Pie Magick and Enhancing Your Kitchen Magick
You can put so much love into your baking in so many ways
As you stir remember stir deosil to enhance with positive energy
Enhancing Your Kitchen Magick
Through visualization or the color of the food itself, you can bring the energy of color into your kitchen magick. Hold your hands over the food and visualize the particular color energy you need radiating into the food, much the same way that you would bless or charge the ingredients when preparing a meal. You might wish to plan a menu based around a particular color to incorporate more of its energy into your life, and you can also use combinations of color, for example red tomatoes served with a green spinach salad for growing fortitude. Another way to work with colors in kitchen witchery is to choose the colors of your dishes, serving platters, napkins, tablecloths, and other kitchen items with magickal intention, depending on the energy or mood you wish to invoke.
Color and Food Correspondences
Red strength, courage, vitality, fire
beets, radishes, red cabbage, watercress, spinach, meat, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, all red-skinned fruits
Orange energy, harvest, warmth, compassion
oranges, apricots, peaches, melons, mangoes, carrots, mandarins
Yellow mind, divination, creativity, air, movement
yellow peppers, grapefruit, corn, melons, bananas, lemons, pineapple, eggs, olive oil, coffee, yellow squash, prunes
Green growth, prosperity, faith, health
avocado, beans, broccoli, cucumber, all salads, peas, squash
Blue water, peace, healing, joy, contemplation
plums, blueberries,, fish, asparagus, potatoes
Purple spirituality, devotion, sensitivity
aubergines, broccoli, blue grapes, plums
White protection, purification, innocence
cauliflower, coconut, onions, garlic, milk, salt
Black banishing, the void, rest
black peppercorns, black teas, licorice, molasses
All recipes have measurements or yields that can be considered for symbolism, including the number of cups or teaspoons the recipe calls for, or even what size pan is suggested. You could also use symbolic numbers in deciding how many spoonfuls, slices, stalks, etc., to serve or eat. For instance, you might pace 21 teaspoonfuls of a favorite soup in each bowl to commemorate a loved one who recently went to Summerland, or eat five bites of carrot before embarking on a divinatory attempt to improve supernatural "sight." If these options don't seem possible with your recipe, you can always try to stir, test, or check a mixture a preset number of times for much the same results.
Number Correspondences
1 Unity, birth, accord, sun magick
2 Balance, blessing, partnership
3 Symmetry, purpose, body-mind-spirit
4 Elements, time, goals, victory
5 Versatility, awareness, psychic endeavors
6 Protection, devotion, finishing projects
7 Insight, diversity, moon magick
8 Universal law, service to others
10 Follow-through, inner voice of reason
12 Fruitfulness, durability, a full year
13 Devotion, patience, convictions
21 Honor, memory, distinction
40 Hermitage, retreat, refilling inner wells
The tempting aromas of food, which often cause even the most reserved individual to snitch a taste, can also become a vehicle for cooking magick. The more savory or aromatic a meal is, the better. For individuals who have to be careful due to dietary restrictions, specific scents can be incorporated through the use of potpourri, incense, scented candles, and essential oils.
Aromatic Correspondences
Wise choices, health, insight
Harmony, agreement
Purification, money, healing
Spirituality, healing protection
Protection, romance
Purification, relaxation
Spirituality, protection
Healing, spirituality, love, peace
Love, luck, money
Purification, love
Spirituality, protection
Passion, courage
Spirituality, protection, healing
Psychic perception
Purification, refreshment, money, protection
Love, passion, money
Devotion, health, peace, love, healing, luck
Conscious mind, health, love
Spirituality, protection, healing
Awareness, love, improved energy
Days of the Week
Originally known as Moon’s day. Cooking on Monday will improve magicks for creativity, insight, maternal nature, and Goddess-related efforts.
Tiw was a god of athletics, combat, and law. Consider meals to improve physical well-being, encourage justice, or increase strength and strategy.
Odin (Woden) was a god of the mystical, poetry, and resourcefulness. Meals prepared today can accent magicks for improved focus on your spiritual path, artistic ability, or imagination.
Thor, the god of strength and commitment, ruled over this day. Consider dishes prepared to enhance vigor, stamina, devotion, and dedication.
From Frigg, the goddess of relationships and fertility. A good day to create foods for any lunar magicks, love-related spells, and improved productivity.
Saturn was a god of harvests and planting. A good day to consider combining with harvest theme meals, or to sew any seeds to bring positive traits into your life.
The sun is the ruler of this day. Any solar magick, god-related foods, and foods for leadership, logic, study, etc. are enhanced when prepared on this day.
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