Samhain Correspondences

Other names: Halloween, Hallowmas, All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Eve,
Festival of the Dead, Third Festival of Harvest, Day of the Dead (Nov
1), November Eve, Samhain.

Foods: Apples, pumpkins, mulled wines, hazelnuts, gingerbread, Cakes
for the Dead, corn, cranberry muffins and breads, turnips, beats,
ale, cider, herbal tea (mugwort).

Altar DEcorations: Jack-o-lanterns, harvested food, ghosts,
photographs of deceased loved ones, tools of divination, crone

Deities: Any figure of the Goddess in her Crone aspect, as well as
Gods of death; such as: Hecate (goddess of fertility, moon magick,
and the witches' protectress, Morrigan (Celtic godess of death,
Cernunnos (Celtic fertility god), Persephone (Greek goddess who dies
and is reborn every year after being tricked by Hades), Arawn (Welsh
King of Hel), Gywnn Ap Nudd (King of Faeries and of the underworld),
Macha (Irish mother of life and death, one of the triple goddesses of
Morrigu), Scathach/Scota and Osiris (Egyptian god who dies and is
reborn every year.
Plant/Herb Correspondences: Chrysanthemum, wormwood, apples, pears,
hazel, thistle, pomegranates, all grains, harvested fruits and nuts,
pumpkin, corn, acorn, deadly nightshade, dittany, ferns, flax,
heather, mandrake, mullein.

Incense: Frankincense, galangal, myrrh, apple, heliotrope, mint,
nutmeg, sage. Add wormwood, bay and sandalwood to increase psychism
while scrying.

Oils:  Cypress and myrrh, patchouli.

Candle Colors: black, orange, red, brown.

Gemstones: all black gemstones, especially jet, obsidian, onyx.

Key Words: Death, ending, mourning, loss, release, transformation,
insight, understanding, hidden beginnings, spiritual gifts, the
latent, psychism, ghosts, hauntings, scrying, dissolving boundaries,
remembering, story-telling, ancestors, history, wisdom - the beloved
dead, quiet, meditation, descent, underworld, mists, leaf-fall,
darkness, long nights, first frosts, sexual passion, mystery,
secrets, surrender.

Bibliography: Wheel of the Year, Teresa Moorey
              Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, S. Cunningham
              Wicca Craft: Gerina Dunwich
              Moonlight & Magick October 1997


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