
Showing posts from June, 2022

Sodalite Gemstone

  Sodalite This is Sodalite, beautiful Deep Rich blue with white streaks, can be confused for Lapis. Helps prolong physical endurance, encourages harmony within, Aids & strengthens Lymphatic system. Associated with Throat Chakra  2nd Ray Stone  Found in Chili Sodalite • Type: Tectosilicate.  • Zodiac: Cancer and Sagittarius.  • Colours: Dark indigo blue with white streaks, sometimes with purplish grey markings; the amount of white can vary from little to a lot.  • Chakra: Brow and Throat.  • Meaning: There is something that needs to be said, but you will have to use the right words.  • Empowerment: I welcome the growth of wisdom in my life.  • Availability: Common.  • Physical Benefits: Seen as useful for relieving menopausal symptoms, racing pulse or heart, high blood pressure, burns, inflammation.  • Emotional Healing: Women should wear this crystal to come to terms with ageing issues such as loss of fertilit...

New Moon Things to Know and do

 The New Moon The beginning of a new cycle. Goddess Aspect: Maiden Associated Goddesses: Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, Epona Magickal Attributes: Invoking. Workings On This Day Are For Starting New Ventures,  New Beginnings, Love, Romance, Health Or Job Hunting. Keywords for the New phase are: beginning, birth, emergence, projection, clarity. It is the time in a cycle that you are stimulated to take a new action. During this phase the new cycle is being seeded by your vision, inner and outer. Engage in physical activity.   Spend time alone. Visualize your goals for the 29.6-day cycle ahead. New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. )0( The days before a New Moon are good for being quiet and bringing things to a close. The days after the New Moon are good for putting things into motion and starting new.  “The N...

Encourage Healthier Hair

  I am always looking for ways to help encourage healthy hair, I try lots of shampoos, have even made my own. I also use essential oils for a lot of things. So when I use my shampoo I will add a couple drops of these essential oils to my shampoo each use, or if I can get the drops in the shampoo bottle I will add 6-10 drops of each essential oil to the bottle depending on the size of the bottle, then shake it up and use as normal to shampoo hair. Essential oils I use: Rosemary, Cloves and Tea Tree I use a small medicine cup and put the amount of shampoo I normally use then I drop just 2 drops of each oil in stir with my finger and wash my hair with it. It feels so fresh and clean and looks very healthy. Watch this quick video to see how easy it is to make it! thanks for watching \ )0()0()0( \Please be sure to follow my blog My Instagram Follow me Follow me ...

Moon Phases and Moon Water

What is Moon Water? How do you make it? Uses?  My Instagram Follow me Follow me on Facebook Follow my Kitchen Witch Blog Follow me Twitter!/CheriliciousC My Tiktok @craftykitchenwitch13 My Youtube Witchy Woman Cheryl Please be sure to follow Me, Thanks The moon is powerful but mysterious too and it has been studied for centuries. Many cultures, beliefs and religions follow moon phases and some use moon water as one of their ritual tools. The moon has a great effect on our earth, it causes tides to rise and fall in the ocean due to its gravitational pull. There are hundreds of claims as to what moon water can do for you, both good and bad.  We are going to explain all aspects of moon water including how it's collected, what phases of the moon should we collect from and for what...

Herbs associated with Summer Solstice

Now is a good time to make an herb bag full of some of summer's best herbs. Hang it in your home or carry with you as a multi-purpose talisman. My Instagram Follow me Follow me on Facebook Follow my Kitchen Witch Blog Follow me Twitter!/CheriliciousC My Tiktok @craftykitchenwitch13 My Youtube Witchy Woman Cheryl Please be sure to follow Me, Thanks These are all herbs commonly available during the midsummer season, but if you don’t have access to them, feel free to substitute other herbs that grow in your area. Usually people use dried herbs in craft projects, but because these are growing right now, you may want to just use them fresh. Gather equal amounts of the following herbs:  Basil, for good fortune  Hyssop, for cleansing and purifying Lavender, for calmness and peace Mug...

Litha Summer Solstice

Information and Correspondences for Litha Summer Solstice in the month of June Beautiful time of growth Longest day and shortest night of the year. It's the first Sabbat of the waning year. It's when the Mother is at her peak sexually and fertility wise.  Everything is in full bloom and the promise of the harvest is still a ways away. Persephone goes to rejoin her grandmother Hecate in the underworld. Her Mother Demeter distraught by her absence stops all growth and death begins. The Goddess who was born at Yule has now grown to maturity.  Midsummer Incenses The Complete Book of Incenses, Oils & Brews By Scott Cunningham Midsummer Incense #1 2 parts Sandalwood  1 part Mugwort  1 part Chamomile  1 part Gardenia petals  a few drops Rose oil  a few drops Lavender oil  a few drops Yarrow oil Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer Solstice (circa June 21st) or at that time to attune with the seasons and the Sun. Midsummer Incense #2 3 parts Frankince...

Lilac Sugar

Lilacs Smell so good Please be sure to follow my blog My Instagram Follow me Follow me on Facebook Follow my Kitchen Witch Blog Follow me Twitter!/CheriliciousC My Tiktok @craftykitchenwitch13 My Youtube Witchy Woman Cheryl Please be sure to follow Me, Thanks When the lilacs are in bloom and the air smells so fragrant and sweet. Collect some flowers and make this Lilac Sugar It is just 2 ingredients. Yes, that's right, just 2. Fresh lilac flowers and sugar. I picked a whole bunch of lilacs from my front yard so, I made a whole bunch of this fragrant, sugary treat. The recipe calls for 2/3 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of fresh lilac flowers, but I just kept going. I wanted to use all the lilacs I pi...

9 Knots Prosperity Spell

This is a good spell to do with the New moon up to and including the Full Moon  Please be sure to follow my blog My Instagram Follow me Follow me on Facebook Follow my Kitchen Witch Blog Follow me Twitter!/CheriliciousC My Tiktok @craftykitchenwitch13 My Youtube Witchy Woman Cheryl Please be sure to follow Me, Thanks THE SPELL: You will need a long green cord and two small bells (check local  hobby/craft stores for the little jingle bells). You will also need 5  candle in the following colors: black/spirit, brown/earth, white/air,  red/fire, blue/water. Finally, prepare an incense brazier or fire  proof bowl with some or all of the following herbs: basil, bergamot,  cin...