Auras & Energies

Auras & Energies
From "The Eclipse Lounge"
By Lady Mystic

If you thought energy was just what you use to move or lift an object well I have news for you. Everything around us even inanimate objects have energy. The energy that radiates from us is more commonly referred to as the human aura.  This aura will continually change throughout our whole live. An aura is constructed by seven individual colored bands of energy.  Each layer represents different aspects of ourselves and the color represents the state of an individual at anytime. Most people even trained aura readers never usually see pass the 4th or 5th levels.  Novices maybe see as deep as the 3rd level energies. In total the span of all 7 layers of a human aura could extend up to 4ft. from the physical body itself.

The 7 Layers of Human Energies
Physical condition and health of physical body.
This level aura is 2" from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue, the deeper the blue the stronger the body.

Emotional condition with respect to self.This level aura is 2"-4" from the physical body. The color is usually determined by your feelings, positive feelings generally create bright colors and negative feelings create dark colors.

Rational mind Thoughts and Mental Processes.
This level aura is 4"-8" from the physical body. The more active your thinking the brighter yellow it will become.

Relations between the physical and spiritual world.
This level aura is 8"-12" from the physical body and appears as bright rainbow clouds.

Divine will.
This level aura is 12"-24" from the physical body. Appears as blue.

Divine love.
This level aura is 24"-36" from the physical body. Appears as simmering light pastel colors.

Divine mind.
This level aura is 36"-48" from the physical body. Extremely bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating.
Most people have never been able to see auras.  However, most of us have surely felt the energies that others radiate. Have you ever experienced a person that walks into a room and the mood of a room changes.  Energy radiates from them and the waves of energy bounce into you and instantly create feelings and energy inside yourself.  Have you ever meet up with someone you know and without saying a word know that they were having a bad day.  Perhaps someone appears to be glowing from head to toe and you just know they are excited or happy.  Our aura is effected by others, but it is also layered like armor.  It regulates how much of our energy we give out and protects us from unwanted influences that try to penetrate us.

How To See An Aura-Exercise I
To see the aura you have to be able to relax and concentrate. For a beginner a low light is the best way to start. Try this following exercise and experiment.
You need soft light to train in, not dim, but good soft light.
Turn out the lights and lay on your bed leaving the window curtains open to let the natural light flow through it.
Hold your hands out a full distance in front of you.
Don't stare but rather gaze at your hands.
Move your hands slowly, bring your fingertips together until they are almost touching.
You will notice a cloudy blue haze around your finger. This is the first band of energy in your aura. Your Physical level.
Feeling Your Aura-Exercise II
Draw a circle on your left hand using your right fingertip.
Don't let your finger touch your hand, keep it at a distance of about a half inch move slowly you will feel the power of your aura.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. Focus your eyes on nothing, don't strain your eyes or tense your forehead. Concentrate! You need a gentle, steady un-focus, just like day-dreaming. It is crucial your eyes are really relaxed and dreamy while you hold the un-focus.
After a while you will see a pale milky aura coming from the object. Keep looking steadily at it and a bright yellow or green aura will start building up from the object. Don't change focus but look directly at it or the aura will disappear. If you have trouble seeing the aura again after the first attempt, have a rest. This is a common problem and just means your eyes are tired.

There is a reason for the strange un-focus. It has to do with the rods and cones in the human eye. The outer field of vision is many times more sensitive to movement and subtle energy fields than the focused area is. Have you ever seen a movement, out of the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing there? What you have probably seen is an aura building up from some colored object and your eyes have detected the movement.

Just remember to keep calm and don't try too hard.

On a human the first thing you will see is the physical, like pale smoke clinging to the skin. Next you will see a shimmering optical effect in the air extending maybe several inches, depending on the strength of the person's aura.  Keep trying and the color will build.  With practice you will be able to see more and more of it. The colored part of the human aura can vary from a few inches to a couple of feet wide.

The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. If they feel happy and full of life their aura is stronger and easier to see.

Try experimenting, remember everything contains and radiates energy so you can start with different objects and develop your ability by experiment in different conditions indoors/outdoors


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