Blue Moons

This January 2018 we have a blue moon, including a Lunar Eclipse Blue Moon
 #bluemoon #spells #witch #fullmoon #kitchenwitch #fullbluemoon #lunarmoon
What is a blue Moon?
There are actually two definitions for a blue moon. According to the first
and more recent definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar

The Other Kind of Blue Moon

An older rule for the blue moon comes from the Maine Farmer's Almanac and
dates back to the early 19th century. According to this definition, the blue
moon is the third full moon in a season that has four full moons.

How Often Does a Blue Moon Occur?

Occurrences of blue moons are not all that rare, especially given that there
are two definitions for the term. Over the next twenty years there will be a
total of 17 blue moons, with an almost equal number of both types occurring.
No blue moon will occur at all in the year 2017.

Two full moons in one month may occur in any month out of the year except for
February, which is shorter than the lunar cycle.

The other, older blue moon event, which happens when there are four full
moons in a season Since this type of blue moon is reckoned according to
the seasons, it can only occur in February, May, August, or November, about a
month before the equinox or the solstice.

Once in a Blue Moon

Since blue moons seem to occur relatively often, where does the expression
once in a blue moon, meaning "rarely," come from? Actually, "blue moon"
appears to have been a colloquial expression long before it developed its
calendrical senses. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first
reference to a blue moon comes from a proverb recorded in 1528:
If they say the moon is blue,
We must believe that it is true.
Saying the moon was blue was equivalent to saying the moon was made of green
(or cream) cheese; it indicated an obvious absurdity. In the 19th century,
the phrase until a blue moon developed, meaning "never." At about this point
"blue moon" appears to have been used to describe the first lunar phenomenon,
which only seldom occurred. It is perhaps through association with the lunar
event that the phrase once in a blue moon today has come to mean "every now
and then" or "rarely."

Blue Moon (a second full moon in one month) and I've been getting things prepared for me to work with these special energies for days!

Generally speaking, a Blue Moon is fantastic for spell working. The energy it provides is perfect for amplifying power to our desired goals. It's also excellent in heightening our spiritual awareness, and to sharpen our abilities during divination work. This is above and beyond the usual energetic boost we feel during a Full Moon, so you can imagine the opportunities we have tonight. Let's take full advantage of it, shall we?

First and foremost, bring out something blue! Have blue glasses? Fill them and raise them high as you toast new beginnings and the sloughing off of negative energies you may feel are around you. Have a blue blanket? Bring it out and wrap yourself in it to ward off the chill through the evening and night. While the moon isn't actually "blue" during this time (baring the potential of atmospheric particles that may give the impression of blue hue - note, none are expected tonight), the goal in bringing out the blue is to get our minds and cores centered toward our focus of working with the amplified lunar energy.

There are two things I love doing on a Blue Moon. First is making Blue Moon water. I take a glass container (you can use any glass container you want as long as it has a tight fitting lid or cork to prevent spillage during storage). Tie a blue ribbon around it, paint it with blue symbols, or take blue glitter or mica and pour inside with the water you're about to put in. Fill it with naturally collected rain water. If you don't have that, stream water will work, or you can use bottled spring water as well. Try not to use tap... it's filled with chlorine and other chemicals used to treat the water at the plant. The purer the better for this use!

Take your filled jar and hold it between your hands, charging it with your intention to craft Blue Moon water for future blessing, consecration, spell craft, divination, and working with elementals. Set the jar outside after the sun has gone down and be sure that the light of the moon will fall upon the jar. Leave it there until just before sunrise and then collect your jar, bringing it inside. It's ready for your use!

The other thing I love to do is to "wish upon a Blue Moon". I take a coin, silver in color - usually a quarter - and head out to the nearest river location. This is very close to me, and what I'll do this time. Ideally I'd go to the ocean, but it wasn't possible today. If you're near any body of water whatsoever, it will work! Simply hold your coin close to you, within your folded hands, and focus your desires and intentions on it. Call into your life what you want to see happen. Impress on it your hopes and dreams, and then when you're ready throw it into the water. As you will, so it shall be done. So mote it be!


A Blue Moon is an additional Full Moons that appears in a subdivision of a year, either the third of four Full Moons in a season or, recently, a second Full Moon in a month of the common calendar.

The phrase has nothing to do with the actual color of the Moon, although a literal "Blue Moon" (the moon appearing with a tinge of blue) may occur in certain atmospheric conditions; e.g., when there are volcanic eruptions or when exceptionally large fires leave particles in the atmosphere. This phenomenon is specific to calendars. Lunar calendars like Indian national calendar always have one full moon a month.

The term has traditionally referred to an 'extra' moon, where a year which normally has 12 moons has 13 instead. The 'Blue Moon' reference is applied to the 3rd moon in a season with 4 moons, thus correcting the timing of the last month of a season that would have otherwise been expected too early. This happens every two to three years (seven times in the Metonic cycle of 19 years).The March 1946 issue of Sky & Telescope misinterpreted the traditional definition, which led to the modern colloquial misunderstanding that a blue moon is a second Full Moon in a single solar calendar month with no seasonal link.

Owing to the rarity of a Blue Moon, the term "Blue Moon" is used colloquially to mean a rare event, as in the phrase "once in a Blue Moon".
Once In A Blue Moon Spell (wishing Spell) #bluemoon #spells #witch #fullmoon #kitchenwitch #fullbluemoon #lunarmoon
Here's a great spell to utilize the magical properties of the Blue Moon. You will need the following:
A square of blue cloth or sturdy blue holiday wrapping paper. Ideally, the cloth or paper will have moons and stars printed on it, alternatively you can decorate it yourself with glitter glue, stickers, etc.
13 safety pins.
Paper and a pen.
Length of gold cord or ribbon.
Bottle of Champagne, a glass, and a corkscrew.

Get centered, and sit down with your pen and paper and make a list of all the things you would want but which seem impossible. This includes anything that you find yourself repeatedly asking for. Think of "once in a lifetime," or "once in a blue moon," or "that couldn't possibly happen to me," things. The longer the list is, the better.

Now, look at each thing on your list and really think about it. Is this something you really want? If it showed up at your front door tomorrow morning would you really accept it? Are you sure this is for you? Cross off any items that you can't say YES to with enthusiasm.

Pick your top thirteen "gee I wish I could have that" items from your list. Cut your paper into thirteen moon shapes and write one wish on each one. Write it in a positive, affirmative way, such as: "I win millions of dollars in the lottery." or  "I get an all expenses paid month long vacation in Fiji with the person I love."

Open up the square of cloth or paper, and pin the 13 wishes to it with safety pins. (The safety pins insure safety and security for you as your wishes unfold.). Now fold the cloth into a neat little bundle and tie it with the gold ribbon or cord.

Take the champagne, the glass, corkscrew, and your bundle outside under the full moon. Hold the bundle up and say the following:

Please grant me these wishes
With harm to none
And bring me a life filled
With love and with fun.

I give you permission
on this special night
To unbind whatever
I may have closed tight
to slip past the blocks
to move through whatever might
stop you from granting
these wishes tonight.

By the grace of the Goddess
By the grace of the God
As I say
It is done
So mote it be.

Now, uncork the champagne, and pour it into the glass. Hold up the glass of champagne and make a toast (say a heartfelt blessing) to the moon, and pour a small amount on the ground. Then make a toast to the Goddess and the God (a blessing and a thank-you), and pour a small amount on the ground. Then toast to yourself (something loving and kind), and drink the rest of the champagne in the glass.

Put the bundle in a place where things get worked on regularly, such as desk drawer, office cabinet, or tool box. On New Year's Eve of the following year, make a list of all the wonderful and amazing things that happened since this spell, then toss the bundle (unopened) into a fire with thanks and gratitude.


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