Aura FAQ

Aura FAQ
By Joe H.  Slate

Q: What is the human Aura?

A: The human aura is a developmental, life-sustaining energy force
that characterizes every human being.  Without it, we could not

Q: Is the aura always visible?

A: Under appropriate conditions the aura can be seen by almost
everyone.  Though viewing the aura is often a natural, spontaneous
process, refining our aura viewing skills almost always requires some
degree of practice using structured procedures.  Through practice and
experience, we can develop our ability, not only to see the aura, but
to interpret it.  

Q: Are devices available for viewing the aura?

A: Although various aides, such as special goggles, are available for
viewing the aura, they are usually unnecessary, and in some
instances, they can actually make viewing more difficult.  Various
photographic devices are available for recording aspects of the aura,
but since the aura is in a state of constant change, these devices
are of limited value except as research tools.

Q: Do children see the aura?

A: The aura is a natural phenomenon, and children with no training in
structured viewing procedures often report seeing it.  But as we
mature, our spontaneous viewing capacities can become suppressed and
eventually submerged into the subconscious.  It is conceivable,
however, that we continue to see the aura and respond to it at
subconscious levels throughout our lives.

Q: Will my aura remain unchanged from day to day?

A: The aura is a dynamic, developmental system that is constantly
evolving.  Although it's unique structure and basic framework is
typically stable, the aura system is is sufficiently flexible to
changes in coloration, expansion, intensity and frequency.

Q: How far does the aura extend beyond the physical body?

A: Although the visible aura, as typically seen, extends from the
body only a few inches, the actual aura as an energy phenomenon
conceivably extends to infinity.  In all probability, the human aura
is in constant interaction with other dimensions of time, space,
energy, and matter.

Q: Does the environment influence the aura?

A: The aura is sensitive to the totality of our inner and outer
environment.  Mental, physical, and spiritual factors constantly
interact to influence the aura.  Personality traits, health status,
personal interactions, social factors, emotional states, and
surrounding conditions can have an immediate and critical effect on
the aura.  Even distant global and cosmic events can influence the

Q: What are some of the adverse conditions that can affect the aura?

A: A host of negative mental states such as anxiety, hostility and
frustration assert a wear-and-tear effect on the body and drain the
aura system of its energy.  Likewise, low self-esteem, a poor self-
concept, and negative social interactions can enfeeble the aura and
seriously deplete its energy supply.  Environmental pollutants and
certain drug substances can temporarily discolor and constrict the


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