Why magick isn't a quick Fix

I get asked a lot for spell and candle magick help, people ask me why their spells don't' work, or ask me for spells to get things they want, and I have this to say...
First of all let me just say that magick isn't the answer to everything you want in one easy step, it takes time, energy, patience and lots of hard work step by step and you must also work hard, have lots of discipline and put hard work into what you want, or should I say what you need first. Things aren't like in the movies, believe me, I wish they were too, but life just isn't that easy. There is a reason for this, because we all need goals and we need to work to achieve things in our life. That is what makes us good people, we work for what we want and need. Step by step!

If you expect a pile of money to drop down in front of you and you think magick is going to work that way, then get out of the dreamworld and wake the hell up. I wish life was like in the movies but that is all fantasy, and it doesn't work that way for anyone. Even magick doesn't work that way for anyone, not the best of us witches. So now that your eyes are open and you're saying well why the hell not, it's because everyone of us has to work for things. Even the best of us, and if you're not willing to work for things, set goals, discipline yourself and work to achieve goals then you are not good enough to have a magickal life to begin with, so go on with yourself and be a lazy loser.

Now that we got through that life lesson can we move on to the good stuff? Good!! Magick will work if instead of saying I need lots of money NOW, you get real and work step by step at what you need that money for, to pay your rent, house mortgage, so that you have a safe place to sleep; your car payment, so that you can get to your job and keep it, your utility bills, to buy foods, so that you can stay alive and enjoy life. Let's face it if we just sit around and don't have to do a thing, our life is pretty boring, we get lazy, unhealthy and depressed if we have nothing to do. So why would you want life to just drop you piles of money down in our laps for no reason, that wouldn't make us happy.

Once you realize that magick works for those who work for it, then life will become easier and success will flow with your magick. Ask for just what you need a little at a time, don't be greedy.
If you need to find a job, ask for that and be reasonable, you can't expect to get the president of the company if you haven't worked for that position from the beginning and don't have any training.
One day at a time, step by step, that's how we get to where we want. When you learn to go about it in that way, you put yourself in a magickal place and you raise your energy and power and the magick will flow.

Once you get yourself in a positive place then the magick will flow forth from within and help you to be a more empowered person and you will feel it deep within. Magick takes lots of time, training, practice and deep spiritual devotion. In order to make your spells work you must study the correspondences for the spell, the elements, the crystals, incense, time of day, day of the week, and much more than just expecting a big bang of magick to happen. Two things must be strong and have good reasons, will and intent, without these and good reasoning behind your spell it wont do you a ounce of good to work the spell.

You also have to have faith, faith in you, that you can achieve your goals, you can work your magick.


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