Samhain spiral walk

You'll need a work area large enough to walk a spiral pattern. First
inward to guide the Lost Ones to the other side and then back outward
to bring yourselves back.
In the center have a small table set with refreshments and objects
that are represenative of the "Summerland" or whatever you name the
place where the dead go to rest and move on. You might also want to
include something specific to someone you know was lost or wish to
help...a small fire truck for example.
You'll also need a white candle to use while walking the spiral to
the center and to leave on the table to continue to guide those that
need to go.
Don't forget to cleanse and sanctify the space.
Call your guardians or helpers.
When you're up your sacred space and energy or start
your prayer if not pagan.
The following are the calls that came to me when I was meditating on
what to do and say.  Anything that is ::::in here::: is an action to
be performed.

The Call to the Guardians

A call to Thee...

:::face east and visualize your guardian:::
Eastern Air of spirit be
Guard the morning sun for me
:::face south and visualize your guardian:::
Southern Fire of spirit be
Guard the noontime path for me
:::face west and visualize your guardian:::
Western Water of spirit be
Guard the land of change for me
:::face north and visualize your guardian:::
Northern Earth of spirit be
Guard the magic there for me
I call you all Guardians be
:::complete raising the energy and anchoring it:::
One more I also ask to me
Spirit Center guard all I plea
Bring us to uniting energy
Clean and protect this work for me
As I will and Blessed Be!

:::call the appropriate Goddess and God to your discipline for the

The Working Call

Great Mother
Tonight we ask your help to clear the path back to the center
Back to the Great Cauldron from which all comes and
back to which all returns.
Many are those that need our help reaching their Summerland home.
Many the names do they call it but no matter the name call them back
and welcome your children.
Guide my feet on the Spiral that I may better guide them.
Welcome them to rest and rebirth at the center.
That being done, guide my feet once more outward that I may continue
my journey until I am called to the cauldron.
To all who are lost between the world of the living and the Summerland
Especially you who were lost at
The Towers
The Pentagon
The field in Pennsylvania
on September 11, 2001
We stand ready to guide you to the Center, the Summerland, the
Cauldron, the City of Peace, or however you name the place of rest.
Come and follow the light that brightens for you :::light the white
candle if you hadn't already at sunset:::
Come follow the path...
:::walk around the spiral from the outside to the center
repeating "Come follow the light, Come follow the path" until you
reach the table at the center.  Place the lite candle on the table
and allow time for stragglers:::
Be refreshed and welcomed to the Divine Table.
Be assured that those of us who must stay to finish our journeys
while you wait for us will find our way when our time comes.
Let us all be glad for your release and your healing.
:::visualize the dead going past the veil , healing and starting to

Great Mother please take these of your children who need your comfort
to your arms that we may now make our way back from the center until
our time is reached.
:::walk outwards on the spiral until you reach the beginning once
:::spend what time you feel is necessary saying goodbye,meditating,
or sharing with others in the group if there are more than one of

The Final Salute

Thank you Great Lady
Thank you Great Lord
Thank you guardians of the quarters
May all who need the Spiral Path
find it there for like the Circle
It is never and forever there.
:::take leave of the Lady and Her Lord and all the guardians as is
customary in your discipline:::

The Circle is now open but unbroken
Merry Meet
Merry Part
and Merry Meet once more.
Blessed Be!

PLEASE make sure you ground the energy and eat something to help
ground and center yourself.
Thanks to any of you who help with this on Samhain and may this time
next year find you well.
Bright Blessings to you all.


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