Auras' Color Meaning

Auras' Color Meaning

Often seen in athletes and in young children. Denotes an inner
vitality and is usually indicative of good health.  These people
enjoy lots of social interaction and have a very strong sex drive.
Deep reds can indicate touchy tempers, and paler reds have more in
common with pink. Professional dancers are usually surrounded by red

Individuals with orange auras are very outgoing, but often have  knee-
jerk reactions to stimuli, both positive and negative. These people
are generally healthy, but orange can can indicate the need to reduce
stress.  Darker orange indicates someone living under extreme
pressure, an overly aggressive personality, or too much time in the
public eye.  Politicians are usually surrounded by dark orange.

Yellow is the color of the intellect and is often seen around
teachers and serious students.  The deeper the yellow, the deeper the
intellect.  Paler yellow indicates less creativity, a deeper yellow
indicates more.  Yellow auras frequently surround writers and
journalists.  Deep yellow bordering on orange indicates someone who
uses his or her intellect to hurt and cheat others.

Green indicates a loving and trusting nature.It is the color of
people who prefer their home life to any other, and is often seen
around happy parents.  Green is also seen around artists.  Lighter
greens can indicate an over inflated ego, and deeper greens can
indicate the deceitful nature of a good con-artist.  Not surprisingly
nature lovers also have a  lot of green in their aura.

Blue is the color of the natural healer and is often seen around
herbalists and the better doctors. people with blue auras are usually
extremely concerned for the welfare of others and are often found in
jobs and activities that aid other people. Paler blues are indicative
of deeply spiritual persons or ones who are musically gifted.  Deeper
blues indicate individuals with psychic gifts or those deeply into
natural magick.  Blue shafts of light are often seen rising from the
heads of creative personalities.
Indigo is the color of the highly clairvoyant. Those with indigo are
usually gifted in magick and are often very spiritual, though they
must guard against becoming too self absorbed.  This color lower on
the body indicates a need to change ones outlook on life.
Violet is a color rarely seen in an aura, and is indicative of the
sort of person we would all like to be.  These people have a profound
understanding of spiritual matters, are deeply empathetic, and have
well-integrated personalities- combining the best of all worlds and
states of being.  Some new age thinkers believe those with violet
auras are not on Earth to work out their own Karmic agenda, but to
aid the rest of us in achieving their advanced state of mind-spirit.

Be careful when you see a white aura that you are not merely seeing
the misty shadow of the auric field itself.  White is a rare color in
an aura, and is similar to violet in its properties.  Persons with
white auras are also very idealistic and often seem dreamy and
disconnected to the everyday world.

A pink aura indicates a very romantic nature- people who are generally
at peace with themselves and enjoy their lives.  Pinks have a strong
sense of justice and are grossly offended by violence and bigotry.
They should be cautioned about giving too much of themselves to
others as they tend to allow themselves to be martyrs for those they
care about.  This color is often seen around the heart centers of
young lovers.

This color is indicative of a person who is encased by his or her own
negative emotions.  This person often displays petulant behavior of a
child, and is someone who is usually searching for the pot of the
gold at the end of the rainbow while ignoring the joys and pleasures
at hand.
This color surrounds sedentary people - not necessarily people who are
bad- just a little lazy. These people need daily exercise which will
usually turn their auras to a blue or green.  This color can also
indicate individuals who spend too much time in meditation or
metaphysical pursuits at the expense of their physical lives.
Peach is another rare color, one which indicates a person with lots
of  compassion, understanding, and the ability to sacrifice for the
needs of others, but not in the martyr like way.

Lavender auras are usually found around those who lead a double
life.  They live one way while wanting to live another, or hey are
dishonest with their dealings with their family and friends.
Lavenders are usually not malicious, but are nearly always unfocused
and may have an underlying problem such as alcoholism.

This color indicates a dreamy person someone very emotional- a
thinker rather than a doer. This color can also mean that the person
combines traits of both blue and green auras.

This is a less common shade of blue.  It indicates someone with a
deeply analytical mind.  Turquoise is insightful and these people
make good counselors.  They communicate and are often gifted in one
or more fields of study. Brilliant music composers and innovative
inventors and scientists often have turquoise in their auras.

People with this aura are usually highly driven toward their personal
goals which are often in conflict with their ethics.  This
fragmentation causes them frustration and, in large amounts, can
indicate the presence of stress-related illness.

Beige indicates mediocrity and a slow intellect. This does not mean
that beiges are bad people. They are usually placid and pretty happy,
just not overly bright or active.

This aura surrounds a person who is tied to convention, has no
aptitude for critical thought, and is often fearful of the world and
new ideas and things.  They can be obsessive and dangerous, and
become a threat to others.  They usually have vigilante mentalities
and are usually quite cowardly despite their blow and bluster.

brown can indicate an obsessive-compulsive personality, or it can
surround someone who is currently in a miserable or frightening
situation.  It usually means the person has given up trying to fight
their problem and has slipped dangerously into a depression that
requires medical intervention.  Large brown auras are usually
temporary. In small patches it can mean the beginning of an illness
affecting that region of the body.

Silver indicates a person interested in spiritual attainment, though
they often only get it in superficial doses.  It is also the color of
wisdom, and, when it is seen at all, it is often around elderly

Gold is extremely rare, but when seen, is usually mixed with white,
blue, or violet. It indicates a very strong and vibrant personality,
one to which others are highly attracted. Gold persons are closest to
the highest ideals of violet, blue and white in their make-up, only
more strongly felt.  Some new-age thinkers say that a gold aura
surrounds those that are not native to this plane of existence.

Gray is a very negative color in an aura. If the color is localized
it indicates a serious illness in that part of the body, otherwise it
means a negative personality, one who is violent, dangerous, and
best avoided.

This is another rarely seen aura, and that is good for all of us.
Black indicates just what one would think it does- an evil, sick
personality devoid of human warmth. This color is often seen in
sociopathic personalities, or locally around regions of the body where
life-threatening illnesses are centered.

- Author Unknown


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