Be thankful, Ground, Cleanse, Relax

When you wake up each morning do you give thanks? Do you wake up grumpy asking why do you have to face this day? You know how you face your day is going to have a reaction to how your day will go!
It's very true, when we wake up grumpy and we start our day off grumpy or with I don't care, I don't want to do this, Why me, do I have to deal with today, our day will reflect upon us and treat us right back with the attitude we give off. I am living proof this is true.
There have been days I feel really terrible and if I can barely face the day, get started off on the wrong foot the whole day can go wrong, but if I get up and say "thank you for giving me another day" "I'm going to make the most of this day" Then my day will go 100% better and I advice you to remember this and try to follow this method of living, really enjoy and live life to the fullest you can.  That can mean different levels to each person and that's ok, do what you can do to make each day, each week, each month a better one than the last, move forward and upwards.
Take time to give thanks, get outside, ground with the earth, hug a tree, I really honestly mean this, go barefoot on the ground, if you can't get barefoot, then reach down and touch the earth, rub you hands on the grass, sit on the ground or at least sit close enough to touch the wonderful earth that the goddess has let us reside on and be a part of everyday.
Ground yourself often, this helps to reduce stress, and put us in a healthier happier place, to feel positive and get rid of some of the negativity we can all accumulate.
Take a cleansing bath, make some of your favorite herbal tea, listen to music that pleases you.
Especially when you are in the worst mood ever, STOP, and do something that will get rid of that ill feeling.  You will become a happier and healthier person, you will live longer and you will turn the world into a better place, because every time we rub off some good vibes we can turn 1 person maybe more into better people too. We can make this world a better place to exist on this earth.

Grounding, Centering and Shielding,

The Tree Meditation
Stand or sit straight up - your spine must be perpendicular to the
Earth's surface. Sitting against a tree is really neat but not

Take four (or however many you desire) deep inhalations and exhalations
and get your mind in the right space. Visualize that you are breathing
in golden-white light - this is prana. Prana is more than air; it is the
life force that sustains all things.

As you breathe begin to notice those areas of your body that are tense.
Breathe prana into those areas and relax the tension. Start with the top
of your head and work your way down to your toes.

The next step is very important. One of the most difficult aspects of
meditation is that our minds are constantly filled with various
thoughts. These thoughts distract us from having a good meditation. To
deal with this problem (and there are many methods for mind-calming) try
the following and at this point focus your awareness on the third eye.

Visualize that you are on a bridge that spans a body of water. Go to the
top of the bridge and put all your thoughts, concerns, cares, and
worries about your mundane life into a bag. Tie the bag closed and throw
it into the water.

Watch the bag float for a time and then see it sink down. When you are
satisfied with your actions you may leave the bridge or stay for the
next part - the actual "Tree Meditation."

Now VISUALIZE your spine and body as a tree trunk. See and feel roots
growing from your legs (or tailbone if sitting) and send them into
Mother Earth.

Let your roots tap deeply and send them to the Earth's center. There you
will see a glowing silver-blue ball. Allow your roots to wrap around the
ball like fingers. Think to yourself that this ball is the heart of the
mother, the stone, the center, the home of our ancestors and the realm
of the ancient ones. Then allow the energy from the ball to rise up your
roots and feel the Earth's energy (the power of immanence, the power
within) to fill your body.

Feel the energy travel up your spine into your head. Feel it come out of
the top of your head and fall down upon you like a fountain. Feel it
fill your entire body and being.

Next, VISUALIZE that there are branches full of leaves coming up from
your head and shoulders (some folks like to see their crown opening).
Allow them to grow upwards, reaching for Father Sky. Allow your branches
to wrap around the sun and to take in his light (the power of
transcendence, the power without) so that you may bear "fruit"-the
fruits of wisdom, intelligence, creativity, etc.

Feel the energy come down the branches and let it fill your entire body
and being right down to your feet. You are now grounded and centered
with two energy circuits moving within you. It is a good idea to do this
exercise at least once every day, particularly in the morning as a good
way to start the day. You should also do this exercise before and after
any magickal working and ritual.

As you do the exercise you may find it helpful to say outloud the words
of visualization and we also like to give thanks when the exercise is
completed -- without the Earth and Sky we would not be!


After you ground and center, allow energy to build up in your heart
chakra. See a green spiral spinning faster and faster. Then send the
energy out into your eggshell shaped aura.

Visualize this egg shape and see it surround you - even to the point of
extending into the Earth just underneath your feet. Visualize and, if
desired, say outloud that you shield yourself.

At this point you need to set up the type of shield that you desire.

There are many variations on this theme. The most basic is the mirror
shield where any type of energy, good or bad, is deflected back to the
sender. Another is a net or mesh shield that only allows good energy
inside. Or your shield may take in bad stuff and then transmute it to
good vibes. Or negative energy may be grounded into Mother Earth where
she will then take care of it.

One may like to surround herself with a three-dimensional pentagram of
whatever color.

There are many types of shield shapes, colors and functions; try
different things and experiment.

Shielding is very important because as you become more sensitive to
energy, you become more sensitive to positive and negative energies.

Shielding helps to protect you and, equally as important, helps to
protect others from you! It is a good idea to shield when you know that
you will be going to a public place or a tough situation (in particular,
shopping malls, government buildings, police stations, prison, and the
like - trust us on this!). You may find that you will need to first do a
quick grounding and centering to build up the energy to establish your

Of course, with these basic energy exercises, you may fine-tune and
augment them to satisfy your particular yen.
Remember - regular daily practice makes perfect! The more you do it the
quicker it will happen - i.e. you will get to the point where you can
ground, center and shield in just a minute or less.

Grounding to Earth

Here is a sample exercise to help you ground. In this example you 
will ground to earth. While grounding to any element is possible, 
earth is probably the easiest, especially if you are starting out. If 
another element calls to you, or you already have your own way of 
doing this. Feel absolutely free to use it.

Stand or sit comfortably on the floor or ground. If you are not on 
the first story, that is okay, just be as close to the actual ground 
as you can for the space you are in.

Visualize roots slowly extending from your feet (or other body parts 
touching the surface). Slowly they travel down, down, until the meet 
the soil. This is easy if you are outside, if you are not, imagine 
them traveling down throughout the layers of building, down through 
the foundation and eventually into the soil. Imagine the feel of the 
secure soil all around your roots, keeping you safe, taking away all 
impurities. Aboriginal people who don't have much access to water 
bury themselves except their face in earth, and emerge totally 
cleansed and renewed. Imagine the smell of fresh, wholesome earth, as 
if you were turning over dirt to plant the first seed of spring.

Imagine that you are a giant, redwood (or other tree of your 
choosing). You are sturdy and confident. You are part of the earth, 
yet distinct from it.

Your roots go down deep into the earth and all excess "nervous" 
energy, tension and stress flow down your roots and seep harmlessly 
into the earth, where the loving earth accepts and is nourished by 
it. In return the earth sends back calming nutrients, stability, and 
ancient serenity.

You are an ancient tree, your roots go deep into the ground. You have 
been here before humans walked this area, you have seen so much. You 
have seen most of your old comrades die, be struck by lighting, be 
chopped own to build for the people, but you withstand.

As you stand there, you think about the rings within your mighty 
trunk. The ones just inside your bark remind you of last spring's 
rain. The thin inside that of the cold year when you didn't grow so 
much. Continue to work inward until you reach the center rings, those 
rings of dark wood at your core that represent the inner you, your 
heart, your oldest part. Breath from that part. Suck the air in 
through all the rings to that central core. Feel your life force 
gather and recharge in you center. Pull it back from the outermost 
limbs where the growth may be unbalanced. Feel the sap brimming in 
your core. Once you feel totally charged, let it go and it will 
course through you, back out energizing you, but at your center is 
still the central heart of your energy, calm, full and ready for 

Another way to detox and get rid of bad feelings is to take a relaxing bath.

Calling all Goddesses

Here's a recipe to help us remember who we really are. Turn off the lights and light some candles in your bathroom.

Prepare a pot of herbal tea. Blend 3 tablespoons of dry milk powder with 3 tablespoons of dry buttermilk powder. Add some milk or soy milk and blend. Add carrier oil and your essential oils.


3 drops of Rose 
2 drops of Sandalwood 
2 drops of Patchouli

This luxurious bath will transport you to another world.


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