you are using in your visualizations.

Our thoughts are extremely powerful, as are our Words. Words can be put together in such a way as to form spells, or used in channeling your power.  Words give rise to our desires and released upon the winds for attainment.  Created and repeated with intensity and concentration is a powerful magick in itself. You do not have to be an accomplished linguist to accomplish this, just a simple sentence will do. It creates an atmosphere of concentrated awareness and strength. Can be used in moments of stress or fear, and will create the magick itself. It does not have to be said aloud - say them to your self if need or want be.

Another Air Magick is Mirror Magick. It can help in overcoming inner problems and also help with difficult personal decisions. It uses both the word and visualization forms in its use and can also aid in being able to visualize a future event. Sometimes, used as a scrying Tool, in which you are able to "see" possible future events.


About Wind
Some say that the "calling" of the craft comes to them in from a voice in the wind.  English witches would whistle 3 times in the direction they wanted a wind to come from at dawn.  Scottish witches can raise wind by dipping a rag in a brook and beating it on a square stone 3 times.  Finnish witches sold wind to sailors with use of a knotted rope.

East wind- new adventures, courage, patience clarity
South wind- love, imagination, harmony with relationships
West wind- erases doubt, fear, envy, hate; restores hope, and confidence
North wind- wisdom, protects, intuition, spiritual strength

RAPHAEL: archangel of air
Colors: yellow and blue
Carries: caduceus wand
Time of day: dawn
Raphael was from the Mediterranean Seacoast (Ugarit), and was an Archetype before he became an angel.  He is known as the Prince of 2nd heaven, the Guardian of the Tree of Life and Angel of the Sun. He is a guide to the underworld and an angel over magickal tools.  He heals the Earth of sickness and imbalances. His energies are of love, prayer, compassion and honor. He thrives on jokes and laughter.  He is patron to those starting new spiritual paths, doctors, travelers and the blind.


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