Chamomile-My Kitchen Herb of the Week!

Chamomile - Water/Sun; Gender - Masculine; Parts Used - Flowers; Magickal Properties - Prepares body and mind for magick, Healing and Prosperity wishes; Uses - Drink as a tea, place small amount in the bath to prepare for magick, use as an amulet for prosperity, burn for restful sleep, visualize your desire. Chamomile (C. nobile) This perennial is also known as Roman chamomile. It can be used as a groundcover since it grows only 4 to 12 inches in height. The foliage is feathery with an apple scent, and it is accented by white, daisy-like flowers with down-turned petals. M. recutita The annual form of chamomile is also called German chamomile. It grows to 20 inches and has feathery foliage with daisy-like flowers like it's cousin. The flowers are scented, but the foliage is not. Cultivation Roman chamomile is usually propagated by root division, while German chamomile seeds are sown directly in early spring. The soil should be sandy and slightly acid. Full...