
Showing posts from August, 2015


I get told all the time, "I don't know how to cast a spell" from newbies to studied witches, well what are you waiting for? Any Witch worth the cost of her broom can craft a spell ā€” yes even you. It does take a little effort and some study to do so, but here I will lay out the basics of what you need now no more excuses get down to it. Maybe you are one of those people who are all wrapped up in the fantasy and hocus-pocus of it all and you are waiting for the lights to flash and thunder to crack first. Maybe you think that because you don't get sparks to fly from your wand when you wave it, you donā€™t have the magick necessary to create and cast your own spell. Hogwash! This isn't Harry Potter land, that's all a nice dream, or is it, anyway it doesn't work like that but it is time to do your magickal thing. Stop Procrastinating. Creating a spell is like baking a cake, you just need to decide what ingredients will be best for the final turnout. Even if...

Basic Ritual Outline

Basic Ritual Outline by Sierra SilverOwl  It occurs to me there are folks here who don't know where to start. This is for them. Please take into account this was composed over a few minutes. It is generic and geared toward a one person show. It is not intended to be written in stone, but to be used as a basis for the development of something more meaningful.  Set up an altar. Things that can be on it include: altar cloth, candles (or virtual candles), athame, wand, chalice, salt, water, a sea shell, starfish (for a pentacle), decorations such as flowers or gourds. Whatever. You get the idea.  Cleanse the area. If indoors this could be as simple as sweeping or vacuuming the floor. Some folks like in depth cleaning. It is up to the individual.  Ritual cleansing  Take a broom (can be one from Joanne's Fabrics that is two inches tall) and stand in the area to be used as a sacred space. Ground, center, and visualize the ...

Healing Correspondences

WHEN working your healing spells here are correspondences to use in your magick elements: all planets: sun, moon, earth best times: Sunday or Monday moon waxing to full - for increased health moon waning to dark - for banishing and driving away disease colors: blue, green, gold and orange numbers: 1, 3, 7, 9 incense: bay, cinnamon, eucalyptus, frankincense, sandalwood plants : all healing herbs Gods and Goddesses: Artemis, Hebe, Hygeia, moon and earth Goddesses, Asclepius, Apollo Colors: White to purify. Blue is a general healing color. Red for when energy is needed. Herbs and trees: Allspice Apple leaves and twigs Ash leaves and twigs Camphor Cinnamon Coriander Eucalyptus Fennel Hops Lavender Lemon peel Myrrh Onion, dried Peppermint Rose, white or blue Rosemary Sage Sandalwood Spearmint Thistle Thyme Miscellaneous: Smooth, round white stones or pebbles. Horseshoe nail Red wool yarn Holed stone Salt Rich soil Salt water Stones: Agate Amber Amethyst Aqua...

Luck Correspondences

What is lucky for you, incorporate that into your spells for luck General Animals - badger, coyote, fox Direction - South Element - Fire Color - Greens Gods - Coyote, Odhinn, Thorr, Freyr Goddesses - Freya, Gefion, Pombagira Metals - copper, pyrite, tin Spirits - Light Elves (Norse), Dwarves Bad Luck (Breaking/Protection Against) Animals - Color - purple (breaking) Gods - Numbers - Planet - Plants - coco leaves Stones - amethyst, beryl, garnet (darker shades), Symbols - Rightside up Horseshoe Gambling Animals - badgers Color - gold, green, orange Gods - Apsaras (who protects gamblers), Fata (for chance), The Fates, Hermes, Mercury, Barakiel, Uriel Numbers - 3 Planet - Mercury Plants - jalup root (High John), Lucky Hand Fern, Buckeye, Pine, Chamomile, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle Stones - amazonite, aventurine, topaz, lodestone, olivine, tiger-eye Symbols - Ace of Spades, Dice, 4 leaf clover, upside down horseshoe For good luck in gambling, carry a pair ...

Love Correspondences

 TO help you with Love Spells, and Rituals here are the best Correspondences Love Color: Red for sexual love. Pink for emotional love. White for astral love and soul mates. Herbs and trees: Apples (dried fruit, leaves or twigs) Basil Caraway Catnip Chamomile Cinnamon Cumin Dill Ginseng Jasmin Lavender Lemon balm Lovage Mandrake root Marjoram Myrtle Orange peels Orris Peppermint Rosemary Thyme Walnuts Yarrow Miscellaneous: Copper Heart shapes Dove feather Keys Owl feather Pennies Silk (red, white, or pink) Stones: Amber Amethyst Aphrodite Bloodstone Opal Pearl Rhodochrosite Rose Quartz Ruby Sunstone Turquoise Love Correspondences The Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland Animal: lynx, deer, horse, dove, swallow, partridge, peacock feathers, wryneck, pairs of birds, swans Best Times: Friday or Monday             New to Full Moon in Taurus for earthy, sensual love             Cancer for home and famil...