November and All Saints Day

November - (Lat. novem, nine).
It was the ninth month in the ancient Roman calendar, when the year began in March.
The old Dutch name was Slaghtmaand (slaughter-month, the time when the beasts were killed and salted down for winter
use); the old Saxon Wind-monath (wind-month, when the fisherman took their boats ashore, and put aside fishing till the
next spring); it was also called Blot-monath – the same as Slaghtmaand. In the French Republican Calendar it was called
Brumaire (fog-month, 23 October to 21 November). Saxons also called it blot-monath, meaning blood month, because they
killed cattle for Winter store; the name might also have referred to human sacrifice.
Frankish name: Herbistmanoth, or harvest (of animals) month. Asatru: Fogmoon. American backwoods: Beaver Moon.
Almost the whole month coincides with the goddess-calendar month of Samhain (pronounced sow-ain), the feminine
personification of the Nove. She is an aspect of the Cailleach (veiled woman).
Next was November; he full grown and fat
As fed with lard, and that right well might seeme;
For he had been a fatting hogs of late,
That yet his browes with sweat did reek and steam;
And yet the season was full sharp and breem;
In planting eeke (also) he took no small delight,
Whereon he rode, not easy was to deeme
For it a dreadful centaure was in sight,
The seed of Saturn and fair Nais, Chiron hight.
No morn - no noon -
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day...
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds, -
~Thomas Hood, English poet, 1799-1845
If on All Saints’Day the beech nut is dry, we shall have a hard winter; but if the nut be wet and not light,
we may expect a wet winter.
~English traditional proverb
If All Saints’ Day will bring out the winter, St Martin’s Day will bring out Indian summer.
~American traditional proverb
All Saints Summer lasts three hours, three days or three weeks.
~Traditional English saying



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