Why Kitchen Witch?

Ask yourself what you understand about the Craft

The craft is an earth based religion, it doesn't cause suffering and pain, it doesn't ask you to walk blindly into a faith and trust without knowledge.  It lets you be who you want to be, it lets you connect to nature, and the spirit is all around you and within you once you allow it to come to you.  For believing in the craft we will not go to hell, if we do not follow certain rules.  Hell is not a place waiting for us, it is how we live our lives and what we do that gives us hell on earth in our lives.  Heaven is also all around us, its the high beings, the goddess and gods we believe in, its the power we have within and how we use it, Heaven is our sacred time, our power, our meditation time, our divination, when we have succeeded in our goals in our craft practices.
It's standing on the beach, feeling the ocean breeze, and the waves crashing against the rocks, in front of us, and the goddess speaking to us there, telling us answers to our questions.  Letting us see the future, the way our path is waiting for us to travel.
It's the spirit that comes to us in the mountains and follows us, telling us not to continue that its not a good time.  That we are in danger and should not proceed that day, in that place.
The craft is treating the earth and everyone with respect, just as we would like to receive in return from the earth and people.
It is the magic, spell casting and daily life that is truly a reflection of our deepest spiritual principles, that we follow and put into use. It is an understanding that can remedy the wrongs threatening the survival of the Earth.
For the first time in my life, I understand what I've been feeling for most of my life, things that I've always known down deep inside.  That there is more than just one god to follow and trust.  The goddess, mother earth and several others that somehow I've always known where there, with me.
Way back when I was a small child and went to private school, Catholic school even; I always felt that there were angels, and more keeping up with me, and I was right!!  I felt that the blessed Mary never got enough gratitude shown to her.  That all through my life in fact I was looked after, being taught things by a higher power.  I knew that I had something special too, so did my family, they didn't describe it the way I see it now, but it has always been there.
The power to heal, to create things, to change your life, to make things happen, to stop things when need be.  The power is in us, and we have to make it work, and use it wisely

Why did you choose Wicca
I choose Wicca because for one thing it is a goddess based religion, as I stated I always adored Mary and thought she never was recognized properly in the catholic religion.  Well there are many goddess I believe and pray to.  I believe that the mother earth is all powerful and I relate so much to her.  The mother of all, like all mothers; protector, teacher, healer, ruler, life giver, always there.  What more can we ask for?  Wicca has no boundaries, it sets simple rules, and allows people to walk similar paths, yet be different without criticizing and crucifying.  I feel much more comfortable here than ever.  I believe that magick is within us, and that we have the ability to make things happen, it is not fate that rules if we choose to change things.  We can, we don't have to set back and accept whatever is dealt our way.  No one person has the right to tell us what to do or who to pray to.  The diversity of the many branches of the craft workings interests me more, the many talents that are among followers and the possibilities of the talents that lie within me that I have yet to learn all of lead me to learn more about myself and the craft both.  I am not limited to what tools I have to work with both physically and inwardly.
I knew that I had something special too, so did my family, they didnt describe it the way I see it now, but it has always been there.  The power to heal, to create things, to change your life, to make things happen, to stop things when need be.  The power is in us, and we have to make it work, and use it wisely!

What do you want from it?

I want to grow stronger with the goddess, to feel her work with me to protect and use my powers to better my life and surroundings.  I know that life is never going to be easy and I accept that, even when it is easy, I am grateful for each day and for every moment of joy and happiness and success.  I know that there will always have to be sorrow, unhappiness, and some pain, I pray that it will pass quickly and that I will learn to accept each step and deal with it strongly, and not break down nor fall completely apart.  I ask to learn how to deal with passing on and accepting it more easily when that time comes for me.
I want to learn more each day, to learn how to strengthen my power, to heal, to better my life and to help other people who want help and deserve it.  I also want to teach the pagan way to others, to make people aware of the pagan way!
I would love to have a magickal shop of supplies and give lessons of my own.  I would also like to see the US accept pagans freely as they do other forms of religion.  That people would stop being afraid of pagans.  I would like to help make that possible and happen in my lifetime.

What has been your experience of religion so far?

I was raised Catholic for many years, then I attended many different churches; baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal and tried becoming involved with them.  I just didn't feel right in each one. Although in a few ways I see many beliefs cross over or come from pagan ways, the more I read about paganism.  Makes me smile to read things that I was taught in a non-pagan church, and watch those people be so frightened of pagans.  Sad how they wont open their eyes and see what they are preaching is so turned around sometimes.
I don't want to fight over religion with people who wont listen though, I feel its just a waste of time and energy. I do want to help others feel what I feel, learn what I have learned and be able to choose freely to follow the path they want to, and not feel inhibited by society.

What has been your experience of religion so far?

I was raised Catholic for many years, then I attended many different churches; baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal and tried becoming involved with them.  I just didn't feel right in each one. Although in a few ways I see many beliefs cross over or come from pagan ways, the more I read about paganism.  Makes me smile to read things that I was taught in a non-pagan church, and watch those people be so frightened of pagans.  Sad how they wont open their eyes and see what they are preaching is so turned around sometimes.
I don't want to fight over religion with people who wont listen though, I feel its just a waste of time and energy. I do want to help others feel what I feel, learn what I have learned and be able to choose freely to follow the path they want to, and not feel inhibited by society.
What I now know about religion is that many of the other religions have grown from pagan religions, the candle burnings, ceremonies, blessed water, sacred offerings, holidays, holy altar, incense blessings and burnings, all came before Christians created their churches.
I feel a wonderful peaceful devotion time when I do ritual, meditations, and pray, its a sacred time, a fullfilling time for myself.  A time of joy and solitude, a time of cleansing and recharging, that I can't get any other way.  I feel the spirits come to me and they talk to me, they may answer questions, I can feel them all about, I have even seen some.  At first I was frightened
I am now growing less afraid of them, not like when I was told we should fear god, I do not believe we should fear the goddess, or the gods, yes they are all powerful but fear is not something that should go with the craft rituals and following if we respect and work with them.

What do you think you will give in return?

Looking back at books I have read, it appears to me that ancient life seems to revolve around us and continue to renew in some aspects of life.
I do believe in reincarnation now, and I believe I may have lived before.  I also hope to live again in another lifetime when I pass from this life.
I have met people who I truly believe they lived before and I've encountered spirits that I know have lived and now are among us for various reasons.
I want to give praise to the spirits and respect always, I will give myself as a servant to them.  I will always try to help protect the earth in what small ways I can.  I will pray that others do the same, and that people stop trying to be evil and as hurtful to all as they seem to be currently.  I will try to help give strength to those  who need it and who are good people, to the best of my abilities, and knowledge of them.  I will try to help heal and protect the earth and others always.

What do I perceive of the Ancient within the landscape around me?What were the evidences of ancient life you found?

I look up at the moon and feel the beauty and the power within her.  She is there for us always, never ending, circling around and shinning down, at times glowing in beauty and magick strength, at times dark and yet always there.  When I need strength, and protection, cleansing; she is there, I stand underneath her, drawing her into myself, asking for her help, and protection and she's always there, encouraging me and she never fails me even in darkness.
I walk barefoot on the earth and I feel coldness, dampness or hot dry soil, I feel deep power holding me on this earth.  Grounding me to reality, stabilizing my weary stumbling when I need grounding.  The earth is amazing, for it gives us everything we need to survive and a place to rest our weary bones.  Energy to continue, peaceful feelings and a sadness that things ends.  A new beginning of continuing life ever evolving, spiraling on.  Things begin they build and grow and they grow old and then pass on.  Then rebirth begins again in everything around us on earth.  It's amazing how the cycle continues.
I smell the air and feel it chill my skin, cool me on hot days.  I feel the rain refresh the earth and moisten my body as well as the earth and give me water to use to survive and I realize how good the mother earth is.  I watch the sun cast shadows on the earth and feel it warm me, sometimes burning my skin or plant life and realize the power around me, and how strong it is.
I know that as I feel these elements my ancestors before me have watched, felt and experienced the same elements.  Although times may change and society does change, the basics stay the same.  We are the ones changing the earth, and we must do what we can to save it.  For it was here before us and it will be here long after we are gone.  It is stronger than we are and we are here only because of the earth, the spirits, the elements. I am thankful and truly grateful in amazement of the elements always.  I am fearful of the elements for they are mighty.

Narrate a short biography of your life, with five memorable moments, good or bad.

To name five memorable moments in my life; I'd have to begin with attending catholic school.  The ceremonies and ritual practices are in some ways so similar to the craft.  Lighting candles for those in need or sick or those passed on, so much like what I practice now.  The sacred blessed holy water, and incense, the singing and the rosary, I always liked that part of my youth religious studies.  It was a learning experience, a time of wide eyed learning for me; questions I did not ask, yet wondered, questions answered I did not always agree with.  A special time for me that I bonded with the virgin Mary, that was wonderful.  She is truly remarkable and not honored near enough in the Catholic Religion. A bright time of life.
Then there was the high school days of my life, especially graduation, a very remarkable time of feeling you've reached mature adulthood, yet a sadness that you have to grow up and will always miss childhood, the protection of being a child; yet wanting to be an adult. I loved high school, was a good student and still had fun,  a time in my life with little worries still, but yet feeling responsibility to become independent.   My maiden time
My grandmother passing on was a terrible turmoil in my life, and has been very hard to live without her, I miss her terribly. A very dark time of my life.  She was a great teacher, she believed in so many "old fashioned ways" and I loved that.  I would listen to her every word, she was very special to me, she taught me how to do many things, she was my only babysitter.  When my mother couldn't be there, she was always there.  We were extremely close, I never thought of her as old and I could talk to her about anything.  She may have different opinions but most were good.  She was adaptable to new things too.  I was fortunate to have both she and my mother to teach me.
Having children is always an eventful happening, and since I've had 9 babies I can't count each of those.  Each child is special and unique, each birth different, however losing a baby is probably one of the hardest things to deal with and I have experienced that never forgetful time in my life also. I carried a full term pregnancy that ended in a still born delivery.  The baby was a girl, her heart wasn't strong enough and she was tiny and weak, I had noticed that she didn't kick like the rest of the babies, but they had done an ultrasound early and everything seemed fine then.  She died and they induced labor and it was a terrible time to deal with, and I still crumble at times over her.  The hardest thing is going to the cemetery even though I know she's not there, and that her spirit is traveling and I talk to her.  I do love being a mother, its been my main goal in my life, I came by it naturally.  Having that new life growing inside you, feeling it move and stretch and press against your insides, and even though it is great physical pain to give birth, its also a tremendous joy.  Well worth the wait and pain.
The reuniting of my wedding vows I would say was one of the most delightful and happy times in my life so far and most beautiful.  We had both been married before, and after many years we decided to have another ceremony for a renewing of our love and vows.  We did everything we always wanted, I made my gown, hand beaded and detailed with lace and a long train, I am a seamstress so I really enjoyed doing my own gown.  Tuxes and the whole extreme.  A limo, pictures, all the details, rooms at the condo, a bed and breakfast inn for another night of the honeymoon.  A fantasy even, a beautiful wedding, the family included although a smaller ceremony than our first weddings.  Even better though, who says 2nd time brides don't wear white?  Hahha not true. An all together wonderful feeling, and I knew the goddess then was with me.  We just celebrated our 19 year anniversary this November 21, 2002.  Another bright time for me and I'm heading for the crone ages of womanhood still.

Start this dedication by telling the Goddess why you were drawn to Wicca, and make it the first page in your Book of Shadows. You may choose to write it as an essay, as a letter to the Goddess, or in any other format that works for yourself!
For many years I have known you were there all around me, inside me, filling me with your power and learning.
The wide eyed heart felt feelings and awakening wonderful feeling about you really came for me
the day I walked down the streets of Salem MA, and from that day on and the next year of my life I spent there
Was truely an amazing experience and for that time and learning I am thankful
From that day I devoted myself to living and learning of your wonderful powers
In the eyes of the Goddess I yearn to live and learn with
So Mote it Be


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