Candle burning tips and Advanced Guide

Candle burning tips

If you have any experience with candles, you will know of those that smoke or tunnel and drown. This is not because you have purchased cheap candles.

What I mean by that is that it smokes, tunnels, or the wick drowns in its own wax. All of these scenarios can be avoided by properly burning your candle and maintaining them between burns.

A candle that smokes would be the problem we would tackle first. With all the different types of ingredients, all candles differ by a great deal. They all have different waxes, wicks, additives, dyes and colorants, and fragrances (natural and synthetic). Each concoction would make a different type of candle. Despite what you have heard, all candles will smoke if not maintained properly, yes even the popular natural soy candles or white unscented candles.

Black soot can not be a problem if you cut the wick before each burn with a wick trimmer. Cut your wick to a quarter of an inch before you light it, and do this every time. Try using a wick trimmer to cut your wicks. Keeping the wick short will keep the yellow part of the flame above the wick and thus no smoke as all of the gas released from the candle will be completely burned up.

Carbon deposits have a direct relation to the length of the wick. This will lead to mushroom deposits on the wick and a black jar. The only way to prevent this is to keep your wick cut short to a quarter of an inch. You will find that your candles will not smoke as much, and your jars will be clear.

Second, tunneling and drowning. Tunneling and drowning occurs when you burn your candle in many short periods at a time. The edge wax never melts while the center melts and is used up. Excess wax will drown the wick.

This can be prevented by simply burning your soy wax candles for at least 4 hours once in a while. Allow the wax to melt all the way to the edges of the jar and everything will even out.

A butter knife or spoon will be the tools that you will need if you already have this problem. Dig out all of the excess wax around the wick leaving a quarter inch of wick left. If you keep to the instructions above, the chances of it happening again is slim.

Use these easy and simple steps to make sure you have a great candle experience every time. A properly maintained candle will extend its life and improve the air quality of your home.
Advanced Guide
~A~ To guard against accidents...purple & orange To achieve for & red To help others achieve...white & red To be
given advice...white & blue For someone to have affection for
you...white & yellow To receive

~B~ To have To release pain in your To
obtain a loan from a & green To see your own To bring back a lost love...yellow & pink

~C~ To receive a call from a certain man...yellow To receive a call
from a certain woman...yellow & pink To Improve where you are in your
career...yellow & white To win at the casino...Green (I have
personally won Thousands doing this one!)

 ~D~ To protect yourself from danger...purple To release your fear of
death...white Release your need for & yellow To eat a
healthy To divorce and remain friends...White

~E~ To have energy...Red & blue To enjoy & pink To take
and pass an & yellow

~F~ To be & purple To have a close Family...Blue
Release the need to fight...yellow & white

~G~ To get a & blue To get a car...white & green To get To stop gossip...white & black

~H~ To release habits...yellow & pink To find happiness within & white To have hope...Pink & purple

~I~ Release the need for an emotional To have the
ability to use your & yellow To improve the
quality of your The ability to use your

~J~ To find a To have joy in your life...yellow & blue

~K~ To find a lost

~L~ Release your need for For good luck...yellow to
have a & yellow

~M~ To perform magic...brown & yellow ;-) The ability to afford and To get married...yellow & pink

~N~ Release nicotine & brown To release your need
to be

~O~ To have an To be & white

~P~ To be To get a & white To be

~Q~ To have some peace and quiet...white

~R~ To have the truth Revealed...white

~S~ To have an increase in To have

~T~ To pass a test...yellow To resist temptation...white & purple The
ability to travel...Blue & yellow

~V~ To go on vacation...yellow & white To have a

~W~ To get your

~Y~ To find yourself...white

Candle Magick: A Basic Guide to the Art
by Ostara Nitewillow

Research your spell - colors, herbs, gems, moon and astrological phases.
Create a visualization for your intent, a symbol, maybe a rune? Light incense
and cast your sacred circle. Invoke the deities needed for your work. Relax,
ground and center. Now you need to purify the candle. Pick it up and anoint
with  blessed olive oil or rub with salt and say:
Creature of wax
Be clean and pure.
On this night
I bless  this candle

Using your athame or the sharp end of a quartz gem, carve into the candle
your desire (a symbol or just write what you need). Be specific! Verbally
affirm it. Next, rub the candle with the appropriate essential oil for your  needs,
while visualizing your goal. If you are drawing energies towards you, rub
the oil from the top to the base towards you. If you are banishing, rub away
from you. Place the candle in the holder. To add extra herb power to your spell,
  sprinkle the right herb for your need around the base of the holder,
clockwise  (deosil). Place any gemstones needed at the foot of the holder. Once
again,  focus on your goal and place your hands on either side of the candle.
Imagine  your goal forming into a silver orb, full of your intent, in between your
hands.  Release it into the candle! Now light the wick and say something like:

With this fire
I light my desire
Earth mother bless this,  my intent
And bring it to be
With harm to none and help to thee
Tis  my will
So shall it be!

Leave the candle to burn for a minimum of 20 minutes. Some spells may require
  you to regularly burn the candle -- every night -- until it has burnt down.
It  is done!
WHITE: Purity, peace, spirituality, a substitute for any other color
RED: Health, energy, strength, courage, sexuality
PINK: Love, romance, affection, friendships
YELLOW: Intellect, creative imagination, memory, communication, mental
GREEN: Luck, abundance, fertility, harmony
BLUE: Healing, truth, inspiration, wisdom, occult power, psychic protection,
health, understanding
PURPLE: Financial affairs, psychic ability, idealism, spiritual power
GOLD: Attracts positive influences, career, justice, male energies
SILVER: Astral energies, clairvoyance, far memory, past lives, female
ORANGE: Property, justice, selling, general success
BROWN: Animals, earth magick, saving money
BLACK: Binding, releasing, breaking negative energies


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