
Showing posts from 2017

Stress Stay away from My Yule Holidays

My tree is up, decorations are placed, gifts are in processing, still have baking to do. So I went out shopping today, it's already begun, shoppers, busy, sales galore, ads everywhere you look, facebook, television, newspapers, magazines, store windows People in a big hurry racing around to spend money, more credit cards than money really, all for the big show, the big deal, Christmas holidays or as we remember to refer to it as Yule, the old term for what people today call Christmas really.  ONE BIG THING To Remember here and throughout the holidays is Do Not Let the Stress get YOU Stop take a breath, drink some hot tea, or hot cocoa, do things to relieve stress, meditation, stretching, reading, listen to music that calms you, Please I cannot say this enough, life is too short, do it now before it's too late. Take the time, it doesn't have to be a lot of Time but take some time each day, 10 minutes of your daily life to STOP and do something to destress. ~*...

Stop living the same daily boring life

Do you go through life, doing the same routine? Well stop living the same daily boring life! Now. Do you know why I say this? I say this for many reasons, doing the same things everyday can lead to Alzheimer's, it can also cause depression, it can lead to accidents because you get so used to repetitive actions, you forget to watch out for things, like traffic! True, all these things and more. Even using the same products on your body, your face, your hair, your home can cause problems, they stop working for you. Now I'm not saying to stop using something that works, what I am saying is find more than one product that works and switch it out sometimes. A change will do you good. It's true, I find things that work, yes but I still change them weekly, even daily, I keep 2 or 3 kinds of shampoo and conditioners, I have several cleaners for my home, I use different soaps, especially like to switch out scents for the seasons. It helps keep my mind awake, it helps put me in a...

A Samhain Meditation

Communing with Your Ancestors: A Samhain Meditation As we come to the End/Beginning of the next Turn of the Wheel of the Year, a personal, private meditation on those who have come and gone before us can give us perspective and direction as we start on yet another cycle. In a room where you feel most comfortable, on a couch, in a chair or on the floor, day time or eventide, in front of a window, or beside a fire, make yourself comfortable. Patchouli incense, or maybe you have a favorite oil that you can warm in a pot, throw some herbs on the fire, wear a perfume that has meaning to you, or to someone who has passed through the veil, some candle light, or sunlight, whatever it is that makes you most comfortable and connected with those you wish to remember.  Music can bring back memories, recent or old.  While you may want to have this remembrance of someone special, you can use it to connect with all your ancestors, not just someone specific. You may want to have pictu...

13 Ideas for Samhain

Let's face it; Halloween is a major commercialized holiday. So how do you find something meaningful to pull out of all the mainstream commercialism for your Sabbat celebrations? What do you do when most of the people around your family don't understand the ancient traditions they unconsciously uphold? Take a close look at the history behind the holiday, then create new traditions for your family to enjoy year after year. You don't have to reject the mainstream; just teach your children why modern practices exist. Samhain (also known as the Festival of the Dead or All Hallows' Eve) is a time for us to release the spirits of those who have died during the previous year and for us to honor our ancestors. It is customary to set an extra place at your supper table on Samhain Eve in honor of the departed. This is not a scary time, rather a time when the veil is thin and we can spend time with the spirits in warmth and love. Here are some activities to try ...

Hush Little Baby

" "Hush Little Baby" Hush little baby don't you squall Momma's gonna buy you a crystal ball And if you still can't see beyond Momma's gonna buy you a magic wand And if that wand don't change your fate Momma's gonna teach you to levitate And if the astral makes you sick Momma's gonna buy you an incense stick And if that frankincense smells rank Mom'll buy a sensory deprivation tank And if that tank don't float your bones Momma's gonna buy you some some precious stones And if those gems don't ease your heart Momma's gonna buy you a natal chart And if your planets go berserk Momma's gonna buy you some bodywork And if your aura still needs kneading Momma's gonna buy you a past life reading And if your destiny stays hid Momma's gonna buy you a pyramid And if your chakras still feel stressed Momma's gonna take you on a vision quest And if power animals don't ...

Spells are not Instant Gratification

I know, I too wish I could Blink my Eyes, Click my Ruby Slippers, or Just Point my Wand and POOF, however we all know life does not work that way. Ok you think, I need to do a spell, so you collect the ingredients and you put together everything you need. You take time to write the spell the way you need it, you take the time to work your spell. You expect results instantly right? WRONG! Spells do not just happen instantly, they aren't like Cup A Soup, they can take time, even months, a year at times to come into full bloom.. So don't get discouraged when you do a spell and walla the next day it doesn't happen. erI work many spells and I learned a long time ago that they don't just POOF into Operation. Just like working on a big project in your life a spell needs manifestation time to grow and blossom into what you need. I have worked spells and waited, then in a week, maybe a month I see it coming along, example: A spell for a raise at your job, first after ...

Setting Up Your Ostara Altar

It's Ostara, and it's a time of year in which many Wiccans and Pagans choose celebrate the balance of light and dark that heralds the beginning of spring. It's a time to celebrate new life and rebirth -- not only the physical embodiment of renewal, but the spiritual as well. Try some -- or all -- of these ideas to ready your altar for Ostara. Colors To get an idea of what colors are appropriate for spring, all you really have to do is look outside. Notice the yellows of the forsythia blooming behind your house, the pale purples of lilacs, the green of new leaves appearing in the melting snow. Pastels are often considered spring colors as well, so feel free to add some pinks and blues into the mix if the idea strikes you. Decorate your altar in any of these colors -- try a pale green altar cloth with some purples and blues draped across it, and add some yellow or pink candles to carry the color up. The Balance of the Equinox Altar decor should reflect the theme o...

Lunar Correspondences for Spellwork

The Moon changes moon signs every few days here are correspondences for Spellwork during each sign of the moon MOON IN ARIES Magic involving anything to do with authority, leadership, rebirth, moving on or spiritual conversion should achieve success. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head or brain are also best performed at this time. MOON IN TAURUS At this time you can work magic for love, security, possessions and money. Healing rituals for illnesses of the throat, neck and ears are also undertaken during at this time. MOON IN GEMINI This is a good time to work magic for anything to do with communication, including writing, e-mails, public relations, moving house or office and travel. Ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands or lungs also respond well to healing rituals done during this period of time. MOON IN CANCER This is the best time to work magic for home and domestic life, and also any nurturing activities. Healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stoma...