beliefs and Laws of Wicca

The beliefs and Laws of Wicca are not particularly complex, but they do represent the basics of who we are and what we do. Thanks to the propaganda regarding the infamous Salem Witch Trials, many people believe that we have sexual orgies with the devil, practice black masses, eat babies, kill animals, hex people and generally represent evil. I am going to make this as simple as I can for the cheap seats: THIS IS NOT TRUE. We do not believe in the devil, much less have sex with him. No blood is ever shed in any ritual as sacrifice to the God and Goddess. "Hexing" people is highly frowned upon, and is done only in times of great need. Hexing does not equal harming. It is against our beliefs to cause another person harm in any form. And I'm not even going to dignify the "eating babies" comment. Wicca has its own codes of morals and ethics just like other religions. I have done my best to explain the basic principles of Wicca below, using Our Lady of the Woods by Amber K. and Wicca by Scott Cunningham as references. Not every Wiccan will adhere to every individual point listed, but on the whole they represent the basis of the Wiccan belief system.

 The divine Spirit is found in all things (both living and non-living).

 Creative force is comprised of both male and female energy, which is represented as the God and Goddess.

 Most covens either worship: 1) the God and Goddess equally; 2) the Goddess primarily but still acknowledge the God (as my coven does); or 3) the Goddess solely.

 Every Goddess and God in mythology are simply aspects of the Goddess and God. Wicca has made popular the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone) and the Horned God (life, death, rebirth).

 Karma and reincarnation are strong concepts. Death brings one to a state of rest and reflection of lessons learned or unfulfilled in life. When the period is complete, the person decides how, when and where he or she will be reborn in order to complete unfinished lessons.

 Magick is to be used for positive purposes that allow no harm to come to anyone.

 Rituals are performed outdoors whenever possible. New moons, Full moons and the Sabbats are the usual times to perform these outdoor rites.

 Since there is no central church in Wicca, magick is performed either by solitaries or by covens.

 There is no holy book (Bible, Torah, Koran) or prophet (Jesus, Moses, Mohammed). Wiccans do not require an intermediate in order to have contact with the Divine.

 "And ye harm none, do as ye will." This is the oldest law and is not open to interpretation or change.

 The threefold law rules all magick. Whatever you send out, good or evil, you get back times three.

 Live in harmony with Earth and Nature and do your best not to exploit or harm them.

 Wiccans acknowledge that there are other valid paths of religion and spirituality. Not everyone is suited for these paths, but not everyone is suited for Wicca either. The individual has the right and responsibility to choose which path is best suited for them.

 Original sin, Heaven and Hell, Satan, redemption, confession and other tenets of Christianity are not part of Wicca. Neither are Satanism, Black masses, desecration of cemeteries, bloodshed/sacrifice. The God and Goddess do not need blood to be properly worshipped.

 The Law of Power says the Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control others. However, it shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. It shall be used only as needed. It can be used for your own gain, so long as you harm none. It is a sacred gift of the God and Goddess and should never be misused or abused.


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