
Showing posts from September, 2015

September Full Moon

September:Wine Moon ,Harvest Moon: Is the Full Moon that appears nearest to the Mabon festival. It can be used specifically to call in favors or to add extra protection. It's a good idea to sit down with your yearly calendar and mark the moon phases and holidays for the coming year. Some Witches use Samhain to make this part of their New Year ritual and preparation for the coming Wiccan year. September:Wine Moon - Grape and Fruit Harvest - Life's Blood - Protection - Confidence - Strength The Vegetable gardens are harvested and now we move on to the grapes. If possible, catch the reflection of the Full Wine Moon in a silver chalice of white wine. After you take a sip of the moon blessed wine, contemplate the transformation of your spirit. Marking the season when domestic animals were sacrificed for winter provisions. Libra's full moon occasionally became the Wine Moon when a grape harvest was expected to produce a superior vintage. Native Americans named ea...

Mabon Recipes

Mabon is a holiday with three main themes: celebration, grace, and balance. Although these themes are present every day, now is the time to give them your full attention. Celebration This is the time for looking back upon the efforts of the past--not just this year, or the last, but also of your lifetime. Look back on these efforts of yours and your fellows and congratulate yourself on a job well done. Think of those things which you have done that contributed to the community as a whole. Use this knowledge of past effort to plan future contributions. Grace With all of the efforts put forth by yourself, there is always work on someone else's part that allowed you to build upon it. Mabon is an excellent time to give gracious thanks to all the time and energy put forth by others to help you. The work done by others not only helps you by making your work easier, it gives you a base to build higher than you could without it. Take what materi...