
Showing posts from April, 2014

A Witch's Garden

March winds bring May flowers: So March came in here like a Lamb, wondering what the end of March will bring for us here in tornado land. I ask for peaceful weather but we do need rain. I have planted some new root perennials, bleeding hearts and Purple clematis vine this year to add to the beauty of my pretty little garden. I'm saving egg shells once again to throw out when I dig, it's so good for your plants, just rinse the eggshells as you use them and save them for your garden, or you can make eggshell tea to water your potted plants. Preparing early: So we did not have a cold hard winter here where I live, and so my roses have leafed out already and it isn't even February yet. I decided I had better get out and start cleaning up the dead stuff but not too thin because we might get one last cold snap and then everything that has started growing will die off and then my garden will be way behind. It is spell time to bless the garden coming up at Ostara. Picture in...

Kitchen ABC's

Kitchen ABC's   A lways stir in a clockwise motion   B efore you chop veggies, offer thanks   C ut mindfully, gratefully   D o all preparations in a loving spirit   E nergize food with good thoughts   F east gratefully   G ive and share what you can spare   H ome and hearth are sacred   I nvoke blessings of God and Goddess on all food   J oin hands with friends often   K indness shows in serving food   L ove goes into every dish   M indfully gather ingredients   N o wasting - recycle, compost, feed animals   O pen your senses, enjoy your surroundings   P lay as well as work   Q uench thirst, thinking of clear clean rivers   R esolve to be grateful and waste not   S alivate as you smell fragrance and anticipate flavors   T hank the Universe and God & Goddess for health   U se utensils carefully, then clean up   V alue time spent ...

Enhancing Your Kitchen Magick

Colours Through visualization or the colour of the food itself, you can bring the energy of colour into your kitchen magick.  Hold your hands over the food and visualize the particular colour energy you need radiating into the food, much the same way that you would bless or charge the ingredients when preparing a meal.  You might wish to plan a menu based around a particular colour to incorporate more of its energy into your life, and you can also use combinations of colour, for example red tomatoes served with a green spinach salad for growing fortitude.   Another way to work with colours in kitchen witchery is to choose the colours of your dishes, serving platters, napkins, tablecloths, and other kitchen items with magickal intention, depending on the energy or mood you wish to invoke. Colour and Food Correspondences Red   strength, courage, vitality, fire  beets, radishes, red cabbage, watercress, spinach, meat, cayenne pepper, tomatoes, strawberr...

Cooking with the Sun and Moon

Cooking with the Sun and Moon From the eternal dance of the seasons Through each waxing and waning moon, To follow the Goddess is to walk The path of the sensual As well as the spiritual... For the body and the soul are one And both must be considered when Thinking about nourishment.   ~ Karri Ann Allrich   Excerpt from Cooking by Moonlight by Karri Ann Allrich, (c) Llewellyn Worldwide. Although any time is the right time for magick if your attitude is good, consider making certain foods during specific times to help the energy along.  This is a very old custom.  Even a hundred years ago people might bake bread or make beer when the moon was full so it would rise or ferment properly, for example. It won't always be possible to make a meal at the time specified for the results desired, but you can prepare a dish ahead at the "right" time and then freeze, can, preserve, or refrigerate it until you need it.  Remember to label these foods with t...

Magnesium and how to know when you need more

Do you know if you have enough Magnesium? Or are you lacking? The answer is likely “Yes” that you are deficient in Magnesium. I know that I need lots of it, for one thing I found out that many medicines suck Magnesium out of you and even our water drains us of Magnesium. Magnesium is the eighth most abundant mineral on earth, and the third most abundant in sea water. More importantly, it is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and it is necessary in over 300 reactions within the body. Magnesium isn’t just abundant in the body, but vitally important too. As this article explains: Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish. Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, well-functioning detoxification pathways and much more depend upon cellular magnesium sufficiency. Soft tissue containing the highest concentrations of magnesium in the body include the brain and the heart—two ...

Epsom Salts for the Home, Garden AND Natural Beauty!

Epsom salts aren't really salt like table salt, but rather a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. This combination has a multitude of benefits for health, gardening and household uses. We use epsom salt a lot at our house. It is a good source of magnesium and has dozens of household uses. Here are our favorites: As a relaxing Magnesium Bath Soak – Add at least 1 cup of epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. Splinter Removal- Splinter remover: If you have a splinter, soak the area in Epsom salts and hot water and the splinter will dislodge on its own.Soak in concentrated epsom salt water to pull out a splinter. Body Aches- Add 2 cups of epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes to help relieve muscle sprains and for a transdermal magnesium boost. Magnesium Foot Scrub- Make a homemade magnesium scrub (recipe here) for a boost of magnesium and super soft skin. Foot care: Soaking your feet in an Epsom salt bath can...