December Full Cold Moon
This is the last full moon of 2019, The December Cold Moon a beautiful sight on a cold clear night here in Oklahoma. Lunabar Moon Almanack for Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Moon in Gemini Yang, Masculine, Solar, Positive, Diurnal, Airy, Mutable, Barren, Horary Western, Vernal, Boreal, Commanding, Double, Double-Bodied, Dual, Bicorporeal, Human, Moist, Vocal, Sweet, Hot. Full “Moon before Yule” , at 11h. 14m. evening. Ascending Node is at 9° Cancer. Moon in 14th degree of the Sign Gemini, the Twins; also in 22nd deg. of the Constellation Taurus, the Bull. Moonset: 6:45 morn. Moonrise: 4:58 eve. December Full Moon names and lore Also called Cold Moon, Oak Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Long Night's Moon, Wintermonat (Winter Month), Heilagmonoth (Holy Month), Big Winter Moon, Moon of Popping Trees. THE DECEMBER MOON Each full moon has its own name and unique seasonal aspects associated with the wheel of the year, and is celebrated in the esbat ...