Be thankful, Ground, Cleanse, Relax
When you wake up each morning do you give thanks? Do you wake up grumpy asking why do you have to face this day? You know how you face your day is going to have a reaction to how your day will go! It's very true, when we wake up grumpy and we start our day off grumpy or with I don't care, I don't want to do this, Why me, do I have to deal with today, our day will reflect upon us and treat us right back with the attitude we give off. I am living proof this is true. There have been days I feel really terrible and if I can barely face the day, get started off on the wrong foot the whole day can go wrong, but if I get up and say "thank you for giving me another day" "I'm going to make the most of this day" Then my day will go 100% better and I advice you to remember this and try to follow this method of living, really enjoy and live life to the fullest you can. That can mean different levels to each person and that's ok, do what you can do to make...