
Showing posts from October, 2013

November and All Saints Day

November - (Lat. novem, nine).   It was the ninth month in the ancient Roman calendar, when the year began in March. The old Dutch name was Slaghtmaand (slaughter-month, the time when the beasts were killed and salted down for winter use); the old Saxon Wind-monath (wind-month, when the fisherman took their boats ashore, and put aside fishing till the next spring); it was also called Blot-monath ā€“ the same as Slaghtmaand. In the French Republican Calendar it was called Brumaire (fog-month, 23 October to 21 November). Saxons also called it blot-monath, meaning blood month, because they killed cattle for Winter store; the name might also have referred to human sacrifice.   Frankish name: Herbistmanoth, or harvest (of animals) month. Asatru: Fogmoon. American backwoods: Beaver Moon. Almost the whole month coincides with the goddess-calendar month of Samhain (pronounced sow-ain), the feminine personification of the Nove. She is an aspect of th...


The way was dark, lit by no stars, The Moon had hid her face, Faint wisps of fog trailed round my feet, I did not know this place. A bell rang out, it sounded twelve, I was quite mystified. ā€˜Twas midnight of All Hallows Eve How came I here?ā€ I cried. Then as I looked, the fog dissolved, Revealing to my eyes A moonlit meadow bright as day And a beautiful surprise. For everywhere I looked I saw The Folk both fair and fey ā€œCome dance with us,ā€ they called to me, ā€œCome join us while we play. ā€œCome be with us, come dance with us ā€œWeā€™ll crown you this nightā€™s queen, I started toward their company, The fairest Iā€™d ever seen. ā€œBe careful, Lass!ā€ Whoā€™s voice was this? ā€œShould you join the dance, I fear, Youā€™ll never more return to home, ā€œAnd youā€™ll dwell forever here.ā€ ā€œI gazed into his blue, blue eyes, And saw what there did shine. My heart grew full, I fell in love, And wished he could be mine. His love enfolded me in bliss That filled my heart to stay N...

"Soul! Soul! For a Soul Cake!

"Soul! Soul! For a Soul Cake! I pray you, good missus, a soul cake! An apple, a pear, a plum, or a cherry, Or any good thing to make us merry. One for Peter, two for Paul, Three for Them who made us all. Up with the kettle and down with the pan. Give us good alms, and we'll be gone." ~ Unknown Soul Cakes Recipe From Mistress Toad Ingredients: Two sticks butter 3 and 3/4 cups sifted flour 1 cup fine sugar 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. each, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice 2 eggs 2 tsp. cider vinegar 4-6 Tbsp milk Powdered sugar to sprinkle on top Preparation: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Directions: Cut the butter into the flour with a pastry blender or a large fork. Blend in the sugar, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon and allspice; beat eggs, vinegar, and milk together. Mix with the flour mixture until a stiff dough is formed. Knead thoroughly and roll out, 1/4 inch thick. Cut into 3 inch rounds and place on greased baking sheets. Prick several times wi...

Medicinal Pickled Garlic

With cold and flu season coming up soon once again I am thinking ahead this year so I am making some medicines to have ready to fight back fast. According to Gladstarā€™s book, ā€œGarlic is the herb of choice in treating colds, flu, sore throats and poor or sluggish digestionā€¦ makes a potent internal and external antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial agent effective for treating many types of infection.ā€ That is some powerful stuff!  There is much more information in the book, it is a wonderful addition to your homesteading or prepping library. Peeled garlic cloves (enough to fill a jar) Raw apple cider vinegar Raw Local Honey Fill a mason jar with garlic cloves; use any size jar you like.  Fill the jar with apple cider vinegar to cover the garlic completely.  Place the jar in a warm place for 3-4 weeks. Medicinal Pickled Garlic ~ After 3-4 weeks, strain off the liquid(this is when you will add the honey).   Set Ā½ the liquid aside to use as you wis...

Herbal remedies - the list of ailments and infusions used

Aching joints celery, comfrey, rosemary, St John's Wort    Aching muscles chamomile, ginger, marjoram, rose-scented geranium    Acidity chamomile, fennel, mint    Acne buchu, calendula, chamomile, cloves, comfrey, parsley, rosella    Adaptogen basil, gotu kola    Aids/hiv echinacea, garlic, golden seal  Alcoholism alfalfa, melissa, milk thistle  Allergies echinacea  Alzheimer's disease rosemary  Analgesic buchu, clover, cloves, lavender    Anorexia cardamom  Anti-ageing borage, celery, lemon thyme, alfalfa, pennywort    Anti-allergenic chamomile, echinacea, stinging nettle    Antibacterial calendula, cinnamon, lavender, marjoram, turmeric    Antibiotic buchu, echinacea, alfalfa, rosemary, sage    Anti-cancer clover, lemon, gotu kola, turmeric    Anticoa...

Herb Information do's and don'ts

Each herb has it's own specific warnings...but these are some general warnings....I can supplement what Beth is sending in with the warnings for the herb she sends...if you would like.... if you are allergic to a not take the herb in any form... When in even the smallest doubt, consult a health professional or herbalist. when ever using herbs in any way less is always better and to always use in moderation. Herbs work better the less you use because they are so pure and raw as nature that you don't need that much to aid in the ailment/desire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herbal and Natural Alternatives Source unknown  *NOTE:  This is just information being passed on that may be useful if researched.  Please check out ANY herbal preparations before using. Chloroseptic - three parts horehound to one part white willow bark, infuse with boiling water, sweeten with honey or sugar to taste. ...


The Waxing Moon The waxing phase of the Moon is the best time to build the body up. This is when I use nurturing herbs and tonics to strengthen the body's natural immunities Raspberry leaf is an excellent tonic for female reproductive organs; hawthorn berries are good for the cardiovascular system; nettle is a great blood tonic; marshmallow root is a soothing tonic for the urinary tract; astragalas is a wonderful immune system tonic; burdock is a good liver tonic; red clover builds fertility; oat straw is good for the nervous system; alfalfa is a fantastic all-around nutritive tonic. These herbs are simple and gentle. They are best taken in a cup of tea, three to five times a day. During the waxing phase I also like to increase water intake to avoid water retention. The more water we ingest, the less water our bodies attempt to retain. This is also a good time to apply medicinal salves and to take therapeutic baths. Most importantly, I work during the wax...

Herbs of the Elements

  EARTH ---Cypress, Patchouli and vertivert. Barley, Buckthorne, Corn, Sage, Horehound, Magnolia, Mugwort, Patchouly, Rye, Vervain.  Rules the body, creativity,growth. Use to attune with the earth and promote stability and creativity.  AIR -- Lavender,Bergamot and Wintergreen. Acaia, Anise, Broom, Dandelion, Eyebright, Hops, Lemongrass, Meadowsweet, Sweetgrass, Slippery Elm.  Rules the mind, mental and psyche. Use to attune with the wind, divination, concentration and clear thinking.  FIRE --Rose, Orange and Geranium,Ash, Angelica, Betony, Cedar, Cinnamon, Damiana, Cinquefoil, Cactus, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Hawthorn, Holly, Juniper, Mullein, May Apple, Mandrake, Tobacco, Witch Hazel.  Rules energy.  Use to attune with heat, spirit, strength, courage and passion.  WATER -- Jasmine, Lotus and Chamomile. Apple, Balm of Gilead, Birch, Belladonna, Blackberry, Camphor, Catnip, Datura, Elder, Lily Lobelia, Moonwort, Morni...


~source unknown~ Adam & Eve Roots Use for Love and Happiness and spells related. Agrimony Use in all protection sachets and spells, also to banish negative energies and spirits. It has also long been used to reverse spells sent against the magician; i.e. it not only breaks hexes, it also sends them back to the hexer. Agrimony placed under the head will make one sleep as if dead, according to ancient lore, but don't use this for insomnia: the sleeper won't awaken until the herb is removed. Alfalfa Prosperity, Money. Keep in the home to protect from poverty and hunger. It is best placed in the cupboard or pantry. Almond Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Amaranth A crown of amaranth flowers worn on the head speeds healing. To make sure that you are never struck by a bullet, pull up a whole amaranth plant (including roots) preferably on a Friday during the Full Moon. Leave an offering to the plant and then fold it, roots and all, in a piece of white cloth...