Creating Spells that Work


These are notes from my BoS...I will be adding more info here soon

The spell is at the heart of folk magick. it is simply a ritual in which
various tools are purposefully used, the goal is fully stated (in words,
pictures or within the mind): & energy is moved to bring about the needed

Spells can be as simple as reciting a short chant over a fresh rose while
placing it between 2 pink candles in order to draw love; forming & retaining
an image of the needed result in the mind; or placing a quartz crystal in a
sunny window for protection purposes.

To perform effective magick - 3 necessities must be present: The Need, the
Emotion & the Knowledge.

It has been said that magick was the first religion, & that if you lovingly
utilize the forces of nature to cause beneficial change, you also become one
of them.

It is these powers that have been personified as Goddesses & Gods. Attuning
with them is a spiritual experience & is the basic of all true religion.

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Clearly state your need.

Clearly state all dimensions of your need (enduring love, rather than just
love; complete protection, rather than just physical protection; etc.).

If possible, mention some of the tools that you've decided to use in the
spell in your words of power or magickal rhyme. Indeed, for some spells,
these words may help you to structure the entire rhyme or chant.

Use hypnotic words (those beginning with 's" or containing a "z") for
psychic-awareness, love, healing spells; Use potent, strong words for
protection spells. match the words to the type of ritual you're composing.

Don't expect the words to simply flow from you. Work at it & work with them.
Your psychic mind knows what you need.


"I ask in the name of (Goddess & God or The All) that I, Morgan, be granted
(state desire)...I ask that this be correct & for the good of all people. So
mote it be. In no way will this spell reverse, or place upon me any curse."
"In this night & in this hour, I call upon the Ancient power. O Goddess
Bride & Consort Bright, I ask thee now to bring your light."

"I have a need that must be met. I ask thee (name of deity) that I obtain
the perfect (whatever it is) for (reason)."

"I ask the Universe to lend the power of all the correct astrological
correspondences so they may enter this circle now to obtain my desire."

"Therefore, I specifically draw toward myself the (desire) without affecting
the free will of all & harming none."

"I now proclaim this spell is done. The (desire) is mine! In no way will
this spell reverse, or place upon me any curse! As I will, so mote it be!"

"In this sacred space & time, We call now the Old Ones; the Goddess of the
moon, seas & rivers; the God of the rayed Sun, of valleys & forests; Draw
near us during this, our circle.

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(Note: These are just notes I pulled from my BoS...)

First Saturday after Full Moon or on a Full Moon; One white & One black
candle for balance; Props: protective nature (amethyst, apache tears or
smoky quartz) - Say:

"One the Eve of ( ) I cast a spell & the effect I created I must now quell.
Specifically ( ) May this spell be lifted & I now be gifted Specifically
with ( )"
Ritual for Breaking a Spell

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A binding spell is the act of grasping the negative energy that is
propelling a person or thing & stopping it. In a way, you are negating the
unhealthy energy.

The most important thing to remember when conducting a binding spell is that
you must control your own violent emotions of hatred or fear. The binding
spell is for protection only, not for harm. This is not easy. The Goddess to
be employed is Aradia, Queen of Witches. Be sure you are honest in your
intentions. Aradia's symbol is the red garter. If you desire justice call
upon Maat, she who balances the scales. However, you must be sure that your
own hands are free from violence & hatred, lest she weighs the scales for
you as well! Her symbol is the pure white feather.

The binding itself is a very simple matter. A poppet can be sewn to
represent the malicious person. Fill it with earth (grave dirt if you can
find it), rosemary, sage, a piece of smokey quartz & a piece of amethyst.
Also enclose a piece of the person's fingernails, a lock of hair, or another
personal item. Handwriting can be inclosed if you have nothing else. Photos
can be used also. If your intention at any time during the ritual is to harm
that person, remember that you will only bring harm upon yourself - so be
very, very careful.

If you can't do the ritual right away, store the doll (with the head still
open) in a white cloth. During the ritual, you will sew up the head while
connecting a psychic link. Then you will proceed to sew arms & legs of the
doll together. You will finish by wrapping the doll mummy-fashion with a
black ribbon. Bury the doll when you have completed the ritual.

A person can also be bound using mental capabilities.

Placing a sample of a person's handwriting & copper tightly in an old bell
jar is a way of stopping malicious gossip. When the danger is over, burn the

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Type of Spell or Formula:

Date & Time Made:


Astrological Phase:

Specific Purpose:

List Of Ingredients &/or Supplies Needed:

Specific Location Required:

Date, Time & Astrological Phase When Used:


Deities Invoked During Preparation &/or Use:

Step By Step Instructions For Preparations &/or Use:

Additional Notes:

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Type of Ritual:

Date & Time made:

Moon Phase & Astrological Correspondences:


Physical Health:

Purpose of Ritual:

Tools & Other Items Required:

Deities Invoked:

Approximate Length of Ritual:

Results of Ritual:

Ritual Composition:

Additional Notes:

Writing Your Own Spells

Why should I learn to write my own spells when I could just use someone else's?


Magick, as an occult science, is one of the most powerful methods of achieving a desired goal. However, in order for a spell to be successful, it must have individual meaning to the caster. This meaning can be achieved through other peoples pre-made spells, providing that the one who is to cast the spell understands the symbolism behind it. However, a much better way to go about achieving this understanding of the spell is to actually create it yourself. This is why every person truly interested in magick should know how to make their own spells.


So, how do I go about making the spell?


The first, and most important, thing to do when creating a new spell is to make sure that it will not cause any harm or interfere with anyone or anything's free will. If this is what you want to use a spell for, then stop right now. In magick there is what is known as the law of three. This law states that any magickal action, good or bad, will come back to the caster three fold.” Therefore, not only is it morally wrong, but it is physically dangerous to practice negative magick.


Once you have determined that your magick is not harmful, the next thing to look at is whether or not the spell is really needed. Could you get the same effect from another course of actions? If so, than you are most likely wasting precious time and energy creating a spell for it.


Okay, so what kind of spells can I cast?


Don't believe that simply because of these few restrictions that magick is useless. Far from it! Spells can still be written to obtain careers, love (not of a specific person, but to find someone right for you), psychic power, fertility and many, many more innumerable things. Just remember to abide by the rules or way up whether the result is worth any repercussions to yourself - the law of three. Yes, sometimes the ends does justify the means and sometimes we do have to be cruel to be kind but it is up to each individual to decide if what they are doing is the right thing, nobody else has the right to judge.


Alright, I know what kind of spell I want, and that I can safely cast it, what now?


This is where the real stuff begins. What you must do now is determine what kind of magick your spell will be. Magick is generally classified into two groups - folk magick, and deity magick. The main difference between the two is where you draw your power from.

Folk Magick is magick in which you draw all the power and energy from within to compete your task. Often, folk magick uses tools such as candles, runes, stones and herbs to help direct the energy better.

Deity Magick on the other hand is magick in which the practitioner draws his/her energy from a particular God or Goddess, or sometimes even several of them. Magick of this type tends to be more difficult and intricate, but is extremely more powerful. One thing to watch out for with this type of magick however, you must understand that you are working with divine forces. Which means, (of course) that you must honestly believe in the deity from which you call upon, and that the task for which you call upon him/her is serious. The Gods are generally very busy beings, and it must seem rather rude to waste their time because you want luck in finding a good deal on a dress.


So, I've decided what type of magick to use, now what?


Gather tools. A tool in magick, is defined as an object used in the casting of a spell, through which, the energy needed to complete the task at hand is directed. The type of tool you use very much depends on the type of magick and type of spell you have chosen. For example, let's say you want to cast a folk magick spell to gain more money for an upcoming expense you have to pay. In this case, a good tool to use would be a green candle (green being symbolic of money) dressed in patchouli oil. However, were you trying to cast a ritual magick spell for protection, then you would need all the tools it takes to cast a circle plus an image of the God/s you wish to invoke, and an object which you associate with protection.


Alright, my tools are gathered, now what?


Now it is time to actually write the spell. There are a couple of important things to remember during this process. The first is to bear in mind what type of magick this is. If it is a folk spell, leave the Gods out of it, there is no need to write in any mention of them. If it is a religious spell, then you can't forget to cast the circle and invoke the powers you wish to use. Just as a note, invocations should never demand the presence of what ever it is you are trying to invoke, instead, you should politely ask, or humbly request their presence. Remember that you're the human, they're the deities!


Another important thing to keep in mind is when the spell should be cast. Here is a comprehensive guide for you (also, you may want to look at the Moon Magic section).


Dark of the Moon
This is from the time the moon is no longer visible to your eye until the new moon appears and is the best time for divination of all kinds.

New Moon
Witchcraft for new beginnings, and for conception and initiation of new projects.

Waxing Moon
Known as the high tide of psychic power, the full moon represents culmination, climax, fulfilment and abundance.

Waning Moon
The best time for cleansing, banishing and completion.

There are two solstices during the year, the winter and the summer solstice. This is when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator and does not move either north or south. This point is ideal for performing witchcraft pertaining to the seasons.

Equinox is the time when the sun crosses the plane of the Earth's equator, making night and day all over the earth of equal length. This is the perfect time for performing witchcraft that is beneficial to the universe.


Spellcasting by Lunar Phases
Here is a list of spellwork followed by the appropriate lunar phases during which each one should be performed. If you are ever in doubt as to when to perform a spell, stick to the full moon.


Abundance: waxing to full moon.

Addictions (to end): waning moon.

Artistic Creations: waxing to full moon.

Bad Habits (to break): waning moon.

Bad Luck (to reverse): waning moon.

Beauty & Health: full moon.

Bindings: waning moon.

Blessings: full moon.

Career Advancement: waxing moon.

Communication: full moon.

Curses, Hexes (to break): waning moon.

Divinations: waxing and full moons.

Energy Raising: waxing moon.

Exorcisms: waning moon.

Fear (overcoming): waning moon.

Fertility Rituals: waxing and full moons.

Forgiveness: new moon.

Friendship: waxing moon.

Garden Planting Spells: waxing moon.

Goals (attaining): waxing to full moon.

Good Luck: waxing moon.

Growth: waxing moon.

Harmony: waxing moon.

Happiness: waxing and full moons.

Healings: waxing moon.

House Blessings: full moon.

Inspiration: waxing and full moons.

Intuition: full moon.

Jinx-Breaking: waning moon.

Judgement: waxing and full moons.

Liberation: waning moon.

Love Magick: waxing and full moons.

Lunar Goddess Invocations: full moon.

Money Matters: waxing moon.

Negativity (to banish): waning moon.

Nightmares (to banish): waning moon.

Obtaining (things and goals): waxing and full moons.

Omens: full moon.

Overcoming: waning moon.

Peace (to end hostility): waning moon.

Power: waxing and full moon.

Prophetic Dreams: full moon.

Protection: waxing moon.

Psychic Powers (developing, strengthening): full moon.

Quests: full moon.

Real Estate (to buy): waxing moon.

Real Estate (to sell): waning moon.

Sexual Desires (to increase): waxing moon.

Shape-Shifting: full moon.

Spirit Conjurations: full moon.

Strength: waxing moon.

Teaching: waxing and full moon.

Transformations: full moon.

Travel: waxing moon.

Unions (personal or business): waxing and full moons.

Weather Working (to bring forth): waxing moon.

Weather Working (to quell): waning moon.

Weight Gain: waxing moon.

Weight Loss: waning moon.

Wisdom (to increase): waxing and full moons.


You can consult a Wiccan Calendar to find out when these times are.

Lastly, it is obvious that the best time to invoke the Holly King is not on midsummer night's eve. So remember seasonal entities and when they should be used.

A well-written spell has several important elements. The first of these is to make any preparations necessary (circle casting, offerings, carving and dressing candles etc). The next element is invoking the powers (in Deity Magick) or raising energy (in folk magick). Usually it is helpful for this part of the spell to rhyme, or at least have rhythm, especially in folk magick. This is because words that rhyme tend to have a more profound effect on the subconscious.


The next important part of the spell is visualisation. This is the part where the actual magick is sent out. When you visualise, first see the energies that you have speeding toward their goal. This could be in the form of a coloured light shooting out from your hand and into the world. Or magickal smoke of greys, blues, oranges, reds and greens flowing from the candle or incense you have just lit. It could be a silvery moonbeam from the Goddess Diana that kisses your forehead. The truly important thing here is just to visualise it, and believe it will work. Remember, everything that you do in life is 90% mental and 10% physical. If you mentally believe that your spell will work, it will produce physical results.


Now close your eyes and imagine the final outcome of your goal. In other words, don't imagine getting the money you need for the bill that has to be paid, visualise the bill as paid. Don't see yourself meeting the girl/guy of your dreams, see yourself being with them. Holding their hand and walking down the beach, kissing, happy and in love.


The spell is now complete, all that is left is to actually cast it. Congratulations, you have just created your own spell!


What are some tips I can use to make this process easier?


There are a couple of things you can do to make spell writing easier for yourself. One thing that I highly recommend doing is mastering two or three specific types of arcane lore, and incorporating them into your spells. For example: colour magick, the runes, gems etc. A spell with candle magick can then be dressed with the appropriate colour and engraved with magickal rune-scripts on it's sides. It is then charged for the intended goal and when the candle is burned the magick is made more powerful by the runes. This is just one example, and I suggest looking through everything before making a choice on what topic you will become a master of. Some people prefer astrology and herbs as their choice areas of expertise. It's all up to the Witch.


Another thing that can be done to help you out, is to learn from others. I can't stress enough the value of a good book. Be an information sponge. Don't ever pass up what somebody has to say, because it could end up being a valuable tool for you in the future.


Lastly, good things come to those who wait. Magick isn't an instant thing to learn for anybody. Practice makes perfect, so be persistent and patient.

Magick abounds.... can you feel it?


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