13 Keys to a Crafty Kitchen

1. A quartz crystal placed on or near the stove when cooking makes
Food taste better.
2. A pot of basil herb grown in your kitchen keeps the area safe
From evil forces and negative spirits.
3. Candles keep their shape better and longer when chilled
Thoroughly in the refrigerator. If you put your candles in the
Freezer for a few hours...they smoke
Much less. If you soak your candles in some salt water...they drip
Much less (and you have less wax to scrape off of your altar
4. A witch's kitchen should never be without a lunar calendar or
Chart showing the phases of the moon and its movement through the
Wheel of the zodiac.
5. A full moon increases extrasensory perception and is the ideal
Time to prepare and use potions that increase the psychic abilities.
6. Love phiters and aphrodisiacs should always be prepared during
The waxing of the moon.
7. The best time to plant an herb or vegetable gardens when the moon
Is in Cancer, Scorpio, Libra or Pisces.
8. Homemade magickal incenses, sachets and potpourris become more
Fragrant if aged several months before used.
9. Homemade incense always should be stored in tightly capped or
Corked jars.
10. Unlucky influences should be kept away from the when cooking or
Preparing magickal recipes, and this is accomplished by stirring in
A clockwise direction.
11. An aloe Vera plant should be kept on the kitchen, as its juices
Are an instant cure for minor kitchen burns.
12. Herbal preparations should never be boiled in aluminium vessels,
But in only copper, earthenware or Pyrex to avoid contamination of
The medicines.
13. Before casting spells or preparing potions, always keep in mind
The Wiccan Rede: "Do what ye will an' harm none."


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