
Showing posts from August, 2019

DIY Fido's Boo-Boo Salve

This is Lacey She is our beautiful 6 year old Shih Tzu, we have raised from a baby and has been a wonderful bouncy joy to live with, everyday she has made our life better, she is such a good little girl.  Sadly we were told one of our dogs in our family has cancer and wasn't expected to live more than 2 weeks. Well although she is very frail now, she doesn't seem to be in severe pain and has outlived the 2 weeks now. I have made her a pain salve that I apply to her though just to help. It seems to help swelling and her appetite goes up and down. They gave us steroids to use and we tried them for a few days but decided to stop because they seem to cause problems. I have also made her dog biscuits that she likes. Trying to make her life more happy even if it has been shortened by rotten cancer cells. If anyone has any other things they have used please share. This is our little girl, we love her dearly, she is a shih tzu, 6 years old,. way to young for this to happen. ...