~source unknown~

Adam & Eve Roots
Use for Love and Happiness and spells related.

Use in all protection sachets and spells, also to banish negative energies
and spirits. It has also long been used to reverse spells sent against the
magician; i.e. it not only breaks hexes, it also sends them back to the
hexer. Agrimony placed under the head will make one sleep as if dead,
according to ancient lore, but don't use this for insomnia: the sleeper
won't awaken until the herb is removed.

Prosperity, Money. Keep in the home to protect from poverty and hunger. It
is best placed in the cupboard or pantry.

Money, Prosperity, Wisdom

A crown of amaranth flowers worn on the head speeds healing. To make sure
that you are never struck by a bullet, pull up a whole amaranth plant
(including roots) preferably on a Friday during the Full Moon. Leave an
offering to the plant and then fold it, roots and all, in a piece of white
cloth. Wear this against your breast and you'll be 'bullet-proof.' The dried
amaranth flowers have been used to call forth the dead, and are also carried
to cure the affections'; i.e. to mend a broken heart.

Transforms negative energy into positive. Calms, and attracts loving,
faithful emotions. Opens the crown chakra and aligns the etheric bodies with
the physical. Attracts prosperity.

Grown, the plant is protective. Use in all protection and exorcism incenses.
Sprinkle the four corners of the house with angelica to ward off evil, or do
this around the perimeter of the house. Added to the bath angelica removes
curses, hexes and any spells that may have been cast against you. The root
was carried in the pocket as a gambling talisman among some American Indian
tribes. Arigelica
is also used in healing incenses and mixtures, and smoking the leaves is
said to cause visions.

Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it. This will ensure
that you have no nightmares. Use in protection and meditation incenses.
Fresh anise leaves placed in a room will drive off evil, and they are
sometimes placed around the magic circle to protect the magician from evil
spirits. It also averts the evil eye. Anise seed is also used in
purification baths, especially with bay leaves. It is used
to call forth spirits to aid in magical operations, and a sprig hung on the
bedpost will restore lost youth.

The fruit, when eaten, induces love. Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality

Promotes love and lust. Good when used as a beauty mask.

Fertility, Potency, Prosperity

Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection

Activates the throat chakra and opens the bronchial passages. Facilitates
full breath and full expression. Decongestive on all levels. Heals the
heart. Good for colds, flu, rheumatism and sprains. Psychic purifier.

Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliations, Potency, Love

*DEADLY POISON!! Some say help induce Astral projection

Awakens higher mindedness. Encourages confidence and empowerment. Calms and
sedates the mind and emotions. Relieves dry skin, coughs, and arthritis.
Natural deodorant and preservative.

Fill a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleep on it. This will ensure
that you have no nightmares. Use in protection and meditation incenses.
Fresh anise leaves placed in a room will drive off evil, and they are
sometimes placed around the magic circle to protect the magician from evil
spirits. It also averts the evil eye. Anise seed is also used in
purification baths, especially with bay leaves. It is used
to call forth spirits to aid in magical operations, and a sprig hung on the
bedpost will restore lost youth.

The plant wards off evil spirits. Make an infusion and sprinkle about the
house to drive away evil.

Protection against evil spirits and negativity.

Cast around the home to ward off negativity. Add to protection incenses and
use in such spells. Gather burdock roots in the waning Moon, dry and then
cut them into small pieces. String these on red thread like beads and wear
for protection against evil and negativity. The leaves of the burdock, when
laid to the soles of the feet, help to cure gout.

Use for Luck

Protection, Chastity

Potency, Lust, Luck

The caraway serves as protection against Lilith, as well as all manner of
evil spirits, entities and plain old negativity. It s often carried for this
purpose. Any object which holds some caraway  seeds is theft-proof.

Carrot Seed
Mother Nature's skin nurturer. Relieves and replenishes dry, aging skin.
Helps to reduce wrinkles and restore elasticity. Stimulates endocrine
function. *Not for use during pregnancy. Fertility, Lust

Cascara Sagrada
Sprinkle an infusion of cascara sagrada around your home before go to any
court proceeding. It will  help win your case. Cascara sagrada is also use
in money spells, and worn as an amulet against evil and hexes.

Given to your cat, catnip creates a psychic bond between the two of you. It
is also intoxicating  to the cat. Catnip is used in love sachets, usually in
conjunction with rose petals. If you hold catnip in your hand until it is
warm, then hold anyone else's hand, they will forever be your friend, as
long as you keep the catnip you used for the spell in some safe place. Grown
near the home or hung over the door, catnip attracts good spirits and great
luck. Catnip is also used in spells designed to enhance beauty and
happiness. Large catnip leaves are pressed and used as
bookmarks in magical texts.

Attracts prosperity. Encourages flow. Elimination of blockages, and toxins,
physically, mentally, and emotionally. Cleanses and purifies the body, skin
and the environment from all negativity and stagnation. Gives relief from
bronchitis, colds, arthritis, and can have a diuretic effect. Repels
insects. *Not for use during pregnancy.

Chew the seeds to aid in concentration, or use in spell pillows to induce
sleep. Burned with orris root, celery seed increases psychic powers. The
stalk, along with the seeds, induces lust when eaten. Witches supposedly ate
celery seed before flying off on their brooms that they wouldn't become
dizzy and fall.

The smoke from burning or fuming centaury drives off snakes.

Chamomile is used to attract money and a hand wash of the infusion is some
times used by gamblers to ensure winnings. It is used in sleep and
meditation incenses, and the infusion is also added to the bath to attract
love. It is also a purificatory and protective herb. When sprinkled around
property, it removes curses and spells cast against you.

Love, Divination

Carry or use in spells designed to attract a love or to maintain a

Chicory is used to remove all obstacles that might crop up in your life. It
is carried for this purpose. At one time it was thought to make its
possessor invisible, and to open locked boxes and doors if held against the
locks. But for these last two purposes, chicory has to be gathered with a
gold knife in perfect silence at noon or midnight on Midsummer. If you
anoint your body with chicory juice, you will obtain favors from great
persons. It is also carried to promote frugality.

Chili pepper
Chili Pepper is used to assure Fidelity, Hex Breaking and Love

Psychic awareness and protection. Blends with and emphasizes all other
essences. Attracts money and "security". Aphrodisiac. Very healing on all
levels. Good for colds, flu, headache, toothache, and sore muscles. Helps to
heal the heart and kidneys.

Psychic Powers, Healing

Protects, cleanses and clears the aura. Strengthens the life-force.
Encourages self-expression and creativity. Good for writers and actors.
Brings clarity to the mind and inner vision. Good for attracting prosperity.
Activates the throat chakra and acts as a tonic for all throat ailments.
Repells insects. Deoderizer.

Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism

Clary Sage
Calming relaxant. Brings well-being to the spirit. Contains a hormone-like
agent similar to estrogen that regulates hormonal balance. Relieves tired,
sore or injured muscles and menstrual cramping when used in massage.
Aphrodesiac. Antiseptic for oily skin and dandruff. *Not for use during
pregnancy. Do not drink alcohol or drive when under it's influence.

Burned as an incense, cloves attract riches, drive away hostile and negative
forces, produce spiritual vibrations, and purify the area. Cloves are burned
as an incense to stop others from gossiping about you. Worn or carried,
cloves attract the opposite sex and bring comfort to the bereaved. Evil
presences. Protects and cleanses the body and aura. Balances 2nd and 4th
chakras. Calming and
comforting to the emotions. Strengthens eyesight and protects one from
disease and infection. Very antiseptic, good for oral infections and
toothache pain. Assists with digestive, muscular, and bronchial ailments.

Add to love sachets and use in spells of peace and tranquility. The leaves,
when smoked, can cause visions.

Worn or carried, comfrey protects and ensures safety during travel. Also,
tuck some into your suitcases so that they aren't lost or stolen. The root
is also used in money spells


Lust, Luck

Damiana is used in lust infusions as well as lust spells. It is also burned
to produce visions.

To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a
dandelion. You will live as many years as there are seeds left on the head.
To tell the time: blow three times at the seed head. The number left is the
hour. The root, when dried, roasted and ground like coffee, is used to make
a tea. This infusion will promote psychic powers. This same tea, steaming
and placed beside the bed,will
call spirits. To send a message to a loved one, blow at the seed head in his
or her direction and visualize your message. Dandelion, buried in the
northwest corner of the house, brings favorable winds.

Dragon's Blood
Energizes and attracts inspiration and success. Protection. Virility,
strength and passion. Attraction of male energies. Purifies, "burns" out
illness and infection. Helps heal bones, teeth, blood disorders, and
reproductive organs.

Protection, Power

Enchinacea was used by Indians as an offering to spirit and strengthen

Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing

Worn, elecampane attracts love Sew up some of the leaves or flowers in pink
cloth, or make a sachet. It is also carried for protection, and the herb
smoldered on charcoal aids in sharpening psychic powers, particularly when

The leaves are used to stuff healing poppets and are carried to maintain
good health. To relieve colds, ring green candles with the leaves and pods
and burn them to the socket, visualizing the person (or yourself) as being
completely healthy. Also hang a small branch or twig of eucalyptus over the
sick bed. String the immature (green) pods on green thread and wear to help
heal sore throats. Placed beneath the pillow, the pods guard against colds.
The leaves are also carried for protection.

Evening Primrose
Rich in GLA, vitamins and minerals. Excellent for face and body massage,
especially to combat dry, skin and eczema. a nerve tonic, Hormonal balancer,
good for menstrual problems and for balancing the effects of menopause.

Grown around the home, fennel confers protection. Wearing a piece of fennel
in the left shoe will prevent wood ticks from biting your legs. Fennel is
also hung up at windows and doors to ward off evil spirits, and the seeds
can be carried for the same reason. Fennel is used in purification sachets,
as well as healing mixtures.

Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism

Hung from the neck, the figwort keeps the wearer healthy and protects
against the evil eye. The plant is also smoked over Midsummer fires and then
hung in the home for its protective powers.

A sacred, purifying scent used to cleanse the body, aura, and environment of
all negative influences. Promotes a meditative state. Sun energy. Opens the
crown chakra and has a healing affect on infections, and viruses.
Revitalizes dry and/or aging skin. Helps with asthma and bronchial

Garlic was once worn to guard against the plague. It is still used to absorb
diseases. Simply rub fresh, peeled cloves of garlic onto the afflicted part
of the body, then throw into running water An old spell utilized garlic in
protection against hepatitis. To do this, simply wear thirteen cloves of
garlic at the end of cord around the neck for thirteen days On the last day,
in the middle of the night, walk to a corner of an intersection of two
streets, remove the necklace throw it behind you and run home with out
looking back. Garlic is also extremely protective Sailors carry some while
on board ship to protect against its wreckage. Soldiers wore garlic as a
defense in the middle ages, virile Roman
soldiers ate it to give them courage. It is placed in the home to guard
against the intrusion of evil, to keep out robbers and thieves, and is hung
over the door to repel envious people. Garlic is especially protective in
new homes - Worn, garlic guards against foul weather (mountaineers wear it)
as well as monsters, and it also shields you from the blows of your enemies.
When evil spirits are about, bite
into garlic to send them away, or sprinkle powdered garlic on the floor (if
you don't mind smelling it for some time). Garlic is also placed beneath
children's pillows to protect them while asleep, and brides~£ once carried a
clove of garlic in the' pocket for good luck and to keep evil far from her
on her big day. Rubbed onto pots and pans before cooking in them garlic
removes negative vibrations
which might otherwise contaminate the food. When eaten, garlic acts as a
lust. inducer, and when a magnet or lodestone, is rubbed with garlic it
loses its magic& powers.

Balances the mind and body. Calms and stabilizes the emotions. Astringent,
Good healing oil for all skin types. Helps to relieve eczema and psoriasis.
Repels insects and negative thought forms and environments. Diuretic. Good
as a massage oil for cellulite.

Eating ginger before performing spells will lend them power, since you have
been 'heated up' by the ginger. It is especially true of love spells, in
which ginger is much-used. Whole ginger roots are planted an grown to
attract money, or the powdered root is sprinkled into pockets or on money
for this
purpose. Ginger is also used in success spell or to ensure the success of a
magickal operation. In the Pacific the Dobu islanden make much use of ginger
in their magic They chew it and spit it at the 'seat' of an illness to cure
it, and also spit chewed ginger at an oncoming storm, while at sea, to halt

The root is carried to attract love as well as to guard one's health, to
draw money, and to ensure sexual potency. Ginseng will also bring beauty to
all w carry it. Burn ginseng to ward off evil spirits and to break hexes and
curses. A tea of ginseng is used as a powerful lust-inducing drink, whether
alone or mixed with other like herbs. Hold a ginseng root in your hands,
visualize your wish
into the root, and throw it into running water. Or, carve your wish onto a
root and toss into the water. Ginseng can be a substitute for the mandrake

Gotu Kola
Use in meditation incenses. Burn small amount prior to (but not during)

Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money

Refreshing and uplifting. Brings renewed energy, "a second wind". Antiseptic
to the skin. Tones all bodily tissues and helps *erase* cellulite.

Psychic Powers, Protection

Hawthorn has long been used to increase fertility. Because of this power it
is incorporated into weddings, especially those performed in the spring. The
leaves, curiously enough, are also used to enforce or maintain chastity or
celibacy. The leaves are placed beneath the mattress or around the bedroom
for this purpose. Carried in a sachet on a fishing trip hawthorn ensures a
good catch, and
worn or carried it promotes happiness in the troubled, depressed, or sad.
Hawthorn protects against
lightning, and in the house in which it resides, no evil ghosts may enter.
It is also powerful for protecting against damage to the house from storms.
The Romans placed hawthorn in cradles to guard the child from evil spells.
In the past most Witch's gardens contained at least one hawthorn hedge. The
hawthorn is sacred to the fairies, and is part of the tree fairy triad of
Britain: 'Oak, Ash and Thorn,' and where all three trees grow together it is
said that one may see fairies.

Exorcism, Prophetic dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility

*POISON* Destroy Sexual Drives

Use for Healing

Lust, Love, Divination

Strengthens the mind and memory. Balancing to the right and left brain.
Awakens the crown and brow chakra's, bringing psychic awareness. Induced
prophetic dreams and assists one to let go of the past. Strengthens and
brings flexibility to the body. Helps heal sore throats, headaches and

Horehound is used in protective sachets, and is carried to guard against
sorcery and fascination. Horehound is also scattered as an exorcism herb.
Drink an infusion of the herb and it will clear your mind and promote quick
thinking, as well as strengthen the mental powers. Horehound, when mixed
with ash leaves and placed in a bowl of water, releases healing vibrations,
and should be placed in a sickroom.

Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking

Hyssop is the most widely used purification herb in magic. It is added to
baths in sachets, infused and sprinkled on objects or persons to cleanse
them, and hung up in the home to purge it of evil and negativity.

Purification, Wisdom

Irish Moss
Irish moss is carried or placed beneath rugs to increase luck and to ensure
a steady flow of money into the house or pockets of the person. Irish moss
is also carried while on trips for protection and safety, and is used to
stuff luck or money poppets. .

Good luck in love and wealth. Aphrodisiac. Alleviates depression, and
tension. Raises self esteem. Opens the heart chakra and stimulates clarity
of thought. Enables one to lucid dream, when it is used before sleeping.
Good for use during childbirth. Rejuvenates the skin when used in massage
and cosmetics. Beautiful fragrance when worn as a single note.

Used throughout Europe as a protective herb, Juniper also guards against
theft. It was probably one of the earliest incenses used by Mediterranean
Witches. Juniper hung at the door protects against evil forces and persons,
and it is burned in exorcism rites. A sprig of the plant protects its wearer
against accidents and attacks by wild animals. It also guards against ghosts
and sickness. Juniper is
added to love mixtures, and the berries are carried to increase male potency
When carried or burned, juniper helps the psychic powers and breaks hexes
and curses, and drives off snakes.

Juniper Berries
Protection from all negative influences. Transforms negative emotions into
positive. Purifies the aura and the subtle body. Diuretic action also
encourages "flow" in all areas of life. *Not for use during pregnancy.
Tonic, astringent, and antiseptic. Reduces swelling and relieves arthritis.
Good for dissolving fat and cellulite when used with massage. Is believed to
boost the immune system.

Ancient scent used for protection, relaxation, and healing. Good for
headaches, insomnia, pain, arthritis, and depression. Antiseptic and
astringent. Good for burns, insect bites, acne and eczema. Helps to reduce
scarring. Promotes hair growth. Activates the crown chakra. Ancients
believed it ensured fidelity.

Attracts joy and benevolent energies. Clears and stimulates the mind while
relaxing the muscles and relieving stress. Attunes to the third chakra.
Antibacterial and antiseptic. Good for oily skin conditions. Tonic to the
lymphatic and digestive system. Very good for dieters, when put in water,
and will help break up cellulite when used with massage. Bleaches hair and
fabrics. Conditions skin and nails. Dilute well when used on skin.

Lemongrass planted around the home and in the garden will repel snakes. It
is also used in some lust potions, as well as in an infusion to aid in
developing psychic powers.

Lemon Verbena
Purification, Love

Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep

Chewing on a licorice stick (the root, not a piece of candy) will make you
passionate. It is also a good practice to use while quitting smoking.
Licorice is added to love and lust sachets, carried to attract love, and
used in spells to ensure fidelity. Licorice sticks make useful wands.

Exorcism, Protection

To promote and assure Fidelity

A whole mandrake root, placed on the mantel in the home, will give the house
protection, fertility,and prosperity. Mandrake is also hung on the headboard
for protection during sleep, carried to at-tract love, and worn to prevent
contraction of illnesses. Where there is mandrake, demons cannot reside, and
so the root is used in exorcism. To 'activate' a dried mandrake root (i.e.,
to bring its powers out of hibernation), place it in some prominent location
in the house and leave it there
undisturbed for three days. Then place it in warm water and leave overnight.
Afterwards, the root is activated and may be used in any magical practice.
The water in which the root has bathed can be sprinkled at the windows and
doors of the house to protect it, or onto people to purify them. The
mandrake has also long served as a poppet in image magic, but its extreme
scarcity and high cost
usually forces the magician and Witch to look for substitutes; ash roots,
apples, the root of the briny, the American may-apple and many others have
been used. Money placed beside a mandrake root (especially silver coins) is
said to double, and the scent of the mandrake causes sleep

Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection

Long used for protection against lightning, disease, misfortune of every
kind, fires and so on, it is carried or placed in an appropriate spot for
these uses. The leaves and berries are used. Mistletoe is placed in cradles
to protect children from being stolen by fairies and replaced with
changelings. A ring carved of mistletoe wood will ward off sicknesses when
worn and the plant will cure fresh wounds quickly when carried (do not apply
to the wound). Mistletoe is also carried or worn for
good luck in hunting, and women carry the herb to aid in conception. It has
also been utilized in spells designed to capture that elusive state of
immortality, and to open locks. Laid near the bedroom door, mistletoe gives
restful sleep and beautiful dreams, as it does when placed beneath the
pillow or hung at the headboard. Kiss your love beneath mistletoe and you'll
stay in love. Burned,
mistletoe banishes evil. Wear it around your neck to attain invisibility.
Mistletoe is an all-purpose herb.

Awakens one to the psychic energies around and within them. Facilitates
astral travel and dream interpretation. Opens and purifies circulatory
channels. Strengthens the uterus and eases painful menstrual cramping.
Excellent for strengthening the life-force in the fetus. Some say *not for
use during pregnancy.

Mullein is worn to keep wild animals from you while hiking in untamed areas.
It also instills courage in the bearer, and a few leaves placed in the shoe
keeps one from catching a cold. Mullein is also carried to obtain love from
the opposite sex. Stuffed into a small pillow or placed beneath your pillow
mullein guard against nightmares In India, mullein is regarded as the most
potent safeguard against evil spirits and magic, and is hung over doors, in
windows, and carried in sachets. It is also used to banish demons and
negativity. In the Ozarks, men performed a simple love divination. The man
went to a clearing where a mullein grew and bent it down so that it pointed
toward his love's house.If she loved him the mullein would grow upright
again; if she loved another it would die. Graveyard dust-an infrequent
ingredient in spells-can be substituted with powdered mullein leaves.
At one time Witches and magicians used oil lamps to illuminate their spells
and rites, and the downy leaves and stems of the mullein often provided the

Stimulates the root and spleen chakras, arousing the reproductive organs and
instincts. Healing and cleansing to the heart, lungs, and blood. Encourages
self-esteem, and desirability. Can assist in transmuting sexual love into
higher emotion, and spiritual connection.

The Hindus used mustard seed to travel through the air. A more down-to-Earth
use is carrying mustard seed in a red cloth sachet to guard against colds
and to increase mental powers. Italian peasants sprinkle mustard seed on the
door sill for protective reasons, and mustard seed buried under your doorstep
will keep all manner of supernatural beings from your home. When eaten
mustard seed increases fertility in women.

Burned as an incense myrrh purifies the area, lifts the vibrations and
creates peace. However, it is rarely burned alone; usually in conjunction
with frankincense or other resins. Myrrh increases the power of any incense
to which it is added. Myrrh is also included in healing incenses and
sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate purify, and bless objects such
as amulets, talisman, charms, and magical tools. Myrrh aids meditation and
contemplation. It is often added to sachets, usually with frankincense.

Soothes, relaxes, and uplifts the spirit. Instills confidence. Excellent for
dry sensitive skin, scars and stretch marks. Aphrodisiac. Stimulates
circulation. Brings calm and relieves stress and tension. Good for calming
"butterflies" in the stomach.

The protective powers of the nettle have long been used in magic. To remove
a curse and send it back, stuff a poppet with nettle, or carry some in a
sachet. Also, sprinkle nettle around the house to keep evil out and to send
it back. Nettle is also thrown onto a fire to avert danger, held in the hand
to ward off ghosts, carried with yarrow to allay fear, and worn as an amulet
to keep negativity far away. A pot of freshly cut nettles placed beneath a
sickbed will aid in the person's  recovery. Nettle has sometimes been used
as a lust inducing herb, and contemporary Mexican spiritualists recommend
its use in purification baths because it is 'more carnivorous' than other
herbs, and so will work more efficient

Protection. Antiseptic, helps to heal cuts and wounds, infections, acne,
skin irritations and allergies. Bacterial viruses, Sore throats, and
respiratory problems. Good when used in a vaporizer or as a chest rub for
bronchial clearing.

Calms the mind and body therefore it is good for insomnia. Brings visions.
Attracts wealth and health. Good for the intestinal tract, and reproductive
organs. Is said to reverse impotency and hair loss. *Can be dangerous if
taken internally. As a seasoning is fine.

Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck

Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck

Peace of heart and mind. Assures fidelity in love and can attract a marriage
partner. Inspires fruitfulness and security in love, family and business.
Attracts money. Revitalizes all physical systems as well as the mind.

Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust

Purification on every level. Encourages emotional expression and the gentle
healing and restructuring of emotional memories. Attracts abundance and
happiness. through love and marriage. Tonic to the digestive system.
Antiseptic. Good for oily skin. Dilute well when used on the skin.

Aphrodisiac. Attracts love and romance. Good for treating acne and insect
bites. Helps relieve coughs, colds and bronchitis. Diuretic, said to ease
upset stomach and toothache. Whole pieces of the root have been used as
infants teething rings. The violet-like scent grows more beautiful with age.

Attracts Love. Regenerates the cellular body. Clears and "wakes up" the
mind. Powerful healer for skin conditions such as acne, eczema and dry aging
skin. Antiseptic. Helps to regulate the thyroid. Used to treat anorexia and
as a tonic for the entire system.

The papaya has long been used in magical rites. One of the simplest of these
is to tie a rag around a limb of a papaya tree while visualizing your need.
Hang several twigs of papaya wood over the doorsill; this will keep evil
from entering the house. Eat the fmit and serve to a loved one; it will
intensify feelings of love.

When eaten, parsley provokes lust and promotes fertility, but if you are in
love don't cut parsley you'll cut your love as well. Though the plant has
associations with death and is often regarded as evil, the Romans tucked a
sprig of parsley into their togas every morning for protection. It is also
placed on plates of food to guard it from contamination. Parsley is also
used in purification baths, and those to stop all misfortune. A wreath of
parsley worn on the head prevents (or delays)

Also a good diuretic. Helps to relieve urinary tract infection and kidney
problems. Rich in vitamin B and potassium. Good for gall bladder problems
and helping to expel gall stones. Excellent breath deoderant. Stimulates the
pituitary gland. Sedative, good for nervous conditions. Parsely has been
said to dry up mother's milk after birth.

Passion Flower
Contrary to its name, the passion flower is placed in the house to calm
problems and troubles, and to bring peace. Carried, it attracts friends and
great popularity. Placed below the pillow it aids in sleep.

Aphrodisiac, awakens fertility. Stimulates and balances the yin or feminine
aspects. Purifies and aligns the root, and spleen chakras. Attracts
prosperity Dispels negativity. Clears the complexion and helps heal other
skin conditions. Preserves youth.

The fruit, when eaten, induces love, and so a peach or peach pie served a
desired one may help to win his or her heart. Branches of the peach tree are
used to drive off evil spirits in China, and also to root out illnesses.
Children in China wear a peach pit suspended about the neck to keep demons
away. Carrying a bit of peach wood will increase one's life span and may
even lead to immortality. The Japanese use the peach to increase fertility,
and branches of the tree are utilized as divining and magical wands

The fruit, when eaten, induces love, and so a pear pie served a desired one
may help to win his or her heart.

Creates a shield of protection. Repels negativity. Energizes the body and
calms the mind and nerves. Diuretic. Good for colds and bronchitis. Eases
nausea and intestinal cramps. Fortifies the spleen and solar plexus chakras.
Used for ulcers, headache and fever. Tonic for the reproductive system. *Not
for use during pregnancy as it stimulates menstruation and uterine
contractions. Deodorant and
insecticide. Pepper  Protection, Exorcism

Peppermint has long been used in healing and purification spells. Its
presence raises the vibrations of an area. Smelled, it compels one toward
sleep, and placed beneath the pillow it sometimes offers one glimpses of the
future in dreams. It is rubbed against furniture, walls and floorboards to
cleanse them of evil and negativity. Pliny stated that peppermint excites
love, and so can be added to this
type of mixture.

Uplifting, relieves stress and anxiety. Cleanses and rejuvenates and the
spirit. Brings clarity to the mind. Helps to relieve insomnia. Good for
healthy hair. Antiseptic and tonic. Deodorizing and insecticidal. Good for
sunburn and itchy skin.

Cleansing and rejuvenating. Fresh starts. Inspires positive, enthusiastic
feelings. Good for colds, bronchitis, and asthma. Antiseptic and
deodorizing. Repels insects. Brings harmony to the home.

Luck, Money, Chastity

Image Magic, Healing

Prickly Ash
Use the fruits of the prickly ash as a perfume to attract love.

The brambles (branches) of red raspberry are hung up at doors and windows
for protection. This is also done when a death has occurred, so that flu
spirit won't reenter the house once it has left. Raspberry is served as a
love inducing food, and the leaves are carried by pregnant women to
alleviate the pain of pregnancy and childbirth.

Wear a piece of rhubarb root around the neck on a string to protect against
pains in the stomach. Rhubarb pie served to a mate helps to maintain his or
her fidelity.

Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money

Attracts love, confidence and healing to the heart. Activates yin or
feminine energies. Calms emotions and brings understanding. Protects
secrets. Christ consciousness. Soothes and heals female reproductive organs.
Help to heal sore throats and cold sores. Very good for rejuvenating the
skin. Awakens sensuality.

Rosemary, when burned, emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations,
and so is smouldered to rid a place of negativity, especially prior to
performing magic. It is one of the oldest incenses. When placed beneath the
pillow rosemary ensures a good sleep and drives away nightmares. Laid under
the bed it protects the sleeper from all harm. Rosemary is also hung on the
porch and door-posts to
keep thieves from the house and is carried to remain healthy. Placed in the
bath it purifies. A chaplet of rosemary, worn, aids the memory, while the
wood, smelled often, preserves youthfulness. To ensure the latter add a
rosemary infusion to the bath water. Rosemary has long been used in love and
lust incenses and other mixtures, and healing poppets are stuffed with
rosemary to take advantage of
its curative vibrations. Rosemary infusion is used to wash the hands before
healing work, and the leaves mixed with juniper berries are burned in
sickrooms to promote healing. If you wish to receive knowledge or the answer
to a question, burn rosemary on charcoal and smell its smoke  Rosemary is
also grown to attract elves, and the powdered leaves wrapped in linen cloth
and bound to the right arm dispel depression and make the emotions light and
merry. Rosemary is generally used as a substitute for frankincense.

Sage has been utilized to ensure a long life-sometimes even immortality.
This is done by eating some of the plant every day, or at least in May, for:
Sage is carried to promote wisdom, He who would live for aye Must eat sage
in May, and the leaves are used in countless healing and money spells.
Attracts well-being and prosperity. Brings what is needed. To guard yourself
against contracting the
dreaded evil eye wear a small horn filled with sage. There are a few curious
gardening tips concerning sage: first, it is bad luck to plant sage in your
own garden; I stranger should be found to do the work. Second, a full bed of
sage brings ill I so ensure that some other plant shares plot Incidentally,
toads love sage.

Permeates the environment and creates a barrier of protection while
neutralizing the existing negativity. Sacred to Native Americans as a
"smudging" herb.  Astringent. Helps heal skin eruptions. Good for sores,
bacterial infections, bronchitis, rheumatism, arthritis, catarrh, sprains
and aching muscles. Helpful for relieving depression, anxiety and
exhaustion. Calms the digestion and eases
menstrual cramping. *Not for use during pregnancy.

Aligns all chakras, allowing healing energy to flow through and out. Sedates
and relaxes. Good for meditation, healing, and manifestation practices.
Aphrodisiac. Awakens sacred sensuality. Facilitates concentration.
Considered to bestow holy protection. Regenerates dry/aging hair and skin.

Sarsaparilla is mixed with cinnamon and sandalwood powder and sprinkled
around the premises to draw money. It is also utilized in love spells.

Money, Lust

Spearmint is used in all healing applications, especially in aiding lung
diseases. Smelled, spearmint increases and sharpens mental powers. For
protection while asleep.  Cooling stimulant. Restores energy and balance to
the system. strengthens the nerves and muscles. As a tea, spearmint calms a
nervous stomach rapidly. Deodorant and insect repellant. Relieves insomnia.
Antiseptic. Helps headaches, fever, indigestion, Intestinal cramps, colic
and hemorrhoids. Helps to alleviate depression.

Strawberries are served as a love food, and the leaves are carried for luck.
Pregnant women may wish to carry a small packet of strawberry leaves to ease
their pregnancy pains.

Sugar Cane
Love, Lust

Purification. Awakens joy, and dissolves negativity. Antiseptic and
antispasmodic. assists in lymph drainage. Balances dry scalp and dandruff
conditions while moisturizing hair and skin. Sedative and tonic.

Tea Tree
Nature's antiseptic. Good for use on wounds, burns, insect bites, scratches,
rashes, and herpes. Relieves itch and kills germs. Good for dandruff,
athlete's foot, acne, ringworm, candida and warts. Antifungal and
antiviral. Good as an airborne disinfectant.

Protection. Prevents fatigue, stimulates the appetite, relieves
gastrointestinal disorders, colic and rheumatism. Anesthetic action can help
toothaches. Calms nervous stomach. Antioxidant and anti-fungal. Enhances and
protects health and well-being. Can stimulate menstruation when taken
internally in large quantities so, *Not for therapeutic use during pregnancy.

Courage and confidence. Helps insomnia and depression. Brings calm and
balance to the 6th and 7th chakras. Accelerates the healing process and
strengthens the immune system. Antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic. Very
good for lung ailments, viruses and infections. Brings relief for bladder
infections. Revives the liver and circulatory system. Regulates digestion
and eases indigestion.
Disinfectant and insect repellent. *Not for use during pregnancy or in cases
of high blood pressure.

Healing, Purification

"The Mistress of the Night", awakens erotic feelings, and attracts romance.
Enhances the capacity for emotional depth. Brings peace to the mind and
heart. Opens the crown chakra and assists in psychic development. Attracts
inspiration. Tonic for the reproductive system as well as the heart and mind

Uva Ursa
Add to sachets designed to increase psychic powers.

Love, Lust, Mental Powers

Protection. Attracts prosperity, love and feelings of security. Awakens
sensuality and repels negativity. Stimulates circulation and helps relieve
arthritis and joint pain. Relaxing. Said to help  lower blood pressure.
Luck, Money, Anti-Theft

When the flowers are carried they offer protection against serpents and
bring changes in luck and fortune. Mixed with lavender, they are a powerful
Jove stimulant and also arouse lust. If you gather the first Violet in the
season, the dearest wish will be granted Ancient Greeks wore the violet to
calm tempers and to induce sleep.

Willow leaves are carried or used in mixtures to attract love, and the wood
is used to fashion magical wands dedicated to Moon Magic. If you wish to
know if you will be married in the new year, on New Year's Eve throw your
shoe or boot into a willow tree. If it doesn't catch and stay in the
branches the first time, you have eight more tries. If you succeed in
trapping your shoe in the tree you will be wed within 12 months-but you'll
also have to shake or climb the tree to retrieve your shoe. All parts of the
willow guard against evil and can be carried or placed in the home for this
purpose. Knock on a willow tree ('knock on wood') to avert evil. The leaves,
bark and wood of the willow are also utilized in healing spells. If you wish
to conjure spirits, mix crushed willow bark with sandalwood and burn at the
waning Moon outdoors. Magical brooms, especially Witch' brooms, are
traditionally bound with willow branch.

Attracts love and calm, self confidence. Courage. Soothing to the heart.
Said to stimulate hair growth, when used as shampoo. Alleviates dandruff.
Astringent and anti-inflammatory. Helps to stop internal and external
bleeding (helps blood to thicken). Assists in healing persistent wounds and
infections. Brings healing to all mucous membranes. Calms digestive tract.
Good for bringing rapid recovery from the flu. Relieves toothache.

Yerba Mate
To perform any love spells. Enhances fidelity and Lust

Yerba Santa
Yerba santa is carried to improve or to attain beauty, and the infusion is
added to baths for the same reason. The leaves are added to healing incenses
and are worn around the neck to ward off illnesses and wounds. It is also
carried for spiritual strength, to increase psychic powers and to protect
the bearer.

Ylang Ylang
Aphrodisiac. Promotes calm, peaceful relaxation. Relieves anxiety and
depression. Good for insomnia and meditation. Tones and awakens the sex
center. Lowers blood pressure. Restores skin and hair to a natural, balanced
state of health.

A hoop or loop of twisted yucca fibers will trans-mutate a person into an
animal if he or she jumps through it, according to American Indian magic.
An-other method instructs the magician to place a small wreath of yucca
fibers on his or her head. This allows the person to assume any form
desired.A cross of yucca fibers twisted together and placed on the hearth
protects the house from evil. Suds made from the yucca plant are used in
purifying the body before magic. If a spell to remove curses or illnesses is
performed, repeat the yucca-suds bath afterward to ensure that all traces of
the evil or sicknesses are removed.


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