Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

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Bringing It All Together

Ok we've been talking about sacred space, casting the circle and the role of the goddess/gods in Wicca.  Now I'd like to provide you with a simple but brief outline of the steps in ritual construction as a way of pulling it all together. It will help you to have direction, and enable your ritual to flow like a river, enabling an even flow of energy throughout. 

The nine basic steps are as follows: 

1. Purification of the Self 

2. Purification of the Space 

3. Creating Sacred Space 

4. Invocation 

5. Ritual Observance (on Sabbats and Esbats) 

6. Raising Energy 

7. Earthing the Power 

8. Thanking the Goddess and God 

9. Breaking the Circle 

Now, we've talked about ways to purify the self via a.) the ritual bath, b.) meditation, and c.) smudging. (The Shamanic practice of Smudging is simply done by passing smudging sticks of sage, cedar or sweetgrass in front of yourself from head to toe; behind yourself from head to toe, and over the top of your head visualizing all negative energy dissipating.) 

Purification of the space simply involves sweeping the space where the circle is to be cast with a witches' besom broom. The bristles don't necessarily have to touch the ground, but simply sweeping the negative energy away from the area is all that is needed. Then again, there is smudging where you simply carry the smudge stick around the space dispelling negative energy. Another way we spoke about was in the actual casting of the circle. Going around the circle three times clockwise with incense, a candle, salt and water and then the athame. The final time around the circle is the actual casting of the circle where you visualize the bluish white light coming from the blade of the athame and creating the circle. 

We spoke of invoking the gods and/or the elements to guard and watch over the circle and protect you while performing your work within it. We also acknowledged that its ok to use generic terms for the gods or not to use them at all. It is all in accordance to your comfort level. When the elements/quarters are called to witness the rite, we ask that they bring the powers that are unique to them to add power to our work. 

Raising Energy - This can be done in a couple of ways. Chanting raises energy. Usually it is simple verses where if you are working in a group, everyone can catch on easily. It starts out in a slow and steady pace and gradually pick up momentum until everyone can feel the energy. You MAY, (more likely not), experience dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea at this point. This is a sign that you are holding on to too much energy and you need to ground it, or earth the power. We've touched upon this subject before as a pre-ritual activity, but if you are in circle and you find yourself a little too wired from the energy, you don't want to leave the circle. Simply sit or lie down on the ground, palms touching the earth (or floor), and allow the energy to flow from you earthward. This is another reason that in circle after the ritual has been performed you may see a time for celebrating with cakes and ale. Eating is an activity of grounding. This can be pieces of cake and wine or ale, or just cookies and punch. Whichever you prefer. They are consecrated and then distributed to the group to enjoy prior to the breaking of the circle. 

When all is said and done, we thank the goddess and god for their participation. We express appreciation and bid them farewell until next time we meet. At this point the circle is uncast, 3 times widdershins (counterclockwise). It makes perfect sense that if you cast the circle in a clockwise direction to close it, then to open it again you would go counterclockwise, similar to closing and opening a door. 

You may wonder what you do with your altar set-up at the close of ritual. If you are able it's ok to leave it up until the following day, particularly if you've been working into the late hours of the night. You water should be offered to a tree out of doors, your wax from the candles and ashed from the incense or any burned paper if you did something like that should be buried. The leftover cakes and ale should be left out of door for the faeries and elves and animal spirits. 

That's it! In a nutshell. I hope this helped to give you a better idea of what is going on in ritual. Use the outline to plan yours. 

If you haven't started already, you should have a book (book of shadows) where you are keeping this information. 


1) To establish clear boundaries between the sacred and the profane If a clear channel is not set up properly, psychic phenomenon can result.

Almost all phenomenon involve an increased sensitivity to the vibrations of the astral plane and require some learning to direct and handle them. Psychic phenomenon is not an end in itself.  It is usually an indication that someone does not know how to correctly contain the psychic energy around them.

Because they haven't set up proper boundaries, the astral realm leaks into ordinary reality producing bothersome effects.  To avoid this, establish a specific time and place to accommodate working with spiritual entities.

2) To have a clearer channel to higher-level information The astral plane is very fluid and changeable.  Lower astral forces are very attracted to power.  When given the slightest opportunity, they will spin wild yarns about being the "Master XZ from the planet Gozer in the time when time was not." You don't want any stray astral critter to influence or dampen your psychic field.  Unless you are able to discriminate, there is a great danger of delusion and deception occurring.  A sacred space will tighten your interface with spirit so that ONLY the entity you specifically call will visit.  False entities from the lower astral cannot pass the test for validity (a banishing pentagram) and they cannot enter sacred space.

3) To protect yourself from your own unconscious forces and delusion When you enter a consecrated space, your psychological outlook should undergo a change.  To become receptive to higher frequencies, you must leave everyday worries behind.  You do not want to be concerned about the electric bill while you are working with sources of higher energy.  All energy follows thought.  The ancients recognized that thoughts create energy manifestations.

Undigested bits of unconscious content (like your deepest fears) can be given the impetus to manifest within the physical if you don't remain totally focused during your sessions with spirit.

Entering sacred space helps the practitioner to psychologically adjust, leaving the mundane at the door.

 Casting A Circle 

Creating A Sacred Space 

The reason we cast a circle before performing any magic is to provide a 

space where we can have directed energy for the creation of a magical 

need, and to protect us from being disturbed. This is done each time you 

wish to perform any spell, ritual blessing or ceremony. 

A circle offers protection to the person during ritual, mainly 

protection from unwanted influences. There is no one way to cast a 


For the beginner, please use the method shown here. For future 

reference, it is a good idea to read more books for other methods until 

you find one way that suits you best. This is the method that has suited 

my needs but each individual needs to find one of their own. 

To cast a circle, follow these steps. 

*Locate the four directions - East, South, West, and North. 

*Imagine there is a physical circle or magical ring around you and the 

space you are occupying. 

*Call in all four directions, saying: 

'I cast this magical space to create, may it protect me from unwanted 

energies and draw to me and to me only energy that works with light and 

love. All other energy begone.' 

*Then imagine that you have a white light around you and know that this 

light can be called upon whenever you feel the need to have protection. 

Creating Sacred Space

 Sacred Space. The Earth is sacred space, the Air, the Water. There is


 space all around you. This writing deals with a place of privacy to

study and/or

 perform magickal work in or around your home. Sacred Space. It is a

place of

 focus and learning, celebration and magick. A place where the spirit

can soar, to

 be open to all.

 This space may have a portable altar, a permanent working altar, or be

used as a

 place of study, depending on its size and your requirements.

                             On Finding Space

 If you do not live alone and the other or others are not Wiccan,

discuss with

 them your need for privacy.

 The place you choose may be permanent if you are fortunate enough to

have an

 unused room or corner of a room. If not, temporary space will do.

 Those who have an extra room for your sacred space are fortunate

indeed. You

 may decorate it any way you wish. You may want to match the decorations

to the

 change of seasons. Have a cabinet or closet for any supplies and

decorations you

 may have. You may need extra shelving for tools, props, etc. Add a desk

 well-stocked with paper, pens, notebooks and journals. Put in a couple


 bookcases and have fun filling them. A large over-stuffed chair to read

in would

 be wonderful. Everything needed should be kept close at hand. This is

your place

 for learning and work, make it yours.

 If your space is limited there are alternatives. A corner of a room may

be used.

 If you feel the need to hide the space when not in use, a room divider


 nicely. Set up a small table with a cloth, and basic altar supplies if

you wish. If

 you are "out of the Closet" you may find yourself spreading further

into the

 room, adding bookshelves, a comfortable seat and a lamp.

 Night stands, the top of a dresser, a shelf, all may be used if space

is tight. If

 space is really at a premium, even a windowsill will do.

 Decide what kind of lighting you will use. Will it be electric,

hurricane lamps, or

 candles? Or a combination?

 Do not forget window shades for privacy.

 When you wish to use your space, you will need uninterrupted time.

Unplug the

 phone. If there are no family members working with you, be sure they


 your need for time of your own.

 Outdoor Space

 For outdoor space, be sure to have fencing, trees or shrubs to obscure


 neighbors view of your yard. Stone benches may be used for seating and


 space. Sacred space with an herb or rock garden with statuary would be


 wonderful. Design your own "Witches Garden". Study plants in your area.

As you

 learn about them, add them to your garden.

 Choose your space wisely and with care, and you will be rewarded with


 special. It will be a place for uninterrupted learning, celebration and

joy for



   Clearing and Dedicating Your Space

 If the area is a large one, sweep it with a ritual broom.

 You may prefer to smudge with sage or sprinkle with water containing a


 or protective herb, or water energized by the full moon.

 As you sweep or smudge, recite the following. It is in simple rhyme for




     Energy of a Negative kind

                   Cleansed from this Space I have defined.

                    I cleanse this space of things that were

                     Space now to be where mind will

 I dedicate to Light and Air.

                         Sacred space I here declare.

                         Dark and Shadows also here

                        Space Dedicated with no fear.

                          In this space I am to learn.

                         Candles, incense I will burn.

                          Natural energy will abound

                      With or without circle cast around.

                         Light and Shadows I will find

                      in this space my thoughts enshrined.

                      A place to think with mind unbound

                      In sacred space that is new found.

                    I cleanse this space of things that were

                     Space now to be where mind will stir.



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