
Showing posts from January, 2014

Chamomile-My Kitchen Herb of the Week!

Chamomile  - Water/Sun; Gender - Masculine; Parts Used - Flowers; Magickal Properties - Prepares body and mind for magick, Healing and Prosperity wishes; Uses - Drink as a tea, place small amount in the bath to prepare for magick, use as an amulet for prosperity, burn for restful sleep, visualize your desire. Chamomile (C. nobile) This perennial is also known as Roman chamomile. It can be used as a groundcover since it grows only 4 to 12 inches in height. The foliage is feathery with an apple scent, and it is accented by white, daisy-like flowers with down-turned petals. M. recutita The annual form of chamomile is also called German chamomile. It grows to 20 inches and has feathery foliage with daisy-like flowers like it's cousin. The flowers are scented, but the foliage is not. Cultivation Roman chamomile is usually propagated by root division, while German chamomile seeds are sown directly in early spring. The soil should be sandy and slightly acid. Full...

Spells for Imbolc

NOTE: I did not write this spell but I have modified it! Maiden Healing Ritual Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say: "I am Maiden, beautiful, Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn." Let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say: "With this flame I ignite within me The spirit of the maiden." Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to. "I am whole unto myself I am the bright maiden Strong, invincible, free. I am the dark maiden Cloaked in veils and mystery. I am the pulse of the sun And the pull of the moon. Flowing from one to the other In perfect harmony. ...

Recipes for Imbolc Foods

Candlemas / Imbolc is a time of (re)dedication to the Gods for many folks and a time to get ready for another spiral. The following recipe is for Spiral Bread to be used at Imbolc --- it makes 2 loaves. One is used for ritual and the other is put on the main shrine as an offering. Ingredients for bread: 1/2 c. sugar 2 tsp. Grated lemon peel 1/2 tsp salt 1 package yeast 3 1/2 - 4 cups flour 1 c. milk 1/2 c. butter 1 egg 1 egg yolk, beaten Ingredients for poppy seed filling: 12 0z can poppy-seed filling 1/2 c. finely chopped walnuts 1 T. grated lemon peel 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon In bowl combine the ingredients for the filling, set aside. In small bowl beat at high speed 1 egg white until soft peaks form; fold into poppy-seed mixture. Combine sugar, peel, salt, yeast and 1c. flour in bowl. Set aside. Heat milk and butter until very warm (butter does not need to melt). Beat liquid into dry - at low speed just until mixed. Increase speed to medium: beat 2 m...

Mind Body Spirit Cleansing for Imbolc

Although Samhain is commonly considered to be the Witch's New Year, Imbolc has always felt more like New Year to me. After going through winter "hibernation" mode, this is the perfect time to start clearing everything out, moving some energy around and making way for new things to come in Spring. Stagnation blocks creative power, so I usually do some kind of total cleansing at least twice a year, but preferably every quarter. I like to set aside one or two weeks before Imbolc for this cleansing process, so that by the time the Sabbat rolls around, I'm fresh and new and ready to invite the new energies in. Here are some ways to cleanse yourself and your space: Your Home: · Do a total house cleanse, dedicating at least one day to each room. · Go through each room and move everything. Create a system of organizing. Divide things into categories of what you know you want to keep, what you know you can let go of, and what you're not sure about. Also, as you go...

Imbolc Incense, Oils Recipes

IMBOLIC INCENSE #1 3 parts frankincense 2 parts dragon's blood 1/2 part red sandalwood 1 part cinnamon a few drops red wine To this mixture add a pinch of the first flower (dried) that is available in your area at the time of Imbolc. IMBOLC INCENSE #2 1 part willow wood 1 part rowan berries 2 parts benzoin 1/2 part lily of the valley 1/2 part periwinkle IMBOLC OIL #1 1/4 oz. almond oil 10 drops orange oil 9 drops siberian fir oil 5 drops frankincense oil 5 drops carnation oil 5 drops primrose oil 5 drops ginger oil 5 drops lavender oil 4 drops nutmeg oil To the bottle add: dried orange flowers, garnet IMBOLC OIL#2 2 drops jasmine oil 2 drops rose oil 2 drops chamomile oil 2 drops lemon oil 2 drops lavender oil 1/8 oz. almond oil IMBOLC POTPOURRI 1 cup oakmoss, dried 2 cups dried heather 2 cups dried wisteria 1 cup dried yellow tulip petals 1/2 cup dried basil 1/2 cup chopped bayleaves 45 drops musk or myrrh oil IMBOLC INCENSE #3 5 parts...

Rituals and Recipes for Imbolc

This is traditionally a time of purification - clean your house! If you have any Christmas greenery lingering, burn it now. Make your own Brighid's crosses and hang them up, especially in the kitchen where her influence can bless your food. Put out food - cake, buttered bread and milk will do - outside your door: Brighid and her cow walk through the neighborhood tonight, and will appreciate your offering. Leave a silk ribbon on your doorstep for Brighid to bless: It can then be used for healing purposes. ******************************************************* 1.  Cast a circle around a living evergreen tree and meditate within the circle. 2.  Light white, green, and blue candles in the circle 3.  Bless a bowl of seeds and let them sit over night where the moonlight can shine upon them.  Save the seeds to plant at Ostara. 4.  Decorate  you altar with white candles and lights (Christmas lights) 5. ...

Imbolc Full Family Ritual and Recipes

Imbolc Also known as: Candlemas, Imbolg, Imbolgc Brigantia, Lupercus, Festival of lights, Bear day, Brigid's day and Dusting. (4) The name Imbolc probably means "in the belly" in Gaelic. This Sabbat celebrates the first evidence of the return of life. The Sun is slowly starting to make its return and the very hardiest of plants will begin to grow again from this day forth. Imbolg is also the holy day of Brigid, who is the Goddess of fire, healing, fertility and is the muse of the poets. It is a fire celebration, but the emphasis is mainly on the light aspect of the fire and not so much the warmth. It is seen as light piercing the dark (the slow return of the sun). Celebrations during this Sabbat are some of the most beautiful. They tend to include a large amount of candles in addition to the bonfire. There are typically many poems and stories told, in addition to music and art. Many tend to make St. Brigid crosses at this holiday. The crosses tend to be made from s...