Herb Information do's and don'ts

Each herb has it's own specific warnings...but these are some general warnings....I can supplement what Beth is sending in with the warnings for the herb she sends...if you would like....

if you are allergic to a plant..do not take the herb in any form...
When in even the smallest doubt, consult a health professional or herbalist.
when ever using herbs in any way less is always better and to always use in moderation. Herbs work better the less you use because they are so pure and raw as nature that you don't need that much to aid in the ailment/desire.
Herbal and Natural Alternatives Source unknown 
*NOTE:  This is just information being passed on that may be useful if researched.  Please check out ANY herbal preparations before using.

Chloroseptic - three parts horehound to one part white willow bark, infuse with boiling water, sweeten with honey or sugar to taste.  Drink as needed.  If sore throat persists, consult your doctor.

Neosporin - boil chickweed *, place in blender, cool.  Spread mixture over cut and cover with wet cotton cloth. 
Remove poultice when it feels warm to the touch, dispose.  to prevent urinary tract infection - Douche after sex (if you are prone to UTI's because of this) 3 to 6 times (throughout the course of the day) with a strong infusion of white oak bark.  If mild burning upon urination persists or has not lessened by the end of the day consult your doctor.

Midol - tea of 2-3 parts chamomile to 4 parts white willow bark and 1 part red clover (optional, red clover adds iron to combat fatigue.)
Sweeten with honey or sugar to taste.  Drink as needed.

Aspirin - tea of 2 - 3 tablespoons white willow bark to 2 cups water.
Sweeten with honey or sugar to taste.  Drink as needed.
WARNING: Consult your doctor before using this in place of aspirin if you are on aspirin therapy due to a heart condition.

Antacids- Chamomile tea, as needed.  Taking calcium supplements or powdered oyster shell may also help relieve acid stomach.

Sleep aids - strong jasmine or chamomile tea before bed.  Calcium supplements may help more severe cases of sleeplessness.

Anemia - strong red clover tea for milder cases.  If you are anemic and vegetarian make sure to eat whole red clover and/or kale as an iron alternative for meat.

Vapo Rub - boil equal parts horehound and mint*, put in blender and blend until smooth.  apply to chest area and rinse when the mixture cools.

Astringent - soak lavender blooms in vodka or ever clear for 3 to 7 days in a tightly sealed jar.  Pour mixture through coffee filter to strain, keep in airtight bottle or jar and apply to face as needed.

* Please do a patch test on inside of elbow in case of allergic reaction 
If you are pregnant, DO NOT USE any of the following herbs for any reason. Many can cause early contractions, birth defects, and even miscarriage. Make sure you check and see what herbs food and drinks contain before ingesting them. Check with your doctor or an herbalist if possible as well.

Cinnamon essential oil 
Cow Parsnip 
San qi 
Shepherd's Purse 
Thyme oil 
Wood Betony 
And now, herbs that EVERYONE should be leary of. Some can be used in small doses. Note that if you are allergic to any herb regardless of whether it is on this list, avoid it.

Jin Bu Huan 
Ma huang 



Long-term use of these herbs can make your condition worse Ephedra - Kola Nut - Guarana - Coffee - Black Tea 


Aloe - Ephedra - Kola Nut - Guarana - Coffee - Black Tea - Tobacco 

Horsetail - Tobacco 

Kava Kava 


Yohimbe - Pennyroyal - Wormwood - Sassafras Comfrey - Germander - Coltsfoot - Sweet Flag California Snakeroot 

Juniper Berry - Cedar Berry - Yohimbe - Horsetail Tobacco - Sassafras - Bittersweet - Thuja -Licorice 

Dong quai - Ephedra - Hawthorn (too much is dangerous) - Kola Nut - Guarana - Goldthread -Licorice - St.-John's-wort Goldenseal - Oregon Grape Root - Barberry -Ginseng - Coffee - Black Tea - Tobacco - American Mistletoe 

Goldenseal - Ginseng - Oregon Grape Root - Barberry Devil's Club - Uva Ursi - Celery Leaf -Licorice Juniper Berry - Cedar Berry - Dong quai 

White Willow - Birch - Ginger - Aspen Licorice Root - Feverfew - Sweet Clover - Pau D'Arco Lomatium - Agrimony - Meadowsweet - Vanilla Leaf Sweet woodruff - Cayenne - Alfalfa - Spearmint Wintergreen - Red Root - Balm of Gilead Licorice Fern - Thuja - Red Root - Dong quai 

Cat's Claw - Ephedra - Ginseng - Hawthorne - Echinacea - Siberian Ginseng Coleus Forskohlii - Lily of the Valley, Dong quai Cactus Grandiflorus (Night Blooming Cereus) Scotch Broom - Milkweed - Figwort - Silk Tassel 

The following herbs may interact with, enhance, interfere with or remove medications. Uva Ursi - Echinacea - Gotu kola - Manzanita - White Oak Bark, Ginseng Periwinkle - Alum Root - Bittersweet - Bleeding Heart California Snakeroot - Madrone - Mormon Tea - Poppies 

Some are DEADLY!! 
Arnica - Autumn Crocus - Elderberry - Foxglove - Mandrake - Savin Juniper Aconite - American Hellebore - False Hellebore Deadly Nightshade - Hemlock - Jimson Weed Thornapple - Mayapple - Pennyroyal - Mistletoe Berries Tansy - Arnica - Mule's Ears Root 

This list probably includes every drug known to man, so I am going to state that no one should take any medication, herbal or otherwise, on a long term basis, without being seen regularly by a professional.I will list some of them here however: 

Bilberry - Dong quai - Ginseng - Goldenseal - Licorice 


When pregnant, the best advice is to always see your doctor & follow his advice instead. lol! Please, see your doctor. Don't take a chance with your babies life! 
Alflfa, Aloe, Cat's Claw, DHEA, Dong quai, Goldenseal - Barberry - Oregon Grape Root - Ginkgo - Ginseng - Ephedra - Juniper Berry - Birthwort - Bittersweet Cotton Root Bark - Feverfew - Pennyroyal - Mistletoe - Bleeding Heart - Gotu kola - Kava Kava - Saw Palmetto Anemone - ephedra - Fenugreek - Angelica - Parsley - Baneberry Blue Cohosh - Black Cohosh - Licorice Root - Brook Mint - Wormwood - Mugwort - Peony California Snakeroot - Milkweed - Goldthread Inside-out Flower - Thuja - Silk Tassel - Shepherd's Purse 

Aloe Vera: Internal use only, not recommended during pregnancy.

Angelica: Not recommended for pregnant women or people with blood pressure,
heart or respiration problems.

Arnica: Do not apply if skin is broken.  Not for internal use except in
homeopathic remedies.

Bearberry: Overdose can be toxic, do not take more than 2 to 3 cups daily
for longer then a week or two.

Bitter Gourd: Use only with advice from an  experienced herbalist. Do not
use if pregnant.

Black Cohosh: Overdose can be toxic. Do not take while pregnant.

Chaste Tree: Taking more then 300 milligrams daily of dried berries may cause
itchy skin

Cinnamon: Not recommended during pregnancy

Comfrey: Do not take internally - alkaloids in herb may cause liver cancer in
susceptible people

Coneflower aka Echinacea: If you have rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or other
autoimmune problem, do not use with out consulting your health care provider

Dang Qui aka Don Quai: Do not use during pregnancy

Ephedra aka Ma Huang: Raises blood pressure temporarily, overdose can cause
heart attack or stroke. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, heart
disease, diabetes or thyroid problems. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Fenugreek: Do not use while pregnant, as it is a  uterine stimulant

Ginger: Because it thins the blood it should be used sparingly while

Ginseng: Do not take more than for weeks in a row. Avoid taking with
caffinee and do not take while pregnant.

Goldenseal: Do not use while pregnant, as it stimulates unterine
contractions. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.

Juniper: Not recommended for pregnant women or people with kidney problems.

Kava: May cause skin coloration if more then 300 milligrams is taken a day.
Do not take if pregnant, nursing or have Parkinson's Disease

Licorice: Not recommended for pregnant women or people with hypertension or
rapid heartbeat, or those that take digoxin-based drugs

Motherwort: Do not use while pregnant, except as a uterine stimulant during

Myrrh: Do not use during pregnancy

Nutmeg: If  you are  pregnant  use only as a seasoning

Passionflower: Avoid high doses  during pregnancy. High doses and extended
use are not recommended.

Peppermint: Do not use if you have heartburn or if on homeopathic treatment,
avoid prolonged use as it can irritate muccous membranes.

St Johns Wort: Overdose or overuse may cause photo sensitivity. Not
recommended while pregnant or taking an MAO inhibitor.

Turmeric: High doses not recommended during pregnancy.

Valerian: Do not overdose or take continuously for more then two weeks.  Do
not take with pharmaceutical tranquilizers or sleep inducing drugs.

Wild Yam Root: High doses not recommended while pregnant.

Yarrow: Do not use during pregnancy.

ß Applemint(Mentha crispa)-herb This is a strong mint, good for the stomach and urinary problems.
It has a strong taste.
Magick: Good for healing and purification.

ß Bergamot, orange(Monarda didyma)-herb This is the herb blended with black tea to make Earl Grey tea.  In Europe it is very popular as a gourmet mint tea.  It is soothing to the stomach, and helps with respiratory ailments.
Magick: Bergamot attracts success and money.

ß Borage(Borrago officinalis)-herb Borage makes a nice cucumber-tasting tea.  It clarifies the mind, reduces fever, stimulates urination, calms the nerves, fights internal inflammations and stimulates milk flow.  The fresh leaves make a good eyewash.  The star-shaped blue flowers are edible, and taste great in a salads.
Magick: A good tea for psychic powers; carry the leaves for protection.

ß Burnet, salad(Sanguisorba officinalis)-herb Young burnet leaves are good in salads.  Burnet tea taken regularly has long been considered to maintain your health.  It also helps alleviate diarrhea or hemorrhages.  The leaves can be applied to cuts in the manner of yarrow or comfrey.

ß Carnation, red(Dianthus caryophyllus)-petal Carnation petals are edible.  In a syrup, they are used for respiratory ailments.
Magick: Carnations are useful for protection, healing, strength and for offering to the Goddess.

ß Catnip(Nepeta cataria)-herb Catnip regulates menstruation, alleviates flatulence and is a tonic herb.
Magick: Catnip tea drunk before bedtime stimulates dreaming.  It attracts love and, of course, cats.

ß Chamomile, German(Matricaria chamomilla)-flower Chamomile is disinfectant and aids in the healing of skin injuries.
The tea is calming and will help you sleep.  It also calms an upset stomach and helps to eliminate gastric infections.  It is also good for fevers and difficult menstruation.  It is a cooling and calming tea.
Magick: This herb is used for meditation and rest, it attracts money and is an incense for the God.

ß Chamomile, Roman(Anthemis nobilis)-flower This chamomile is used in essentially the same way as the Matricaria type.
Some herbalists think the German chamomile is stronger.
Magick: Roman chamomile in magic is used in the same way as the German type.

ß Chicory(Cichorium intybus)-root & herb Chicory root is a well-known coffee substitute or additive.  It stimulates appetite, the liver and spleen, and is used for gastritis and to stimulate gastric secretions.
Magick: Chicory is an herb of divination.

ß Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis)-leaf and root Comfrey is an ancient remedy for damaged stomach and intestines; it facilitates the healing of wounded tissue: skin wounds and inflammations or broken bones.  Even putting bits of the leaves under bandages makes you heal cuts faster.
Magick: leaves are carried for protection while travelling.

ß Echinacea(Echinacea purpurea)-root & leaf Echinacea is increasingly well-known for stimulating the immune system and improving digestion.

ß Evening primrose(Onothera biennis)-root I sometimes make a syrup by boiling the roots in honey along with other herbs to treat coughs and congestion.  It's also useful for asthma and gastric disorders.

ß Fennel(Foniculum vulgare)-seed Fennel calms the stomach and intestines, increases appetite and alleviates flatulence.  You can gargle it for coughs and sore throat.  It also stimulates milk flow, relieves arthritis pain and makes a good eyewash.
Magick: Fennel leaves confer protection.  It is sacred to the God.
Fennel is hung over doorways at Litha.

ß Feverfew(Chrysanthemum parthenium)-leaf & flower Feverfew has become popular as a migraine remedy.  It also calms the nerves as well as difficult menstruation, and is good for coughs.  On the skin, it relieves the itching of insect bites.
Magick: Feverfew wards off sickness and protects travellers.

ß Flax(Linum usitatissimum)-seed Flax in a tea is good for coughs and is a laxative.  The seeds may be eaten as well for the same laxative effect.

ß Hemp(Cannabis sativa)-herb The unfortunately still illegal hemp is useful for a variety of medicinal complaints, including to improve appetite, decrease nausea, treat glaucoma, clear bronchial congestion, treat eating disorders and a host of others.
The hemp plant could also be a major source of superior quality fibre, food seeds, food oil, motor fuel, plastics, fodder and other products.
One of the biggest lobbiers in favor of making hemp illegal in the 1930's was the lumber industry.  Hemp is easily grown by the small farmer and would compete effectively with them as well as with the chemical, petrochemical and other established industries.  This is one to write your Congressperson about!
While classified as a drug, we have as yet zero deaths attributed to its use in the United States, though it is the most widely used illegal substance.
Nonetheless, large quantities of our tax dollars are wasted in an attempt to eradicate the growing and use of hemp (you may know it as "marijuana").
Magick: Hemp is an herb of visions and meditation.

ß Hyssop(Hyssopus officinalis)-herb Hyssop applied, as crushed leaves or a wash, to skin injuries, including bruises, helps them to heal rapidly.  The tea is useful for sore throat, coughs, indigection and flatulence.
Magick: Hyssop repels negativity, affords protection and attracts money.

ß Lavender(Lavandula officinalis)-root & leaf Lavender may be used externally for sprains and rheumatism.  It is nowadays seldom taken internally.
Magick: Lavender attracts elves, is burned for purification and awareness, and used in the bath for purification as well as for its beneficial effects on the skin.

ß Lemonbalm(Melissa officinalis)-herb Lemonbalm is good for flu, fevers and colds.  It is delicious in teas, and works well in pot-pourris.
Magick: Lemonbalm attracts success, health and love.

ß Marjoram(Majorana hortensis)-herb Marjoram tea alleviates stomache problems, headache, coughs and respiratory ailments, nerves and menstruation.
Magick: Marjoram attracts love and wealth, and is an herb of protection.

ß Motherwort(Leonuris cardiaca)-herb This is a calming herb, and used mostly to ease menstrual or stomach cramps, recover from fevers and clear respiratory congestion.  It does not have a pleasant taste!

ß Nasturtium(Tropæolum spp.)-leaf This South American herb makes a good tea for addressing respiratory infections.

ß Oregano, Greek(Oreganum vulgare)-herb Oregano tea is useful for headache and menstruation.

ß Oregano, Sicilian(Oreganum vulgare)-herb The different strains of oregano are identical medicinally.  As for their culinary virtues...you'll have to judge those for yourself.  Both Greek and Sicilian oregano are among the strongest and best of the culinary varieties.

ß Pansy(Viola tricolor hortensis)-leaf & flower Pansy tea is useful for diarrhea or problem urination, and also respiratory infections.

ß Pennyroyal(Mentha pulegium)-herb Pennyroyal must not be drunk by pregnant women, as it induces miscarriage.
Pennyroyal has many beneficial medicinal qualities.  It is useful against headaches, gastric problems and nervousness.

ß Peppermint(Mentha piperita)-herb Peppermint is great for stomach and intestinal afflictions, including nausea, inducing sweating in fevers and stimulating the immune system.  It is also good for respiratory ailments, and can be mixed with other herbs given for nearly any complaint, on account of its strong and pleasant taste which will mask the taste of less palatable herbs.
Magick: This is an herb of protection and prosperity, and often used as an altar offering.

ß Rose(Rosa spp.)-petal & fruit Red rose petals are the best for medicinal use.  Rose tea alleviates headaches and dizziness, calms the nerves and heart, and purifies the blood.
In a cold poultice it relieves headaches.  Warm tea dripped into the ear helps earaches.  The leaves are also used in potpourris.
Magick: Rose's power is the areas of divination, fertility, peace and healing.

ß Rosemary(Rosmarinus officinalis)-herb Rosemary tea is taken for headaches, colds and nerves, but shouldn't be taken over long periods.
Magick: Rosemary is burned as smudge for purification.  It is carried for protection and attracts love and health.  It is used for consecration.
Growing rosemary attracts elves.

ßSage, clary(Salvia sclarea)-herb Clary is mostly used as a stomach remedy.

ß Sage, garden(Salvia officinalis)-herb This sage makes great tasting tea, and of course it is important in the kitchen.  Medicinally, sage tea is good for calming nerves during sickness, alleviating digestive disorders and healing mouth ulcers.
Magick: Sage confers protection, wisdom and health.  It has long been believed that planting sage around the house will assure you a long life.

ß Spearmint(Mentha spicata)-herb Spearmint has the same qualities as peppermint, but is not as strong.
Magick: Magickally, spearmint is also similar to peppermint in its uses.

ß Strawberry(Fragaria vesca)-leaf Strawberry leaf tea is taken for diarrhea.

ß Tansy(Tanacetum vulgare)-leaf & flower Tansy has certain medicinal qualities, but is poisonous and not recommended.
It repels insects and is therefore useful placed among food or clothes.
Tansy flowers dried are good hung in a room with other aromatic herbs.
Magick: Magickally, tansy promotes health.

ß Thyme, French(Thymus vulgaris)-leaf Like most of its Mediterranean mint family relatives, thyme is good for both respiratory and gastric complaints.  In the bath water it relieves joint pain.  Thyme is also antiseptic and useful in healing skin wounds and bites.
Magick: Thyme repels negativity, and is burned for purification and healing spells.

ß Valerian(Valeriana officinalis)-root This is a now very popular remedy for nervousness and insomnia.  It is powerful without having the side effects of narcotics.  Valerian is even used as an anti-spasmodic for epilepsy.

ß Walnut(Juglans nigrans)-leaf & bark Walnut bark tea is a remedy for diarrhea and to stop milk production.  The leaves and bark are detergent, and good for making skin washes which heal ulcers, sores and such.

ß Wormwood, European(Artemisia absinthum)-herb This makes one nasty tasting tea, but it is very good for removing infections and parasites from the stomach and intestines and for stimulating appetite and digestion.  Wormwood soothes the nerves, if you can stand to drink it regularly.
Magick: Wormwood is used for protection, divination and scrying, used at Samhain.  It is sacred to the moon.  Don't burn it with other incense herbs; the smoke is poisonous.

The Drying Shed Now come on into the shed, and we'll take a look at some of the wild herbs I've been able to collect around California.  Some are dried and packaged ready to use, and others are still drying, hanging in bundles or laid out on undyed paper.  You'll notice that both roots and leaves are kept from having much contact among them, so they'll dry uniformly and not develop wet spots.
I dry the cultivated herbs in here as well, but since we've already talked about them in the garden, I'll talk now only about the wildcrafted ones.

ß Bay, California(Umbellularia californicum)-leaf Wild bay leaves are stronger than European bay for seasoning.
Magick: Bay is for protection and blessing and makes a good offering incense.

ß Bayberry(Myrica californica)-root bark Bayberry root tea helps heal sinus and stomach infections, and can prevent or treat colds.  The berries are good for coughs.

ß Blackberry(Rubus fructosus et al.)-leaf & fruit Blackberry tea is good for diarrhea and respiratory congestion.
Magick: Blackberry is used for protection, health and prosperity.

ß Brake fern(Polypodium vulgare)-root An ancient laxative and remedy for dry coughs and colds.
Magick: Tranquility and protection.

ß Bracken(Pteris aquilina)-frond & root An ancient stomach remedy and vermicide.  In a lotion, used for skin ailments.
Magick: Tranquility and protection.  British peasants once believed that burning the fronds would induce rain.

ß Chaparral, Greasewood(Larrea tridentata)-leaf Some chaparral bushes are among the most ancient plants in North America; a powerful antiseptic for skin, immune builder and controversial cancer treatment.  It has important in indigenous and Mexican folk medicine for millenia.

ß Red Clover(Trifolium pratense)-root & leaf Red clover tea suppresses cough.

ß Dandelion(Taraxacum officinale)-root & leaf Stimulates urination, and used for kidney and liver ailments.  It improves appetite and digestion.  Taken internally it improves skin eruptions such as eczema.
Magick: For health spells.

ß Desert tea(Ephedra spp.)-stem Ephedra tea has been used by Natives, Mexicans, Mormons and other white settlers; it tastes good but lacks the high ephedrine content of Asian Ephedras like ma huang.  This tea is quite safe to drink.

ß Dock root(Rumex crispus)-root Dock, often in combination with plantain, is an ancient external skin remedy.  It is also laxative, and taken internally for jaundice or skin conditions.
Magick: Dock is associated with success.

ß Elderberry(Sambucus spp.)-bark, leaves, flowers, fruit A tea of the leaves sprinkled onto garden plants will repel insect pests, or rubbed on the skin will repel mosquitoes, gnats and the like.
Traditionally the flowers and fruit were considered a remedy for many ailments, and even attributed with the property of prolonging life.  The bark is purgative and emetic, but in North America it is too strong to be advised for lay use.
The leaves have these effects as well, in addition to being expectorant.  Elder flowers make a good lotion for chapped and dry skin, and are a treatment for colds and respiratory congestion, as well as eruptive diseases such as measles.  Elder flower water is used to soften the skin and lighten freckles.
Dried berries make a tea for diarhhea and colic.  They are also taken for coughs and colds.  The flowers or fruit are used to promote sweating in fevers, and in relieving arthritic pain.  Blue berries are preferable, as the red ones can be toxic.  Historically diverse other remedies and even food and drink have been concocted from the various parts of the elder.  Those berries most exposed to the sun are the sweetest.  The seeds should be strained out when making jellies or wine.
Magick: Caution: burning elder wood offends the faeries!  Elder leaves or wood repel evil spirits.

ß Epazote(Chenopodium ambrosioides)-herb Epazote purges gastro-intestinal parasites, but without the disagreeable taste of wormwood.  It makes a good tea, with a taste of butter, though some think it smells of chlorine bleach.  Wormwood has been used for thousands of years in America as a medicinal and culinary herb.  It is used in cooking especially with beans.

ß Estafiate(Artemisia mexicana)-herb This Mexican species of wormwood has the same uses as its European cousin, to remove gastro-intestinal parasites.  It's taste is perhaps slightly less disagreeable.
Magick: Mexican wormwood is useful in divination.

ß Horehound(Marrubium vulgare)-herb Don't expect horehound to taste like the horehound cough drops you may have tasted as a child.  It's taste is bad, and requires honey to make the tea palatable.  It is, however, very useful as an expectorant and treatment for coughs.
Magick: Horehound is used magickally in spells for health.

ß Horsetail(Equisetum arvense)-herb This plant which dates from Carboniferous days, is used to promote urination and menstruation.  Externally, it helps heal skin ulcers and wounds.

ß Juniper(Juniperus)-berry & leaf Juniper berries treat kidney and bladder disease, flatulence and indigestion.  They may be made into tea or eaten in small quantities.  The steam from wet heated leaves relieves arthritic pain.  Berry tea hastens the coagulation of blood.  It is also a cold remedy.  The leaves or berries make an antiseptic and healing skin wash.
Magick: Peoples worldwide consider juniper a protective and purifying herb.
It repels negativity and attracts good spirits.  It is used as incense at altars and elsewhere.

ß Manzanita(Arctostaphylos manzanita et al.)-berry & leaf For urinary tract infections, water retention and difficult menstruation, taken as a tea.  Combined with comfrey and eucalyptus, it is used as a douche.  Not advisable during pregnancy.  Continued use can irritate the intestines.

ß Mugwort(Artemisia vulgaris)-herb Mugwort tea improves appetite and digestion or can be a purgative or to regulate menstruation.  In the bath it helps sore joints and muscles.  The juice relieves poison oak itching.  Mugwort is a very powerful herb-prolonged use is not recommended.
Magick: Mugwort tea is a wash for crystal balls, or is drunk to enhance divination powers.  Drunk before sleeping the herb placed under pillows it enhances dreaming.

ß Mullein(Verbascum thapsus)-leaf & flower Mullein is antispasmodic and expectorant; the tea is used for coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis and whopping cough, and relieves digestive cramps.
Use the tea externally for inflammations and painful skin conditions or in a poultice for difficult wounds and sores.  Breathe the vapor for nasal congestion and other respiratory problems.  It is a weak narcotic that can calm nervousness.
Magick: Mullein is used magickally for protection, divination, health and courage.

ß Nettle, stinging(Urtica dioica)-herb This nettle I gather along Sierra Nevada streams; the leaves contain a variety of minerals and serve as a tonic as well as a healthy potherb, cooked as spinach.  It makes a tasty tea which promotes urination, digestion and milk flow.  It is taken to alleviate heavy menstrual flow, bloody urine, diarrhea or hemorrhoids and protects against arthritis and colds.
The sting of the uncooked leaves can alleviate the symptoms of poison oak or ivy, but take care because some people are more sensitive to it and can blister badly upon contact with the leaves or stem.  The root is boiled in water to wash the scalp to combat hair loss.

ß Pennyroyal, wild(Hedeoma oblongifolium)-herb Like the cultivated pennyroyal, this herb is good for colds with fevers, promoting sweating.  It also induces menstruation, when that is delayed.  It also induces miscarriages, and should not be taken while pregnant.

ß Pine(Pinus spp.)-leaf & bark Pine needle or inner bark tea is good for colds, being expectorant.
The inner bark can be eaten and has saved starving people during the winter.
Pine pitch can be chewed, a pea-sized piece, and swallowed with the same expectorant effect.  The pitch, warmed and applied to a splinter or thorn, can be peeled off when cool and will pull the foreign object out of the skin with it.
Magick: Pine boughs are used to sweep clean an outdoor ritual area.
Pine needles are a purification incense, and are used in money spells.

ß Piñón(Pinus monophylla)-pitch & bark Piñón has the same uses as other pines.  It also produces the best pine nuts for culinary use.  Other pine species also produce good nuts, however, including the sugar pine and Coulter pine.  Pine nuts are most easily removed from the cones by placing them briefly in a fire.  This makes the cones open, burns off or dries most of the pitch and slightly roasts the nuts.
Pitch may be removed from the hands easily with common vegetable cooking oil.
When you find piñón groves in the West, keep in mind that these groves have been cared for and expanded over millenia by native peoples.  It would be nice not to conduct a massive harvest of nuts until you are sure that native people are not still using that particular grove.  A grove I know is visited every two years (the nuts skip a year) by a large group of people from the Paiute nation.  One elderly man once sat down and talked to me at length about the piñón, very willing to share his knowledge about it.  I would not want to go in and preempt their harvest, which has been going on for thousands of years.
Magick: Piñón is used in magick as other pines.

ß Plantain(Plantago major & lanceolata)-herb & seeds Plantain seeds are eaten for constipation.  Plantain tea is good for gastro-intestinal inflammations and for skin after insect bites or abrasions.  The juice treats stomach ulcers and bladder inflammations.
Plantain is extremely common.  P.  major has been called "Englishman's footprint" as it has been carried to most parts of the world by European colonizers and settlers.

ß Rose(Rosa californica)-petal & fruit Rose buds and petals steeped in water are a treatment for diarrhea, and also make a good eyewash.
Magick: Love!!

ß Rush(Typha spp.)-stem & root The shoots are edible; as medicine, the roots are used in salves for burns or other skin irritations.  The fresh stems are cut and placed upon wounds or bites; they may also be taken internally for diarrhea.

ß Sage, black(Salvia mellifera)-herb This sage is used as white sage (see below).
Magick: Black sage may also be used as incense in the manner of white sage, though it is less potent.

ß Sage, white(Salvia apiana)-herb Reduces secretions; good for ulcers and stomach inflammations, nasal congestion, reducing lactation during weaning, diarhhea and sore throats.
Magick: White sage is one of the best smudge herbs.  It is burned to attract beneficial spirits, for cleansing, purification, protection and meditation, and to consecrate spaces.

ß Sagebrush(Artemisia tridentata)-herb Powdered leaves or the dust from sagebrush can be used as a powder for diaper and other rashes.  The decoction (water in which sagebrush has been boiled) is good for washing infected, irritated or bitten skin; it is disinfectant.
Magick: A favorite smudge for protection and blessing.  Sagebrush smoke is used to purify and consecrate spaces indoors and out.

ß Thistle, milk(Silybum marianum)-seed Milk thistle, found naturalized in many parts of North America, is increasingly esteemed as a treatment for liver ailments, as well as increasing lactation.

ß Uva ursi(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)-leaf Used in tea for urinary and kidney infections or stones, and for difficult menstruation.  Should not be used during pregnancy.  As a skin wash uva-ursi treats inflammations, bites, etc.

ß Willow(Salix spp.)-leaf Willow leaf tea is used for the same purposes as aspirin, and is in fact chemically identical.  The decoction is antiseptic and good for washing wounded or irritated skin.
Magick: Willow is burned for divination, love and protection.

ß Wormwood, Mexican(Artemisia mexicana)-herb This tea will cure stomach infections and parasites.  It is better tasting than European wormwood.  It's also a disinfectant for external use and can be burned as incense.  In Mexico this herb is called «estafiate».
Magick: For divination and protection, sacred to the moon.  Wormwood is an herb of samhain.  Don't burn it indoors; it's smoke is poisonous.

ß Yarrow(Achillea millefolium)-herb & flower A common treatment for flu, fever, digestion or heavy menstruation, yarrow is also an astringent skin wash.
Magick: Yarrow is used for divination, love and protection.


  1. I am 36 yrs old and never been pregnant. went to doc had blood work done and everything was fine then went to obgyn and they stuck fingers inside me to test for endometriosos and she said she believes i do have it i have had 2 surgeries to remove scar tissue and still nothing. i am taking dim, fertile aid, and maca also drinking a tea estafiate mugwort to help regulate me. then after some time try again. i have taken the pills before and nothing still. so i am doing it all over again with the tea. Is there anything else you can help me with to regulate me i am getting desparate now as i am getting older. please help if you can. look for me on facebook and send me a message please ty Jenny Leija is the name for fb. thx

    1. My dear it sounds like you are trying really hard and doing lots of things right, try to be patient; I actually have family who wanted to get pregnant and suffered miscarriages and had lots of problems too, then one day they have be lucky enough to have a beautiful baby boy, he is healthy but she went through lots of complications and problems too. So I hope for you that things will get better and you will carry a child. Sometimes though no matter how hard we want something it isn't meant to be and if this comes to pass, there is a reason, and something else you are meant for in life's journey. Blessings to you.

    2. I will post some rituals for conceiving that might help


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