3 Homemade Hair Tonics for Strong, Healthy & Shiny Hair
I am always mixing up new recipes for hair, I search all the time for great ideas to take care of my hair and I share them with you. So Pick your favorite herb and mix up a tonic for your hair this week. A healthy head of hair with a healthy, flake-free scalp is a wonderful thing. So wonderful and desired, in fact, that there is an enormous market that caters solely to it. Walk down any hair product aisle and you’ll be overwhelmed with then number of choices you have for shampoos, conditioners, rinses, sprays, and dyes (to name just a few things.) You could spend days, and lots of money, trying to figure out just what chemical concoction will work the wonders it promises. If you’d like to break up that routine, try making some of your own products at home. I have found them to be simple, pure, and more effective that many of the things I have bought in stores. 1. Nettle Hair Tonic Rich in iron, a rinse made with nettles can help combat hair loss/promote hair growth. Drinki...