People we just want to turn into bugs and squish!
So I have to tell this story because some people can really irritate me at times.....the other day I was asked to do something that I would never consider being the Witch that I am.... I have this person that I talk to now and then, he is an elderly man who moved to my town just a couple years ago for a woman he met online, well that didn't work out and let me first say that he keeps saying what a good Christian man he is too. Seems he still stalks her online so I find out and the other night he asked me to put a hex on this person that I have never met, he asked me to put a spell or hex that would stop her from ever finding another person to love, can you believe that? Yes I know people do these things or wish for this often. Well I for one will have no part of any spell or hex on anyone, Let alone someone I have never met or have no reason to harm. This man mind you has told me that we should go out, because I am attractive to him and that I could take his mind off this ...