IMBOLC - The Earth Stirs

With the holidays behind us, we are again ready to turn the Great
Solar Wheel of the Year. Celebrated on February 2nd is one of the
four major Pagan sabbats known as Imbolc. On this day, Christians
celebrate Candlemas, blessing all church candles for the coming year.
Catholics observe the feast day of St. Blaze and share in the
blessing of the throats with candles and fire.

Imbolc has two primary meanings: In Milk refers to the time when cows
and goats begin lactating for their new coming young which is common
at this time of year. In The Belly is a reference to the womb of
Mother Earth, her stirrings still hidden from us, but stirring

This sabbat is sacred to Brigit, Goddess of Inspiration, Healing,
Fertility, and Smithwork. We can feel the Earth pregnant with new
growth. The long winter is almost behind us, and the days are
becoming longer. As we prepare for spring, this is a good time to do
a spiritual cleansing as well.


Imbolc has always had a special meaning for me because I love spring,
the bulbs,the baby animals, the fresh clean smell of earth waking up and
stretching out once again. I have made a habit of saving my candle wax stubs throughout the year and using them to make one big candle to burn at Imbolc.
Every year the color of the candle is different, and each year the color is
indicative of the year to come. I also save a sprig of
evergreen from a tree and place it on my altar at Imbolc. No
matter what the weather, I like to go outside and meditate under a
tree. I use a visualization technique, whereby picturing the earth
coming alive once again with the resurgence of spring.

I prepare an evening meal consisting of dairy (for the lactation
season) and raisins to symbolize the sun. My ritual begins with
opening the doors in my house and symbolically sweeping away any
negativity. I then cast a circle and place 13 red candles in a circle
within it. I place my large Imbolc candle in the middle of the circle
of red candles. When each candle is lit, I sit in quiet contemplation
of the season of growth that we are entering.

Once again, it is time to begin anew. The earth is coming alive and
we should take heed by utilizing our creativity at this time. There
is so much to look forward to, as the Spring Equinox is right around
the corner.

February 2nd is also Ground Hog's Day... You know, if he sees his
shadow we get six more weeks of winter. Well the spring equinox is
exactly six weeks away, so what we are actually looking towards is
the coming of the spring season, whether or not the ground hog sees
his shadow!


Basil, bay, wisteria, cinnamon, violet, vanilla, myrrh


Amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx, turquoise


Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seed cakes, dairy, and raisins

What ever you choose to do to prepare for spring, February 2nd is as
good a day
as any to start!
Imbolc Spells and Workings
Wendy M. Reynolds

Whether or not you try frithing, Imbolc is good for psychic work:
still the dark time of the year, but looking toward spring. It's also
a good time to make your space hospitable for such work, banishing
old energy to clear the way for new. Traditionally, witches purify
themselves and their space at Imbolc. Any kind of cleansing or
banishing will do, but consider ones that include fire and water,
sacred to Brighid. Once purified, you're ready to go further; at
Imbolc, covens initiate new witches.

The spark of summer dances in the future now; Imbolc is a good time
to seek inspiration, especially for healers and smiths of words or
metal. To do so, try the following spell.

Bring to your ritual space a cauldron or chalice filled with earth or
sand; a white, silver, green, purple or rainbow-colored candle; a
candleholder; oil to anoint the candle; paper; and a pen you like or
with appropriately colored ink. Ground and center, cast a circle and
ask for Brighid's presence. Then anoint your candle in Brighid's
name, and lighting it write on the paper the aspects of your work in
which you want inspiration. When you're done, raise energy and put it
into the paper, then light the paper with the candle flame. Drop the
burning paper into the cauldron, making sure the entire paper is
blackened. Then thank Brighid and bid her farewell, and take down
your circle.

The next day, relight the candle and by its light rub some
significant tools of your work with the ashes. Then either sprinkle
the remaining ashes onto your garden or houseplants or drop them in a
park in a place that feels inspiring or pleasant.

Imbolc is a white time, burning with inspiration and protection, cool
with healing and purification. Prophesy flares, painting luster on
the dark.

Light your candle, call on Brighid, and know that under the snow the
seeds of spring stir.


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