Fertility & Pregnancy Spells

Here are some helpful Rituals, Spells and Charms to help you become Fertile and Conceive
I wish you good luck and happiness and good health on your baby journey. It is a lifelong commitment if you decide to try to have a baby, remember it isn't something you can put on a shelf when you get tired of parenting, but it is fullfilling and always a new experience in every step along the way, if you are blessed to ave a child.

the egg represents fertility


Materials: 1 green practitioner candle, 1 white "full moon" goddess
candle, 3 green rocks, 1 green glass, 1or more green plant(s), 1
fertility goddess symbol, 1 small piece of green paper, a pen/cil,
patchouli oil, a cup of water, and a tbsp. of salt.

1) Anoint candle w/patchouli (or musk). Set up alter as follows:
place Goddess symbol at top center of alter. Place white candle at
the left, slightly lower, to be left point of pentacle. Place green
candle to the right, in line with white candle. Place the 3 rocks at
the two lower points and in front of the Goddess symbol. Place the
green glass in the center of the pentacle you have outlined. Put a
pinch or two (or 3) in the cup of water, and the rest in the bottom
of the green glass.

2) Center, cast your circle, and call the quarters inflecting on how
each element can aid you in your request (i.e. - I call forth the
East, Air by name, Upon your winds the seeds of life are sown, I now
request your aid in the same, Aloft to the Goddess, make my request

3) Invoke the God/dess inflecting on how each is essential for both
fertilization and sustenance of life.

4) State your purpose and reason for wanting to be or become fertile
with a new life.

5) Do your actual working. I did this by reciting a fertility request
poem to the Goddess, asking her for a "late-life" chance at
motherhood. I wrote my request on the green paper, and envisioned the
child and I enjoying each other's company, and that of their older
sister. I then burnt the paper in the flame of the green candle and
dropped it in the green glass. The salt at the bottom absorbed most
of the heat and kept the glass from cracking. I then doused the
smoldering request with the salt water from the cup. "From Earth
(paper), Sea (salt and water), Fire (flame), and Air (feeding the
flame) we all began and shall end."

6) Thank God/dess and turn the request totally over to them.

7)Thank and release the quarters in the opposite direction as called
(i.e. - I release to the North, Earth from this rite, With humble
gratitude, Your assistance this night.)

8) Open the circle. Grounding may include releasing any extra energy
to the plants you invited, the 3 green stones, or cleaning your alter
and tools.



Try this Old European trick - bind either 11 or 13 coriander seeds to
your left thigh before making love. Increase your husband's libido by
adding crushed coriander seeds to his morning coffee.

To further assist in inviting a new soul into your life:

Skyclad and under a full moon, rub jasmine oil onto your belly and
into a silver candle. Light the candle and hold it up to the moon as
you say:

"Mother Goddess of the Moon
Bless me with your fruitful glow
As I stand in your ripe light
May a willing soul enter me tonight"

Carry the candle inside, being careful not to let the flame blow out
and then make love with your partner in the candle light. Snuff the
flame when you are finished and start making plans for the baby!
Fertility POTION
For Men or Women to overcome infertility, increase sperm count and strengthen the sex drive, burn one stick of musk incense as an offering to the fertility deity of your choice, and take twenty milligrams of royal jelly every day. --not only does royal jelly possess sexual rejuvenating properties, it is also reputed to increase the size of the male genitals is used often enough. and eat this! Globe Artichoke Cynara scolymus. Globe artichokes are under the Dominion of Venus.

Getting Pregnant Spell  You will need the following: --ace of wands, 10 of cups, the SUN, --something for a baby you bought specifically for this ritual (a bib, a small blanket...etc.....), --9 red candles. Light the candles and lay out the tarot cards one by one. Visualize yourself finding out your pregnant, staring at a positive pregnancy test. Repeat the following: With these cards and with this spell- I call upon the good and helpful powers. I desire to start a family - I desire energy and love to continue. This small item (hold up the baby item) is the token of the commitment we are ready to make. We are ready to love our children - we are ready to teach our children and we are ready to have our children. so it is - so it shall be! Seal this spell with kisses and hugs followed by the actions necessary to start a family. Seashells represent fertility. She can create a small seashell altar in her bedroom. If she wants to add a deit I'd use the Goddess of Willendorf. Any round and fertile/pregnant goddess will work, and there are many! Holed stones are also symbols of fertility. Have her carry one her person or have her wear one around her neck as a charm. Placing one by the bed or between the matters is also good. Eat healthy! Diet plays an extreme part in fertility. Use visualization. She must be relaxed. Also, studies show that when the man and woman climax together, the woman has a higher chance of conception. Full moons... In tribal times and pre-electricity, women would ovulate around the Full Moon and menstruate around the Dark or New Moon. One way to get yourself onto this cycle is to start paying more attention to the phases of the moon and also going out under the moon for even a minute or two.

Moon Phase: Waxing to Full Time of day: The time you are usually most creative, for me it is the morning Props: Sandalwood incense for mental fertility, Peach incensefr physical fertility. Tools: Incense burner. Gods/Goddesses to Call (choose 1 or 2): Diana, Freyer, Ishtar, Liber, Liberia, Brigit, Cerridwen, Cernunnos. Food and Drink: Salad of shredded carrots, cucumber, and rice with an olive oil and garlic dressing (served cold, use brown rice) a banana for dessert. Tea: Peach Do what you need to do to prepare for ritual. cast a circle and invoke your deities. State your purpose and goal. Make it VERY specific. Light your incense. Imagine the incense filling that part of you that you wish fertility to touch. It must fill you, grow around you and touch every part of you. Starting in the east you face each of the four directions imploring them: East: "Watchtowers of Air send your winds to wash the stagnant part of me away" South: "Watchtowers of Fire send your heat to fire my (brain, womb, loins)" West: "Watchtowers of Water fill me with fertility North: "Great Goddess, Mother, I make me as fertile as your rainforests, your oceans you are fill me with life and hope" Li o the floor head toward the north arms and legs outstretched. If you are not alone have your significant other or coven mates place their hand above your loins (not touching) or head and send you healing energy. "Oh great _____ I implore you to fill me with ripened fruit that I may bear __________. Fill my (womb/loins/mind) with power and light." Feel your body fill with power. Feel the power emanate from the place you wish to be fertile. Kneel before your alter: The HPs blesses the food and tea. You eat the food with your fingers imagining the food feeding that which about you is infertile, you then drink the tea in one draught. (This is not meant to be a meal, merely fill you with the energy of the food). Close your circle in a normal manner. Ground and center. If you are doing the spell to be physically fertile be sure and have unprotected sex within 24 hours. *for female physical fertility this spell should be done 14 days after a woman's cycle begins. For a man it does not matter.

To Cure Male Impotence And Female Frigidity 
Drink 2 cups of the following tonic before turning in for the night and apply some of it to the base of your lower spine as well. By the light of a red candle, bring one quart of water -if possible use rainwater or mountain spring water- to a boil in your "cauldron". Add three and a half Tblsp of fenugreek seed, cover and simmer for five minutes. Remove from heat, add two handfuls of savoury, and then steep for an hour before using. Passion Potion for Lovers To bring more passion into your lives, use the following potion for yourself and/or your lover. --not very tasty, but very effective-- By the light of a red candle, bring one quart of water to a boil in your cauldron. Remove from heat and add two cups of coarsely chopped fresh parsley herb. Cover the cauldron and allow the potion to steep for an hour. Drink two cups of the passion potion at least twenty minutes before making love with your parer. Be certain this brew is very warm when you drink it. Remember. The microwave is a perfect magikal tool it does after all produce heat, the element of the South. Fertility Potion for Men or Women To overcome infertility, increase sperm count and strengthen the sex drive, burn one stick of musk incense as an offering to the fertility deity of your choice, and take twenty milligrams of royal jelly every day. --not only does royal jelly possess sexual rejuvenating properties, it is also reputed to increase the size of the male genitals is used often enough. and eat this! Globe Artichoke Cynara scolymus Globe artichokes are under the Dominion of Venus, Culpeper tells us, ' and therefore it is Marvel if they provoke List'. He then goes on to inform us that, besides being a somewhat windy Meat, ;they stay the involuntary course of natural Seed in Man' and the decoction of the root boiled in wine 'being drank, purgeth by Urine exceedingly'. Andrew Boorde, in his Dyetary, bears out the opinion of Culpeper concenng the aphrodisiac properties of the glob artichoke: 'they doth increase nature, and dothe provoke a man's veneryous actes.' Male Fertility Charms This is a list of various charms to use/carry to help promote fertility. ~Men should carry a piece of mandrake root to ensure their won fertility and sexual prowess, while the jasmine flower does the same for women. The first seven herbs listed above can be added to food and take internally to ensure proper fertility, or they can be introduced into sachets, as can acorns, myrtle and nuts. ~Bull Amulet: To increase fertility in women and men, wear a bull shaped amulet, or place on under the bed before making love. ~Fish Amulet: An amulet shaped like a pair of fish and made of gold or mother of pearl will increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity and offer you protection from people you hate or who have evil intentions. ~Goat Amulet: The symbol of the goat (sacred to Aphrodite and the Horned God) increases fertility when worn or carried as an amulet, and s specially favorable for those born under the sign of Capricorn. ~Ram Amulet: An amulet in the shape of a ram will increase fertility in women. ~Unicorn Amulet: The unicorn is a ancient symbol of chastity and protection, and it's fabled born was said to be used in medieval times as an amulet to detect poisons in the food or drinks of kings, queens, pontiffs and popes. To promote fertility or increase sexual magnetism, wear any type of amuletic jewelry shaped like a unicorn.  blessed be from aussie witch


This spell works!  Don't do it unless you really want to have children!
and note: if you do not have a stable relationship or home life -this spell will not work!

You will need the following:

ace of wands
10 of cups the SUN something for a baby you bought specifically for this ritual (a bib, a small blanket...etc.....)
9 red candles.

Light the candles and lay out the tarot cards one by one visualize yourself finding out you're pregnant - staring at a positive pregnancy test.
and repeat the following:

With these cards and with this spell- I call upon the good and helpful powers.
I desire to start a family - I desire energy and love to continue.
This small item (hold up the baby item) is the token of the commitment we are ready to make.
we are ready to love our children - we are ready to teach our children and we are ready to have our children.
so it is - so it shall be!

seal this spell with kisses and hugs followed by the actions necessary to start a family.  (lovemaking)
Getting Pregnant Spell
You will need the following: --ace of wands, 10 of cups, the SUN, --something for a baby you bought specifically for this ritual (a bib, a small blanket...etc.....), --9 red candles. Light the candles and lay out the tarot cards one by one. Visualize yourself finding out your pregnant, staring at a positive pregnancy test. Repeat the following: With these cards and with this spell- I call upon the good and helpful powers. I desire to start a family - I desire energy and love to continue. This small item (hold up the baby item) is the token of the commitment we are ready to make. We are ready to love our children - we are ready to teach our children and we are ready to have our children. so it is - so it shall be! Seal this spell with kisses and hugs followed by the actions necessary to start a family. Seashells represent fertility. She can create a small seashell altar in her bedroom. If she wants to add a deity, I'd use the Goddess of Willendorf. Any round and fertile/pregnant goddess will work, and there are many! Holed stones are also symbols of fertility. Have her carry one her person or have her wear one around her neck as a charm. Placing one by the bed or between the matters is also good. Eat healthy! Diet plays an extreme part in fertility. Use visualization. She must be relaxed. Also, studies show that when the man and woman climax together, the woman has a higher chance of conception. Full moons... In tribal times and pre-electricity, women would ovulate around the Full Moon and menstruate around the Dark or New Moon. One way to get yourself onto this cycle is to start paying more attention to the phases of the moon and also going out under the moon for even a minute or two.


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