
Showing posts from July, 2016

Fertility & Pregnancy Spells

Here are some helpful Rituals, Spells and Charms to help you become Fertile and Conceive I wish you good luck and happiness and good health on your baby journey. It is a lifelong commitment if you decide to try to have a baby, remember it isn't something you can put on a shelf when you get tired of parenting, but it is fullfilling and always a new experience in every step along the way, if you are blessed to ave a child. the egg represents fertility FERTILITY RITUAL Materials: 1 green practitioner candle, 1 white "full moon" goddess candle, 3 green rocks, 1 green glass, 1or more green plant(s), 1 fertility goddess symbol, 1 small piece of green paper, a pen/cil, patchouli oil, a cup of water, and a tbsp. of salt. 1) Anoint candle w/patchouli (or musk). Set up alter as follows: place Goddess symbol at top center of alter. Place white candle at the left, slightly lower, to be left point of pentacle. Place green candle to the right, in line with white candl...