
Showing posts from June, 2015

Cooking with the Sun and Moon

The moon and sun both affect our lives in so many ways. Just think about it!! Cooking with the Sun and Moon From the eternal dance of the seasons  Through each waxing and waning moon,  To follow the Goddess is to walk  The path of the sensual  As well as the spiritual...  For the body and the soul are one  And both must be considered when  Thinking about nourishment.     ~ Karri Ann Allrich     Excerpt from Cooking by Moonlight by Karri Ann Allrich, (c) Llewellyn Worldwide. Although any time is the right time for magick if your attitude is good, consider making certain foods during specific times to help the energy along.  This is a very old custom.  Even a hundred years ago people might bake bread or make beer when the moon was full so it would rise or ferment properly, for example.   It won't always be possible to make a meal at the time specified for the results ...

Pie Magick and Enhancing Your Kitchen Magick

You can put so much love into your baking in so many ways As you stir remember stir deosil to enhance with positive energy Enhancing Your Kitchen Magick  Colors Through visualization or the color of the food itself, you can bring the energy of color into your kitchen magick.  Hold your hands over the food and visualize the particular color energy you need radiating into the food, much the same way that you would bless or charge the ingredients when preparing a meal.  You might wish to plan a menu based around a particular color to incorporate more of its energy into your life, and you can also use combinations of color, for example red tomatoes served with a green spinach salad for growing fortitude.   Another way to work with colors in kitchen witchery is to choose the colors of your dishes, serving platters, napkins, tablecloths, and other kitchen items with magickal intention, depending on the energy or mood you wish to invoke. Color and Foo...

A Pagan Rosary

I have been creating Rosary Prayer Beads You can order yours through me by emailing me  Email to order handmade witchy items I love making things and each item that I make is created in sacred space and cleansed and blessed before I send it out. History of Rosary Many cultures have used prayer beads in one form or another for thousands of years. Around 800 B.C., the Phoenicians used a circle of beads in their worship of Astarte. This "rosary" is seen on some early Phoenician coins. The Buddhists use strings of beads to recite their mantras, and the Hindus chanted the many names of their god. The use of prayer beads is also well known amongst the patriarchal religions. The Catholic rosary is probably the best known of these. The Eastern Orthodox Christians use a rosary called a "chotki," which is made up of 33, 100, or 300 beads, on which they chant "ord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner," or one of its v...

Drawing Down The Sun-Summer Solstice

Drawing Down The Sun By De-Anna Alba The Summer Solstice is the perfect time for a day at the beach and a picnic. Treat yourself. This entire ritual can be done in a public place without anyone else knowing what you're doing, so give it a try. You hear a lot of talk within Witchcraft and Paganism in general about Drawing Down the Moon. Very little is ever said about Drawing Down the Sun. Now, usually these phrases refer to calling on the Goddess and God energies of the Moon and Sun and drawing them down/into a Priest or Priestess within the context of a ritual. Both of these phrases have a more literal meaning as well. In the case of the Sun, it refers to using a convex lens to catch the sunlight and then using it to light a fire or woodburn a Magickal tool by holding the lens in close proximity to the wood or tinder. (This is sometimes also referred to as "drawing down the universal need fire." In other words, lighting a fire without a match, lighter, or piece of ...