Centering Yourself

Centering is Easy

The term 'center' refers not to the center of your physical being (your body) but to the essence or seat of your spiritual essence. Basically, it is place within you that is the seat of what makes you, *you* and the place where all your energy is directed from and to. This is very important to understand because if you consciously work with energy then you need to be able to find your center to control the energy at hand. A good example concerns grounding. There are some people who can do it naturally, but most can not. When you ground, you are opening a conduit between a source of great energy (usually the earth) and your center (which is also *you*!) for the purpose of accessing that energy for what ever it is you want to do with it.

You already know where your center is and have already used it. It is the source of your life-force, the seat of your soul. When you're depressed you lose energy (natural containment's are down) and when you are excited or you feel powerful, you instinctively gain energy (you reach out and take it).

To find your center, you need only become aware of it. There are several methods of doing this. One that I recommend is feeling passion about something you love, like a piece of music or (for me! astronomy!) perhaps you have a favorite object that you really love or maybe a person! Bring this image into your mind and focus on your feeling for it. Make sure you choose something positive as negative emotions are too distracting for this to work. You may feel physical sensations from what you're feeling. That's O.K. Begin to focus inward past the emotion you have triggered to the actual source of the intense feeling. You should do this with your eyes closed. Continue to focus inward, past all thought and physical sensation, to the essence or 'base' of the emotion. When you are able to focus on your center (find it) you should feel an almost overwhelming connection with everything natural around you. You might feel as if you could reach out and touch the entire universe (and in fact you can!) or that your consciousness is expanding into some other realm! What you're feeling is your own energy flowing up and around into your physical body; caressing it, directing it and bringing life!

Another method is to sit in a quiet place and meditate. You might use music to aid you but the over all key is, again to focus inward. The difference is that instead of concentrating on a strong emotion, you focus on something neutral and unconscious like breathing. You should focus and concentrate on your breathing until you lose touch with everything else. Again you will eventually reach a 'place' where your consciousness begins to expand and possibilities seem endless. This is your center.

Once you can center at will (become aware of, *not* become immersed in) you can then begin to learn to consciously focus energy and use it!

Centering, Earthing, Grounding

There are techniques which it is best to perform before and after meditation. Visualizations, ritual, acts of magic and spells.

Those performed before have the effect of preparing you physically, mentally and psychically for the work you are about to perform.  Those you carry out after are designed to ensure that you are truly back down in earth before you go on with daily life.

Center yourself by taking several deep breaths and focus on the Earth beneath you, the Air you are breathing, the light and heat of the Sun and your heartbeat, and the Water and blood which flow within your veins.  It is essential to balance the Elements before starting magical work.

Earthing and Grounding are both techniques to use after working. Earthing involves much the same as Centering in that you visualize the Elements within.  It is assisted by actually placing your hands and feet on the earth, if you are outside, to allow residual energies to transfer to the ground.  When indoors you may find that it helps to rub your arms and legs briskly, again dissipating left -over energy. Grounding is most easily achieved by having something to eat and drink: this encourages your body to focus on the physical realm.  Earthing is used to disperse residual energy while Grounding helps to replenish the body's physical resources. If you can, perform both after any act of magic.


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