Contemplative Meditation for Tarot

Contemplative Meditation for Tarot

Rather than write a separate meditation for each tarot card and number, I
decided it might be simpler to discuss a contemplative manner in which to
approach a method for meditating on each of the tarot cards we will be
studying.  Remember to do your meditation in a way that feels comfortable for
you.  Feel free to use this simply as a guide to help you to discover a way to
access your inner knowing.  You can refer to this meditation format for each
individual tarot card as we encounter it.  


Choose a moment when you can devote the energy and awareness and
decide your intent.  Decide what will help you focus on the card -- should you
light a candle, will music help (or hinder), do you need to establish a
protective space?  Next, get the tarot card being studied and have it in hand.
Ease yourself into a comfortable position either seated in a chair or on the
floor.  It is perfectly fine to keep your eyes open throughout the entire
meditation or have them both open and closed at different times during the
meditation -- do what works for you.  Begin to note your breath -- take a
moment simply to focus on your breath, just breathe as you normally do.
Next, begin to watch your breath --  inhale and exhale easily and deeply and
do what you need to do to connect with that "inner space" we've discussed in
the meditation section (Remember you can review the posts on meditation in
the archives. See note at end of post).  Remember to continue to be aware of
your breath throughout this exercise.

Look at the card.  Who or what is the card?  Are there any numbers
associated with the card?  Identify the people, objects, and symbols in the
card.  What is going on?  Does your card seem to portray a specific scene --
what is it?  What colors are present?  Does the lighting in the card appear to
be significant?  What and how does this card make you feel?  What
information have you already learned about this card?  Does it fit with _your_
deck?  Why or why not?  If you need to interpret images in your deck
differently, how would you do so?  Does the picture make you think about
anything or remind you of something?  Does the card "connect" with its
number -- how?  Does the card bring any other images to your mind -- go
through all the five senses we've discussed.  What about on an intuitive level?    

After you have studied the card completely and feel satisfied that you have
examined everything it has to offer visually, close your eyes and again think
about the card and the ideas that have gone through your mind.  Determine if
any of the information changes.  How do you feel about the card overall?  If
any of the imagery appears to be negative, what needs to be done to put a
positive spin on it (i.e. instead of death, rebirth, etc...) -- or CAN it be viewed in
a positive manner?

Remember to check your breath as you continue your contemplation...
Journey within to discover what your Higher Self has to reveal about this card.
How does this information fit with what you already know?

Now again consider the number associated with the card.  What are the
words you've learned that are associated with this number?  How do those
words connect to your card?  If there are differences, how can those be
explained?  Determine if there is a point to be learned here...

Examine within yourself to see if you feel there is something else you need to
do while contemplating this card.

When you feel ready, bring yourself back fully into your entire body.  Wiggle
your toes, gently move your legs.  Remember to continue breathing...  Flex
your fingers and gently move your head from side to side.  Blink.  After you
again "feel" your body, gently stretch while inhaling and exhaling easily and

Take the steps needed to insure you feel connected to yourself and to the
outside world.

(NOTE:  Remember the importance of relaxing, breathing, shielding,
centering, being aware, knowing your intent, visualizing, and grounding!
Choose the elements that will make your meditation experience warm,
rewarding, successful, and safe.  After you discover a method that works for
you, you will find that you can use that same basic format for most all inward
journeys and contemplative experiences.)

Remember to honor and trust your inner knowing!


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