Imbolc Incense, Oils Recipes

3 parts frankincense
2 parts dragon's blood
1/2 part red sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
a few drops red wine
To this mixture add a pinch of the first flower (dried) that is
available in your area at the time of Imbolc.

1 part willow wood
1 part rowan berries
2 parts benzoin
1/2 part lily of the valley
1/2 part periwinkle

1/4 oz. almond oil
10 drops orange oil
9 drops siberian fir oil
5 drops frankincense oil
5 drops carnation oil
5 drops primrose oil
5 drops ginger oil
5 drops lavender oil
4 drops nutmeg oil
To the bottle add: dried orange flowers, garnet

2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops rose oil
2 drops chamomile oil
2 drops lemon oil
2 drops lavender oil
1/8 oz. almond oil

1 cup oakmoss, dried
2 cups dried heather
2 cups dried wisteria
1 cup dried yellow tulip petals
1/2 cup dried basil
1/2 cup chopped bayleaves
45 drops musk or myrrh oil

5 parts wormwood
4 parts cinnamon
2 parts goldenrod
3 parts acacia gum
10 ml musk oil per 8 oz. dry ingredients

10 parts clove oil
20 parts dragon's blood oil
5 parts wisteria oil
5 parts lotus oil
5 parts musk oil
almond oil base

3 cinnamon sticks, broken
1 tb. rowan berries
1 tb. saffron
2 pinches basil
Cover with almond oil and steep.

6 drops frankincense oil
3 drops sandalwood oil
3 drops lavender oil
2 drops cinnamon oil
almond oil base

Salt, Bay Leaves and Dried Peas In The Fire

Source: Candlemas 

By Amber K & Azrael Arynn K


Using salt for divination is called alomancy or halomancy. “In Scotland on Imbolg night, it was a tradition for each member of the family to throw protective salt in the fire and divine their immediate futures by the pops and lights it made.” This is a subset of capnomancy, which covers all forms fo “throwing-something-on-the-fire and figuring out what it means.” 


A specialized version of this daphnomancy, which involves throwing laurel (bay) leaves on the fire. The louder the leaves crackle, the better the omen. Originally, the leaves had to picked in a grove sacred to Apollo, so we don’t know how well it would work today. However, one could always try consecrating a tree in the back yard to the sun god, to see if that works


In Brittany, “grain sheaves not used to make the Grain Dolly were thrown into the fire. If they were quickly consumed it meant spring was a hand; if they took a long time to burn, the winter would be a long one. If they broke half and burned in two distinct pieces, there would be a brief respite from the cold, with more winter to come.”


Powdered dried peas, pitch, or almost anything else can be thrown on the fire for divination (but nothing explosive, we trust). Usually the faster something burns, the better the omen. Sudden sparks from knotty logs mean something, as do colored flames from burning driftwood and odd shapes caused by flames or smoke. Your goal is to determine what these omens mean for you. Ask yourself this: when something happens, what is your instant emotional reaction? Trust your feelings. If an event feels scary, if your chest grows tight and your neck tenses up, than it’s a warning or negative portent, no matter what any book might say. If your response is a feeling of pleasure or relaxation, it’s a good omen. It can be that simple; except that, for many people, tuning in to their own feelings is never simple.


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