Happy New Year 2014 News and Folklore, Spells, Rituals
Blessed Greetings Happy New Year to My followers and friends This is indeed a special year as you can see from the photo, we celebrate a new year with a new Moon and I am very excited. I look forward to new things this year and a much better year than 2013, which I was personally excited to live through because not only was I born on the 13th day of December but 13 is a lucky number, however I am ready for an even better year this 2014. Here are some spells, rituals and folklore and information about New Year's. *** 13 New Year's Superstitions! 1. Eating black-eyed peas and greens, I remember this one the most from other years and I remember eating them. Eating them brings good luck and financial prosperity. You are to eat the peas with greens for prosperity. The peas represent good luck and the greens represent money. 2. Nothing goes out of the house, or you will be losing things during the upcoming year. Don’t take out the trash or food or...