The Spring Kitchen

I love the idea of decorating the house for each season
Here are some wonderful ideas for a Spring Kitchen
Get inspired and decorate your kitchen, change up the decor a little with splashes of color
and you can make some items with just a little inspiration and a few items

Seasonal Kitchens

The Spring Kitchen

Spring kitchens are airy, fresh places where we feel
energized, alive with possibilities.  The first step
in making our 
kitchens places of inspiration is old fashioned
Even those of us who loathe housecleaning as a
tiresome, thankless, 
repetitious, and endlessly boring chore can learn to
enjoy the 
process of marking our territory with magick.

By the end of winter, the world looks a bit scruffy
and neglected.  
Dead leaves and fallen branches litter the ground,
along with 
remnants of snow pocked with grime.  Just as a
gardener needs to 
clear away the winter debris to make room for spring
growth and 
flowering, so it can be a good thing to clear away
debris from our 
kitchens.  Make space in your life for fresh, good
things to grow.  
Take some time in early spring to decide on your
kitchen essentials: 
What is truly necessary for you?  

What could you do without?  Give away anything that
doesn't serve 
you.  When your kitchen is clean and uncluttered, your
spirit can 

Once your kitchen is as clean as  you feel like making
it, you may 
want to celebrate the stirring of new life with a few
springtime decorations.  Flowering bulbs and bare tree
branches can 
both be placed in water and allowed to bloom.  

Teardrops of glass hung in the window catch the light
like melting 
icicles.  Dark, earthy, winter colours give way to the
lighter, more 
airy ones of spring--a pastel rag rug for the floor or
a woven mat 
for the table may refresh your spirit.  Look for
shades of mouth-
watering yellow-green, violet, rose, pale blue,
silvery dove-gray, 
and a tender yellow the color of the emerging sun. 
These are the 
colors that will help you to envision, to plan, to be

Spring is associated with air, and with thoughts,
ideas, and words.  
You could invoke the power of words in your kitchen by
writing a few 
important ones here and there.  

Use large letters if you want them to be seen (in a
border around 
the ceiling, perhaps), or hide tiny ones in secret
places.  Get 
yourself some magnetic poetry for the fridge.  What
are the words 
that you need in your life?  Is there a special quote
that you could 
frame or incorporate into your kitchen?

By the Spring Equinox, the birds are returning and the
world is 
filled with wings, nests, and the heart-lifting sound
of their 
singing.  One traditional and pleasant way to
commemorate the birds' 
return is to include a nest or two in your kitchen. 
You could buy 
one (Spanish moss, twig, or wicker nests look very
realistic), or 
you could find a real one (as long as it isn't being
lived in 
anymore), or create your own.

Fill your nests with eggs.  Traditionally, eggs have
held a place of 
special veneration as objects of power and magick. 
is an ancient way to honor this season.  And you may
want to tuck in 
a feather or two, as well--these are especially
meaningful if you've 
found them yourself.

There are egg-shaped soaps available now that would be
fun in a 
nestlike soap dish on the sink (look for nice
all-natural herbal egg-
soaps in specialty stores or gift catalogues).  Or, to
make your 
own, try grating leftover bits of soap into a bowl,
mix with a 
little water, and shape small palmfuls into eggs by
hand.  If you 
throw in a few leftover coffee grounds, your soap will
have a wild-
bird-egg's speckled look and will also be a good
deodorizer for 
oniony hands.  Whenever you wash with a bar of
egg-soap, let the 
symbol remind you of the incredible power to create
that lies in 
your hands--and in your heart, your spirit, your mind.

The first tender vegetables of the spring garden make
a welcome 
appearance now.  The tiny carrots, cheery radishes,
spears, and the earliest new peas to sprout up in
gardens may be 
found on everything from teapots to vases to
dinnerware to tea 
towels, which let you invite their hopeful message
inside as well.  
Or you could paint or stencil that veggie of your
choice somewhere 
special: inside a cupboard door to cheer you whenever
you open it, 
for instance.

By late spring, the world is strewn with flowers. 
Make a place on 
your table for a vase spilling over with blooms, or
find an O'Keeffe 
print to brighten your wall.  The sensual beauty of
flowers has age-
old associations with love, sex, and pleasure, and
late spring is 
certainly the time for those.  To invite the power of
sensuality into your kitchen, choose fabrics and
accents in shades 
of rose to remind you of your own sacred petals. 
Consider making a 
rose-patterned pillow for your power place; then,
every time you sit 
there, you will be embowered by these rich symbols of
the Goddess.

Source:  Cooking Like a Goddess by Cait Johnson


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