Colors in Magick

Colors have been used since the beginning of time to heal, to relax, and to comfort. Even modern Science and Psychology studies have shown the effects colors have on people such as inducing emotions and healing. We are beings of energy vibrating at different levels, each vibrational level projecting a color. Each color possesses a different energy vibration and attracts certain influences. By understanding the meanings of the colors you are drawn to, and learning to use them to aid you, you have the possibility of recognizing your life purpose and true self.

Black: reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, discord, protection, releasing, repel dark magic and negative thought forms, shapeshifting, wisdom, secrets, invoking the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess.

Blue: truth, good fortune, emotional work, celestial, heavens, opening blocked communication, calm, reassurance, element of water, creativity, spiritual inspiration, wisdom, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, happiness, peace, fidelity, harmony in the home, tranquility, pleasant dreams, patience.

Brown: attract money and financial success, animals, wild life, animal communication, influence Earth Elementals, influence friendships, special favors, concentration, balance, ESP, intuition, study, grounding and centering.

Copper: Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers

Gold: masculine energies, strength, leadership, vitality, adolescence, joy, nobility, great fortune, intuition, wealth, promote winning, happiness, playful humor, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, attracts higher influences, male deity powers.

Green: abundance, fertility, earth mother, physical healing, tree and plant magick, growth, element of earth, personal goals, good fortune, generosity, money, wealth, success, renewal, marriage, balance, knowledge.

Grey: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence. Neutral, calm, peace, darkness with light. Water Magick, Moon Magick, balance, peace, patience, vision quests.

Indigo: Perception, imagination, illusion, seeing patterns, magick in general, nightmares, hallucinations, madness, meditation, neutralize another's magic, stop gossip, lies or undesirable competition, balance out karma.

Lavender: relieve tension, stress breaker, intellect, knowledge retention, controlling erratic energy and inner beauty.

Magenta: very high vibrational frequency that tends to work fast, so usually burned with other candles; quick changes; spiritual healing, exorcism.

Mauve: cooperation, increase intuition and psychic powers, self-trust, self-confidence.

Orange: encouragement, warmth, friendship, abundance, spirit, will, principles, theory, alertness, pleasure, connections, business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, success, justice, legal matters, selling, action, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, sudden changes, control, power, to draw good things, change luck.

Peach: reassurance, friends, kindness, sympathy, empathy and well-wishing.

Pink: love, affection, romance, spiritual awakening, peace, maturity, caring, nurturing, planetary good will, healing of emotions, harmony, healing of the spirit, togetherness.

Purple (Violet): power, wealth, good fortune, royalty, judgment, industry, religion, spirit, etheric realms, ancient wisdom, higher learning, deeper mysteries, success, idealism, influencing people in high places, third eye, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, higher psychic ability, wisdom, progress, protection, honors, spirit contact, break bad luck, drive away evil, divination.

Red: Physical Work, Inspiration, Health, pride, anger, arid places, bravery, energy, strength, sexual potency, courage, passion, element of fire, career goals, fast action, lust, vitality, Blood of the Moon, vibrancy, driving force, love, survival, will power, to conquer fear or laziness, Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess.

Silver: feminine energies, insight, divination, women's mysteries, women's magick, removes negative powers, victory, stability, meditation, develop psychic abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry), intuitions, dreams, astral energy, communication, serenity, female deity powers.

Teal: practicality, confidence, decision-making, balance, gaining trust.

Turquoise: stepping outside of a situation, stress relief, study, knowledge retention, logic.

White: blessings, serenity, divinity, purity, spirituality and greater attainments in life, focus, Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess, peace, truth, sincerity, power of a higher nature, wholeness. Moon rituals, goddess rituals, spells to heal emotions and to balance, purification. (When all else fails, white is a good substitute for any other color).

Yellow: intellect, imagination, power of the mind, the sun, memory, breaking mental blocks, creativity, confidence, gentle persuasion, air elements, communication, action, attraction, concentration, inspiration, sudden changes.


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