
Showing posts from March, 2014

People we just want to turn into bugs and squish!

So I have to tell this story because some people can really irritate me at times.....the other day I was asked to do something that I would never consider being the Witch that I am.... I have this person that I talk to now and then, he is an elderly man who moved to my town just a couple years ago for a woman he met online, well that didn't work out and let me first say that he keeps saying what a good Christian man he is too. Seems he still stalks her online so I find out and the other night he asked me to put a hex on this person that I have never met, he asked me to put a spell or hex that would stop her from ever finding another person to love, can you believe that? Yes I know people do these things or wish for this often. Well I for one will have no part of any spell or hex on anyone, Let alone someone I have never met or have no reason to harm. This man mind you has told me that we should go out, because I am attractive to him and that I could take his mind off this ...

Opening And Charging The Chakras

Source Unknown What should you do to balance your chakras? There are several ways to balance the chakras, which can result in more balance of those areas in your life. If your chakras have been out of balance, choked, or clogged for a long time, you will need to do this "cleaning" and "balancing" on a daily basis for at least three weeks, and then once weekly to keep them healthy. Sit in a chair and relax or lay down, which ever position will be comfortable, but one you won't fall asleep in. Staying still and relaxing - close your eyes concentrating on your breath. *Focus on the base chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright red light spinning clockwise - as you focus on the base chakra - breathe in red - breathe out red. Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy.  When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the en...

Celebrating The Eight Seasons

It's inarguable that modern life affords us with many wonderful Conveniences the ancients never had, like electricity, telephones, and heating. With the planet Uranus, the computer genius, now in Aquarius, there's a lot More to come. Unfortunately, although these advances in communication and Technology have pulled us closer together intellectually, they've drawn us farther Away from our spiritual selves, and we've lost a great deal of the connection The ancients had with our mother, the Earth. One of the most important traditions we've lost is the concept of the Eight seasons. Yes, eight. Ancient peoples realized that the earth was Alive, and therefore in a constant state of change. They knew that those Changes occurred far more often then four times a year, and that, in fact, The Earth made a transition that was quite noticeable about eight times a year, Or every forty-five days. It makes sense, too, if you think about it. Take summer, for example. The Sun ...

Valerian-My Kitchen Herb of the Week

Valerian is a medicinal herb and root that has significant sedative and tranquilizing properties that can  provide tremendous benefit to both the central nervous system and the muscular system. Valerian contains  calcium, manganese, quercitin, and ascorbic acid as well as valepotriate and isovaleric acid which gives it  its calming and relaxing qualities. It is especially beneficial for chronic insomnia, headaches,  nervousness, menstrual problems, and anxiety. It is also helpful in soothing the digestive tract and cramps  associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Valerian is also known to be very beneficial for the  cardiovascular system and overall heart health. Valerian can also be used to help control hunger and reduce  the urge to eat out of stress. It has been shown to be beneficial in reducing seizure activity and is often  combined with other herbs such as lemon balm, hops, and passionflower for increased relaxation ...